Here we go


Active Member
Here you go, quick grab a front seat in the new theatre of war, the start of the American invasion of Iran.

Do you remember the old WOMD con job, well here is the new version of the old lie through your teeth con job, to get people to support America,s illegal war on Iran.

Hiring assassins? Yeh right.

This new version of con the worlds dummies game, is about as convincing as the WOMD caper, but its good enough for the dummies, they will swallow it hook line and sinker, and the Yanks and Israel will real them all in.

Hang tight guys The America/Israel war has just kicked off, i wouldn’t expect too much action just yet, buy it wont be long now.

America is going in, GUARENTEED. Joe, i am a Zionists/anti Goyite Biden is stiring the smelly brown stuff. Is Biden a Zionist? Too right he is and has publicly stated so, check it out here below.

'It's an act of war': U.S. vows action over bizarre Iranian plot to hire Mexican drugs cartel to kill Saudi ambassador in D.C. restaurant blast

  • Plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador on U.S. soil by bombing restaurant in Washington DC followed by blasts at Saudi and Israeli embassies
  • VP Joe Biden says 'nothing has been taken off the table' as U.S. decides possible sanctions and military action
  • Says the consequences for Iran will be 'serious'
  • Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee calls plot 'an act of war'
  • Key Iranian official who 'coordinated the attack' is terrorist linked to deaths of five U.S. soldiers in Iraq
  • 'Somebody in Iran will have to pay the price': Saudi prince issues warning
They are so scared that Iran will soon have the "Bomb", they will make up any excuse to preempt its creation.

Just how is it that every plot already has a FBI undercover agent running the show. Ever notice? EVERY SINGLE PLOT already involved the FBI from the very beginning, this smells.

What this really tells us is that the Mexican Drug Cartels are infiltrated by undercover FBI agents already. Either that or the Cartels are just FBI covers.
They are so scared that Iran will soon have the "Bomb", they will make up any excuse to preempt its creation.

Just how is it that every plot already has a FBI undercover agent running the show. Ever notice? EVERY SINGLE PLOT already involved the FBI from the very beginning, this smells.

What this really tells us is that the Mexican Drug Cartels are infiltrated by undercover FBI agents already. Either that or the Cartels are just FBI covers.
I'm starting to wonder if were using the cartels to either take over Mexico or create instability within Mexico or create an excuse for us to get involved and ultimatly unite with Mexico and open the boarders-
Did anyone else hear the speech they gave yesterday on the terror plot- he said boarders don't matter.
I'm starting to wonder if were using the cartels to either take over Mexico or create instability within Mexico or create an excuse for us to get involved and ultimatly unite with Mexico and open the boarders-
Did anyone else hear the speech they gave yesterday on the terror plot- he said boarders don't matter.

Video @ 15;05
I'm starting to wonder if were using the cartels to either take over Mexico or create instability within Mexico or create an excuse for us to get involved and ultimately unite with Mexico and open the boarders-
Did anyone else hear the speech Holder gave yesterday on the terror plot- he said boarders don't matter

America is already taking over Mexico and Canada, that,s happening right now. And the new coinage for the new country is to be the Amero. just as they have done with Europe and its coinage, the Euro. America will continue to gain control of the rest of the southern countries in the continent, until they have united all of the countries, again, just as they have done in Europe. They will continue until they have all five continents tied to together under a one world government, just as they say the will on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

One things for sure. when they issue the new currency, you guys will have to hand over your Dollars in exchange for the Amero and i guarantee you, that you will take a real financial hiding on the exchange rate.
I'm starting to wonder if were using the cartels to either take over Mexico or create instability within Mexico or create an excuse for us to get involved and ultimatly unite with Mexico and open the boarders-
Did anyone else hear the speech they gave yesterday on the terror plot- he said boarders don't matter.

Do you remember the Oliver North case? If you dont know of the case. google the name and and read the results, you will see that America has been a drug runner for decades.
WTF the expert says that Iran has killed more Americans than any other country. LMFAO wow is that a giant lie, guy discredits himself in the first 10 seconds.

Would I be correct in assuming the USA has killed more Americans than any other country?
I just had an interesting thought on this...
The guy they caught was sopposedly looking to pay someone to do this stuff-
Isn't it interesting that when these people were looking for bad people who would do something like this they went to the DEA- who were operating in Mexico
I wonder how they knew eachother and what would make them think these were the people who would do this type of thing...
I'm starting to wonder if were using the cartels to either take over Mexico or create instability within Mexico or create an excuse for us to get involved and ultimatly unite with Mexico and open the boarders-
Did anyone else hear the speech they gave yesterday on the terror plot- he said boarders don't matter.

If Mexico is instable they will beg for American military assistance. We're destroying the country to our south so that we can have greater "national security" by having non monitored military presence to do what the fuck we want in Mexico. Strengthen the borders my ass... checkpoints only exist to catch Americans who have drugs.
If Mexico is instable they will beg for American military assistance. We're destroying the country to our south so that we can have greater "national security" by having non monitored military presence to do what the fuck we want in Mexico. Strengthen the borders my ass... checkpoints only exist to catch Americans who have drugs.

And the boarder security is to keep us from escaping when shit gets bad and people want to leave