Hermies! Seeds! What Next?


I was trimming my third generation of Northern Lights from my perpetual grow and started finding a few seeds. Checking my fourth generation, which is at five weeks, I find that they have been pollenated too. Seeds popping out everywhere! I searched every inch and can't find any sign of a male flower. I figure a plant went hermaphrodite, spread pollen and then the male flower(s) died off, most likley on a plant thats already been harvested (I had some serious stress issues with generation 2). I've quarintined the pollenated plants in case I'm missing something, I don't want to screw up another generation. But the question is, should I harvest the immature buds now or go ahead and finish them? Will I just be fattening up the seeds that are there or will I get more growth? What do I do with the 5th and 6th generation clones that all decended from the original Nirvana feminized seed? Can they be trusted?


Well-Known Member
i'll give you my 2 cents - let it ripen out
seeded weed can have a different feel than seedless, different cannabinoid ratios i would guess
bud quality is good, but you will take a hit on the quantity, most of the plant's energy will go to ripening the seeds


Thats the way I'm leaning. I chopped one and the buds were so thin I don't have the heart to cut anymore.


Anybody try Dutch Masters Reverse this late (5 weeks) into flowering? Will it slow the already developing seeds?


Well-Known Member
i haven't tried the DM product, but read on it some, things have gone too far for it to be much use
unless you have other plants you're worried about
if it's any consolation, i have seen a few posts of grows where the seeded bud was preferred to unseeded
the one i remember was a Mandala Hashberry, the guy who grew it said he liked the seeded version and didn't like the unseeded(quality wise)


I have other clones from the same lineage so I'm going to give the DM a try on those, even tho I think they should be ok. I think it was more of an enviromental/ medium problem as opposed to bad genetics. I could be wrong but I REALLY stressed some plants and didn't watch closely for any hermies, noob mistake!


Well-Known Member
well, good luck, but i get suspicious about the 'stress' hermie - i know they're possible
but from limited experience and reading, i suspect most hermies are doomed to happen from the get go, it's in the genetics and will probably happen
interesting when you mention 4th generation, guessing that's clone cycle - clone genetics aren't supposed to change but seems odd that a clone that hadn't hermied before suddenly develops that trait
unless you really did stress them bad


yeah I mean clone cycle, didn't know the proper terminology. When I think about it, I did find one single seed a while back in an earlier cycle, wrote it off as a stray grain of pollen from outside or some other fluke. It may have even come from the plant I used for a mother before she got too big. It should have made me look closer, Wow am I an idiot!


Well-Known Member
yeah I mean clone cycle, didn't know the proper terminology. When I think about it, I did find one single seed a while back in an earlier cycle, wrote it off as a stray grain of pollen from outside or some other fluke. It may have even come from the plant I used for a mother before she got too big. It should have made me look closer, Wow am I an idiot!
i don't know what the proper terminology is either, just kind of made that up
but the story makes sense, it probably was always touchy genetics, but understandable - 1 seed isn't a disaster