Hi ..... Get rid of your guns

It was easy with incarceration..lol. I mean it was there ( a lot) but I didn't want to use anymore (12years) or deal with the bullshit. Whole new ballgame in the joint .. Way way higher stakes
Why the FUCK can't I use my account on someone else's phone. You all are sayin some drunk ass shit in here and while, I can't participate. Apparently unlimited isn't unlimited. Some my phones slow as hell and can't up date shit. So using said persons phone I really could access my account But couldn't do shit. Like, reply, upload. So I went to logging in on my phone, and as soon as I got on I was already on toke n talk. Which I just log off from said persons phone.... My question, is it possible to sink in with someone else's phone only a few feet away.. The more curious thing is while that phone was log off and on my lap, it got really warm fast the second I logged off of it and on to mine. Y'all follow?
jeez ppl
a gun is simple to make ......zip guns
take away my fancy store gun ......i can still make a something just need the cartridges

hell give me some shotgun shells and i can make shaped charges for u ....give me some heart nitro pills and i make u tnt
jeez ppl
a gun is simple to make ......zip guns
take away my fancy store gun ......i can still make a something just need the cartridges

hell give me some shotgun shells and i can make shaped charges for u ....give me some heart nitro pills and i make u tnt
Want my therapists number?

You need her more than I ever could.

Honestly seek medical help. I have said this before. You honestly need it and I am pretty againat wverything.

Honest when I am saying you need help you juat might need it. It ia ok tho I am off thecharts unstable.
#2 appears to be anti harm prevention.

Kids never drink drano. Ps kids isopropyl. Ohol is ok to drink. Take it from your non molesting uncle it will revert in your liver very similar. Much haraher but being mIny you have no liver to die for.

Honeat I havedrank like 15 500ml bottles and I am still kicking back bottlea making the girls scream.

Cant deny ol af charm in adark alleyway of man hester

No you can not
Want my therapists number?

You need her more than I ever could.

Honestly seek medical help. I have said this before. You honestly need it and I am pretty againat wverything.

Honest when I am saying you need help you juat might need it. It ia ok tho I am off thecharts unstable.

no the last one i made quit her job plus the ones before her
ppl like that have their own issues that is why they become doctors .....if u can figure them out u can use them to make the ppl go away

what did i say that was wrong
zip gun
shape charges
tnt with nitro pills and distilled water little gun powder littl saw dust
i am a American .....i know how to make things out of other things ....i actually rem my chemistry classes (shop class i actually listened instead of make a knife or a bong)

i know the laws aslong as i do not want to hurt ppl or myself not a god damn thing they can do .......then i can go to japan and copy robin williams and they will pay on the insurance for it out there