HHP's 10K HPA Build Thread!

We are just using lettuce and basil as test applications because its an easy test subject. The system was designed for applications such as growing Nocotiana Benthamiana for manufacturing recombinant protiens used in cancer treatments, commercial medical cannanbis and other high value plant species. Don't assume we did all this just to grow lettuce.

Gen two testing starting soon :)


how many micromoles per meter2 per second of PAR radiation are you getting with those leds?
i hope you problems dont apply to me then

also do you have any experiance with Air atomized aero. im thinking with aa you going to have alot better rootball penetration as the mist is blown into the rootball
You will not have any better results. Question is how exactly will one mist be better than the rest in penetration the root ball? Never going to happen. As soon as you get those pretty fuzzy roots that's all you will get the plant shuts down growing up top and the roots are screaming feed me. HPA is not and will never be meant for MJ.. Roots are to big been there done that. Have you ever seen pics of a successful HPA grow? Lots of pictures of roots but the plant looks like crap and produce less fact. Spend your money on a iwaki 30 or 70 rz pump depending on how many sprayers you want get a chiller and some 3 way valves and do a recirculating system. Just remember everyone who has done hpa blame there nozzles for there crappie grow and think I need to get more expensive nozzles last I looked they are saying 200 buxs per nozzle to make it work lol. Misery loves company... One last thing I was running my misters at 150 psi and still could not penetrate root mass. Anything higher and you will be damaging your roots. Also i was running 32 solenoid valves using 25 gallon containers. Wish you all the best.
i have not seen a successful hpa grow but i have seen several successful AA grows, look up g loves grows on uk420. he had successful grows with no root ball core rotting. according to his posts aa doesnt have any of the problems you spoke of. i also have about 4 months of Air atomizing experiance of my own. i did not grow cannabis and the roots didnt get huge. let me tell you though aa really blows the roots around, i bet your problems wont carry over to aa with small plants (SOG). anyways i will get back to you in about 4 months with a verdict on my first run

thanks for the info and sharing your experiances with hpa. im building a 27gallon hpa cloner and will try growing a few plants full term in it to see if my results are the same as yours.
Spend your money on a iwaki 30 or 70 rz pump depending on how many sprayers you want get a chiller and some 3 way valves and do a recirculating system. .

i think if it came down to that i would just stick to drain to waste coco coir.
i have not seen a successful hpa grow but i have seen several successful AA grows, look up g loves grows on uk420. he had successful grows with no root ball core rotting. according to his posts aa doesnt have any of the problems you spoke of. i also have about 4 months of Air atomizing experiance of my own. i did not grow cannabis and the roots didnt get huge. let me tell you though aa really blows the roots around, i bet you problems wont carry over to aa with small plants (SOG). anyways i will get back to you in about 4 months with a verdict on my first run

thanks for the info and sharing your experiances with hpa. im building a 27gallon hpa cloner and will try growing a few plants full term in it to see if my results are the same as yours
Would be interested in your results like I mentioned the wall comes around day 45-60
Question is how exactly will one mist be better than the rest in penetration the root ball? Never going to happen.

Here`s a second of AA mist at 30psi, it will penetrate a root ball without causing any damage. Its nothing like the mist you get from a hydraulic at 150psi.

yeah the things you pointed out about hpa definitly dont work for AA

AA blasts the mist threw the root bundles. heres my video. dont look at the plants or roots look at the mist.20psi air 1psi gravity fed water. skip to the end if you like

HPA is not and will never be meant for MJ.. Roots are to big been there done that. Have you ever seen pics of a successful HPA grow?

You just need to have proper room for the roots to grow and proper nozzle location. If you place the nozzles pointing up into the roots, the roots fan out more giving better penetration. You also need a deeper root chamber, at least 24". For Cannabis, you'd simply have two levels of nozzles for maximum coverage.

This isn't cannabis, but the same theroy would apply.

You will not have any better results. Question is how exactly will one mist be better than the rest in penetration the root ball? Never going to happen. As soon as you get those pretty fuzzy roots that's all you will get the plant shuts down growing up top and the roots are screaming feed me. HPA is not and will never be meant for MJ.. Roots are to big been there done that. Have you ever seen pics of a successful HPA grow? Lots of pictures of roots but the plant looks like crap and produce less fact. Spend your money on a iwaki 30 or 70 rz pump depending on how many sprayers you want get a chiller and some 3 way valves and do a recirculating system. Just remember everyone who has done hpa blame there nozzles for there crappie grow and think I need to get more expensive nozzles last I looked they are saying 200 buxs per nozzle to make it work lol. Misery loves company... One last thing I was running my misters at 150 psi and still could not penetrate root mass. Anything higher and you will be damaging your roots. Also i was running 32 solenoid valves using 25 gallon containers. Wish you all the best.

hey hammer ive got to retract what i said. i was thinking and i did see a successful hpa grow. it was in the tricky 2011 thread. i cant remember their screen name but they grew SOG, in multiple rubbermaids and used red teffen cloudtops. he showed pictures of what he was doing and claimed he broke the 1.0 gram per watt mark. i think that is success

EDIT heres the thread

but they grew SOG, in multiple rubbermaids and used red teffen cloudtops.

Now imagine something like what we've been working on with a root chamber double the volume and having two levels of manifolds. That's going to be our commercial SOG system.

64 cubic foot 48"X96"X24". From 32 -110 plants.


Our tooling...

Throw enough nozzles at it and you`ll be in LPA root territory. No penetration issues at that point cos the roots will head straight for the floor, pile up and form a mat,
You will not have any better results. Question is how exactly will one mist be better than the rest in penetration the root ball? Never going to happen. As soon as you get those pretty fuzzy roots that's all you will get the plant shuts down growing up top and the roots are screaming feed me. HPA is not and will never be meant for MJ.. Roots are to big been there done that. Have you ever seen pics of a successful HPA grow? Lots of pictures of roots but the plant looks like crap and produce less fact. Spend your money on a iwaki 30 or 70 rz pump depending on how many sprayers you want get a chiller and some 3 way valves and do a recirculating system. Just remember everyone who has done hpa blame there nozzles for there crappie grow and think I need to get more expensive nozzles last I looked they are saying 200 buxs per nozzle to make it work lol. Misery loves company... One last thing I was running my misters at 150 psi and still could not penetrate root mass. Anything higher and you will be damaging your roots. Also i was running 32 solenoid valves using 25 gallon containers. Wish you all the best.

I think this is the big conundrum with HPA, and even AA. So many have tried and failed, myself included. Especially when trying for long veg times. You have to get everything right. I have yet to prove it, but overwatering in the beginning, I think is the key. Get the tap roots to shoot down, provided you've given them adequate room to do so, and work the fuzz from the bottom. Tree farmer says that if your roots are growing into a ball, you're doing something wrong. Perhaps too fine of mist, not sure. It's made me so crazy I needed a break from it. Was really hoping that this shit would be common knowledge by now, and anybody who's anybody could do it, lol. Good luck sir!
I think this is the big conundrum with HPA, and even AA. So many have tried and failed, myself included. Especially when trying for long veg times.

Maybe that's the mistake people are making. If your growing large plants, you'll have a large root system to deal with. I would think with a proper SOG you wouldn't need a long veg time.

Btw.. were going to start R&D with Stevia. Just ordered the plants to start our clones from. Premium grade ground Stevia is selling for as much as $15 an oz.
Throw enough nozzles at it and you`ll be in LPA root territory. No penetration issues at that point cos the roots will head straight for the floor, pile up and form a mat,

Timming and alternating solenoid firing. They don't all have to go off at the same time.
Looks like gravity doesnt figure in your plans. The lower roots will get mist from both upper and lower nozzle sets whatever happens. Excess water from the top portion of roots will make its way down to the lower roots so they`ll always be wetter than the top.
Looks like gravity doesnt figure in your plans.

I'm starting to notice a trend here. It doesn't matter what we do, you always seem to think it's a bad idea or have some negative comment.

The lower roots will get mist from both upper and lower nozzle sets whatever happens. Excess water from the top portion of roots will make its way down to the lower roots so they`ll always be wetter than the top.

I'm glad to hear you've already conducted this R&D, maybe we will have better luck.
wow i havent posted on this stuff in so long and yet it seems like the same stuff is still happening now as was a year ago. i do stop by and read the threads now and then and it is sad that people arent getting any results. the guy who says no one has ever grown a large plant is just plain wrong. i have and the pis are still over at the farm to view. mikes post "It's made me so crazy I needed a break from it" made me laugh so hard. the advice i gave on the subject before is still there to read but ill sum it up briefly again. keep the nozzles low to start with so the roots go straight down to the bottom of the container(have a steep slope on the floor to prevent any pooling) then once the roots hit the bottom lift the nozzles up some and face them a bit outward towards the edge of the container, repeat the lifting of the nozzles slowly so as not to create a ball on the center root mass. once the nozzles are at the top of the container the roots will try to go where the nozzles are and will begin growing up the side of the container towards the nozzles. you cant have a 90 degree sharp corner or the roots will be forced to pile up on the floor. Many ways to achieve this use your imagination. mike is right in that it doesnt hurt to keep them on the wetside with the nozzles low as the point is to get them to go down not out. Ive tried nozzles that arent impingment type and have not had any good luck maybe someone will but i never did. The impingment throws the mist which in my opinion is whats needed. also i dont have any hard numbers on flows and mist droplet sizes as i think that only AA or expensive hydraulic nozzles are even close to the true specs and even my AA nozzles never seemed to match the rated specs. one thing i do know is that the bios worked but the quality control was crap. the fine kinky roots above arent what id be looking for from the start in healthy HP setup. ( i mean no disrespect to whoever they are it seems everyones look like that) i think to fine a mist does that but thats just a guess. i also used long pause times something i never hear anyone doing. also the bios will get things wet but they worked. i dont know all the numbers but i do know with a little trial and error its not that hard. just dont be afraid to keep things wet as long as the roots arent browning its easy to corerct. oh well im done yapping.