Here you go, quick grab a front seat in the new theatre of war, the start of the American invasion of Iran.
Do you remember the old WOMD con job, well here is the new version of the old lie through your teeth con job, to get people to support America,s illegal war on Iran.
Hiring assassins? Yeh right.
This new version of con the worlds dummies game, is about as convincing as the WOMD caper, but its good enough for the dummies, they will swallow it hook line and sinker, and the Yanks and Israel will real them all in.
Hang tight guys The America/Israel war has just kicked off, i wouldnt expect too much action just yet, buy it wont be long now.
America is going in, GUARENTEED. Joe, i am a Zionists/anti Goyite Biden is stiring the smelly brown stuff. Is Biden a Zionist? Too right he is and has publicly stated so, check it out here below.
Do you remember the old WOMD con job, well here is the new version of the old lie through your teeth con job, to get people to support America,s illegal war on Iran.
Hiring assassins? Yeh right.
This new version of con the worlds dummies game, is about as convincing as the WOMD caper, but its good enough for the dummies, they will swallow it hook line and sinker, and the Yanks and Israel will real them all in.
Hang tight guys The America/Israel war has just kicked off, i wouldnt expect too much action just yet, buy it wont be long now.
America is going in, GUARENTEED. Joe, i am a Zionists/anti Goyite Biden is stiring the smelly brown stuff. Is Biden a Zionist? Too right he is and has publicly stated so, check it out here below.
'It's an act of war': U.S. vows action over bizarre Iranian plot to hire Mexican drugs cartel to kill Saudi ambassador in D.C. restaurant blast
- Plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador on U.S. soil by bombing restaurant in Washington DC followed by blasts at Saudi and Israeli embassies
- VP Joe Biden says 'nothing has been taken off the table' as U.S. decides possible sanctions and military action
- Says the consequences for Iran will be 'serious'
- Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee calls plot 'an act of war'
- Key Iranian official who 'coordinated the attack' is terrorist linked to deaths of five U.S. soldiers in Iraq
- 'Somebody in Iran will have to pay the price': Saudi prince issues warning