Hey yall should check out this dual spect grow room!!!!!!!

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New Member

Ohh why not.. Just a couple pics this is with some of my moms plants literally. I am trying to play god have three different lights that come through out the day at different times" oh by the way this is a veg room for now" It is powered by a 600 watt hps lumintek ballast and a 400 metal hadlide. about to add one more 400 dual spect ballast. but in the morning blue lights , in a couple more hours a little heat, the in about four hour it hits high about 82, for about a hour then the hps turns off a hour later the mh turns off for a down time with just 45 watt shoplight 12 x 4ft bulbs

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Well-Known Member
Poor baby is fucked....Theres so many horribly placed light sources she doesnt even know what to do.

You need to put the lights OVER the plant.... You really only need 1 till you decide to flower.



Well-Known Member
ya man, excessive amounts of light for such a poor poor "mother". And like another poster said, the placement of them all is pretty awful. Plus the room is exposed and no walls. Theres a lot i, and many others, could say about this room. But if you want to improve it....start with making a room! Then a seperate room for a mother, with your floro over it, or 1 MH for the entire veg room


Well-Known Member
Its not the space, its the the lights. If you had the lights directly over the plant it would do better. They are also way to far away from the plant, she grew that massive stalk to get towards the light. The side lighting isnt helping either, your just making a fire hazard.

Do you even have drainage holes in that bucket? the roots are probably starving for oxygen

Man put 1 of the lights about 16-18inches OVER the plant, A new one(plant) would be a good idea. Then you can use the extra lights when you want to flower, or grow more plants.

Although I must say that other plant, not sure what it is, she is doing quite nicely. Just goes to show how specific the conditions need to be for proper marijuana growth.

Good luck



Well-Known Member
all those lights would veg me 100 clones :)

maybe he's just finish'd a grow, and well need to reset all things :)


Well-Known Member
I hope so. I just hope there isnt really people out there doing horrible things like that to sweet, innocent marijuana plants on Purpose, lol. :cuss:



Well-Known Member
im never a hater but holy fuck dude.. i would be embarrased to show those pics.. except the hanging rubber plant.lol.. im not sure what you want us to say.. i cant give you the thumbs up cause it doesnt seem like your caring for your plants... clean it up and alittle more tlc and you might actually have a surviving plant sometime in the distant distant future. Want to see a proper full spectrum flowering plant check out my grow..


Well-Known Member
i bet he just harvest.. u can see a stem sticking out.. prob reveggin the bottom half of a plant.. and well aint looking good but oh well :D

am i correct ?


Well-Known Member
It seems like too much of a disaster in there to have been a crop, the stock on that plant looks like shes been stretching for a while.


Well-Known Member
Wow... I'm definitely not one to talk shit about someone, but GOD DAMM! This is one of the worst grows I've ever seen. Absolutely shameful. If you think you're doing a good job with that plant, please get yourself into rehab and start taking steps to reclaim your life. Maybe a new hobby. I suggest Sea Monkeys.


Well-Known Member
Imagine how embarrassed you would be if you had that setup and plant. Even worse... what if that was your plant and you got raided by the bacon, and they showed you on the news getting busted growing that!
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