Here we go..

One good meal a day is how i live. I might grab a snack every now and then but one fairly balanced American sized meal is all I need.
I feel you. I do calisthenics, and if I have eaten that morning or lunch (I train at 3) I feel like I have a thousand lead dicks hanging from a vest. Generally eat in a window from 5-9pm and couldn't feel any better.

I've got lupus/Ra and it has also dramatically dropped my inflammatory markers as well.
I feel you. I do calisthenics, and if I have eaten that morning or lunch (I train at 3) I feel like I have a thousand lead dicks hanging from a vest. Generally eat in a window from 5-9pm and couldn't feel any better.

I've got lupus/Ra and it has also dramatically dropped my inflammatory markers as well.
Why do you know what a thousand lead dicks feels like? :rolleyes:
What do you reckon our timeframe for a pornhub release will be?

23 Tuesdays from next week. We're projecting 100 billion views in the first 23 mins and several more to come. But Peta just called and they are seriously concerned about that chicken. I told them it was rubber and they said rubber chicken lives matter. So we might already be canceled