I was trimming my third generation of Northern Lights from my perpetual grow and started finding a few seeds. Checking my fourth generation, which is at five weeks, I find that they have been pollenated too. Seeds popping out everywhere! I searched every inch and can't find any sign of a male flower. I figure a plant went hermaphrodite, spread pollen and then the male flower(s) died off, most likley on a plant thats already been harvested (I had some serious stress issues with generation 2). I've quarintined the pollenated plants in case I'm missing something, I don't want to screw up another generation. But the question is, should I harvest the immature buds now or go ahead and finish them? Will I just be fattening up the seeds that are there or will I get more growth? What do I do with the 5th and 6th generation clones that all decended from the original Nirvana feminized seed? Can they be trusted?