Well if people were not so obsessed with race they would understand that America is a giving a complete pass to the brilliant coup. We call This the first clearly African and American President. And sure he is getting some. He is suppose to. WE elected him. The People's Clear Choice.
So, is it an obsession or are we trying to stamp out this stupid, inferior thinking of all races.
So, not obsession when we see someone calling him a black booted thug.
There was a guy just convicted, because he shot up a car. Why? He did not like Thug Music. Now, don't try to tell us that is not a racial slur. It doesn't fly. Same with boot black.
It doesn't fly. So who is so obsessed they think nothing is going on? Who is it that wants to say it is all over, but talks and acts like it ain't over?
Obesssed with race? Good one.
And when we get to the Homie bs. condescension, and the fake smiles....same thing.
So, I'm not obsessed, I'm fed up enough to lash out.
This is a great accomplishment for America. Yet, you and others are taking a shit on it, in not so veiled, race hate terms. And you think you hide that in Partisan politics, business as usual. See?
Well, you asked.