Hey Guys Im New Help me Out :)



So basiclly Im new haha

This is what im working with as of now.

I germinated my seeds in a sponge in my closet and they sprouted ( white root from seed? )

Then I transfered them into basic potting soil ( not sure ph and all that kind of stuff )

all 3 of them have sprouted the 2 round leaves and 2 spiked

Above the soil there about 1 inch tall

Now heres m concerns. My lights.

ALright. So right this second im doing 24 hours a day 1 1/2 - 2 inches away from them. But!!!! I only have a 16w florescent bulb. I think its called a cfl ( its twisty or whatever )

Now.. What do I do from here??

Just keep it on 24 hours a day and move it as it grows?

How long is the vegi cycle like this? Do I need more lights / better?

Help please with any and all info!

I only want to grow 1 plant. Just to learn before I get to be a pro like you guys.

Thanks a million.

ALso If you live in huntington beach and can cruise over or meet up to help that would be cool too. Im new here and want to learn and meet new friends as well as other growers.

Thanks guys!

-Remain Humble


Well-Known Member

Doesnt anyone read the sticky threads on the top of the forum any more.

Start at the top of the newbie central forum and begin with the how to grow MJ thread.

the minimum you need for 1 plant is 7200lumens.

Look for enough lighting to allow this amount of lumens for your plant.

You may find that you need around 10 of those 16w CFL's that you have now.

And for gods sake please go do some reading.



Well-Known Member
Your little light is ok for now but your gonna need more lumens I.E. bigger more powerful light, how long in veg is up to you most plants double in size so you dont want to veg to high all depends on what head room you got as it's your 1st grow just keep it simple.


Eventually sooner rather than latter your gona need a lot more light. About 5 or 6 more depending on how big your gona grow it.
And depends how big you want to grow it as to how long you veg it. the longer you veg it the bigger the yeld youl get.
After my plants wer about 2'' tall i switched my lights to 20/4 it worked well for me. within 3 weeks thay were 15'' tall and now there in flowering.(BTW mine are pure sativas which grow quiet fast )
Im a noob to but this has worked well for me.


Cool dude thanks. Like I have probably 3 feet by 3 feet of grow room. But I have a shoe box that I filled with foil like the sides to bounce light. I cut a hole in the top and have the light inside the box. The plants are in small pots and just doing there thing I guess. Now you knoe what I have maybe a picture would Help. lol!

Now How long should I let the light I have on them now go for? 24 hours a day 2 inches from the plant? ( water when completely dry )
Like 2-3-4 weeks? I dont get that part.

Im not looking to yield crazy ammounts. Just whatever it comes out with. Like I said Im not trying to get nuts on the first try. Just trying to read and listen to what you guys say, Build and buy the things I need and do the trial and error thing.

If pictures help let me know.

Also I have aim or something if you guys have time to sit and chat with me. Thanks a million! and hey. If you live close and m crop goes good. You can come over for a tester or something :)

Thanks again guys


Well-Known Member
Trial and error will result in monumental errors and plant death.

You need to read as much as you can. Watch videos on google. Read some grow journals here on RIU

Read about the following things

Lighting spectrum for various stages of growth.
Ph ranges that plants work best at.
Temps and Relative humidity
Air exchanges to keep them healthy.

You should water when the plants need water its a simple as that. The hard part is telling when they need water.

If you are growing in soil then dependant on the soil you have chosen will depend when to feed them. Some soils have more nutrients in them than others some soils have no nutrients in them (soiless)

Dude you really need to begin reading now if you want any type of smoke at the end of your growing.

Without Research and knowledge you wont make it through an entire grow.


Trial and error will cost you money. Whereas a little research will result in a harvest.

Just start reading and once you have read a few threads on here related to the stage you are at then come back with some questions.

All of your questions can be answered if you only read some more information first.



@ j

Alright man take it easy. I am readying. But thanks for the advice. I will do some reading them come back with one question at a time or something. thanks anyways..


Well-Known Member
@ j

Alright man take it easy. I am readying. But thanks for the advice. I will do some reading them come back with one question at a time or something. thanks anyways..
Sorry bro i get really narky with people that ask the very basic questions as it usually shows they havent done any reading.

I do nothing but read and pass on relavant information.

If you are prepared to put the work in i will help you out wherever i can.

Sorry for being so harsh to begin with bro.

Its kinda like tough love to make people begin reading.

Start with the HOW TO GROW MARAJUANA thread in the sticky section of the newbie central forum.

If you want any specific questions answered feel free to PM me with your queries and you will see that i will help.

Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of growing MJ.


P.s You'll see me chill out a little now that you are reading!


Personally i beleve that plants need a dark period as that get in nature so ild put them on a 20/4 or 18/6 cycle now but thats just my personal thorts on it every1s different.
watering with 1/2 or even 1/4 strenth nutes every other day just make sure u dont over water or over fert.
I only use 1 type of nutes its called grozilla-for veg and budzilla for flowering but i think you can only get these in new zealand. Its a hydro nuet but works well on a soil growing meddium. And i spray mine with a fine mist 2-3 x a day. not sure about waiting for it to completly dry out i just make sure thay get it regularley.
My rooms about the same size as yours hight wise i got about 4 foot of vertical grow space so i put mine into flower when thay got to 15'' tall


Sorry bro i get really narky with people that ask the very basic questions as it usually shows they havent done any reading.

I do nothing but read and pass on relavant information.

If you are prepared to put the work in i will help you out wherever i can.

Sorry for being so harsh to begin with bro.

Its kinda like tough love to make people begin reading.

Start with the HOW TO GROW MARAJUANA thread in the sticky section of the newbie central forum.

If you want any specific questions answered feel free to PM me with your queries and you will see that i will help.

Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of growing MJ.


P.s You'll see me chill out a little now that you are reading!
No worries dude thanks a punch , Not sure what a pm is btw , haha.
Im going to take a few pics right now just to show you what I have.
Just as a ref as well. The bag of soil im using just says potting soil. Theres nothing in it at all.
But thats ok for just the stage im in right? ( Im sure what you told me to read will answer that for me.



Well-Known Member
something else which reading will also tell you is that you should try to use a sterile soil wherever you can.

PM - private message



something else which reading will also tell you is that you should try to use a sterile soil wherever you can.

PM - private message

yeah I baked the soil in the oven before using.

Now I dont have any nutes or anything So im going to need to go buy beter soil.

Now my buddy has a homeade hydo set up with the bump and everything needed including nutes. So im thinking of getting that and then just starting with a clone.

But thats later on.

AS for this Im good to go for now I think. Just need to get some nutes for the vegie stage.

Now im going to let it get 12' - 15' tall before I start the flowering stage.

Heres a few questions. That i cant really find reading.

#1. Can I use this 14w bulb for the whole veggie stage
#2. When im done with the vegie stage can I use 1 50w cfl for the whole flowering stage
#3. If im only growing 1 plant is the humidity and everything really a big deal?
#4. Do I need a fans during the whole process ) baby vegie - final product )

Thanks so much j love ya bro , do you have aim or any other instant prog?
Let me know thanks!


Well-Known Member
#1. Can I use this 14w bulb for the whole veggie stage NO you will need at least 10 of those lamps in order to grow just 1 plant

#2. When im done with the vegie stage can I use 1 50w cfl for the whole flowering stage NO you will need around 4-6 of those for 1 plant

#3. If im only growing 1 plant is the humidity and everything really a big deal? YES humidity and temps are always your main concern. Too hot and the plant will stunt too much Humidity and you risk powdery mildew or other fungal diseases

#4. Do I need a fans during the whole process ) baby vegie - final product ) Personally i say YES i have 2 oscilating fans in my grow room.

Sorry bro i dont use MSN or Yahoo msgr etc.



#1. Can I use this 14w bulb for the whole veggie stage NO you will need at least 10 of those lamps in order to grow just 1 plant

#2. When im done with the vegie stage can I use 1 50w cfl for the whole flowering stage NO you will need around 4-6 of those for 1 plant

#3. If im only growing 1 plant is the humidity and everything really a big deal? YES humidity and temps are always your main concern. Too hot and the plant will stunt too much Humidity and you risk powdery mildew or other fungal diseases

#4. Do I need a fans during the whole process ) baby vegie - final product ) Personally i say YES i have 2 oscilating fans in my grow room.

Sorry bro i dont use MSN or Yahoo msgr etc.

See now where getting somewhere :)
You are good.

Alright as seen in the picture.

#1. What bulb / type / watt should I go buy to switch. cause obv I need to do it like now ( I want 1 bulb to use during the whole vegie stage )
#2. WHen that bulb is no longer needed ( flower stage ) what new bulb will I need then
#3. For the stage im in now What Nutes Fert should I use ( Vegie state ) sold in walmart / usa
#4. What soil nutes should/ do I buyt for when the plant is ready for the flowering stage.
Thanks j


Well-Known Member
also do you want to be able to use your equipment that i help you with to grow more plants in the future?

If so how many plants would you like to be able to grow?



also do you want to be able to use your equipment that i help you with to grow more plants in the future?

If so how many plants would you like to be able to grow?

Well yeah I mean I will never go bigger then 2-3plants at a time. basiclly I want to get good at just one then apply that and have good yields and crops all year round.
Im just using this for personal smoke.
Never looking to go big at all. Just want to have a small hobby that doesnt take to much time and effort and have some fairly good crop to smoke. :)