Will She crawl out from under the Trump Bus before it is too late to become a SCOTUS ever?

That's the first time I've seen the frowny crease in Kirshner's forehead. He seems pretty hot about Cannon's shenanigans. I hope he's right about the Trump appointees on the appellate court "laughing off" Cannon's ruling and throwing it out. Still, though, no doubt Trump will appeal this to the SCOTUS. delay, delay, delay, while US agents lives may be in danger and the DOJ is prevented from determining who might be at risk.
He has been caught red-handed engaging in serious felonies that would have any of the rest of us behind bars awaiting trial.
Election fraud
Fomenting insurrection
Perjury on a galactic scale
Installing corrupt judges
(and a whole raft of lesser charges that would land an average mortal in prison for decades).

I scoffed at his boast that he could shoot someone in daylight on Fifth Avenue and not be prosecuted. Now I am not scoffing.

What would be sufficient cause to have him perp-walked on camera and put into custody as a national security risk?

The very rule of law is on trial and not doing so well.

(and don’t get me started on pirate CEOs and bankers.)
Our system is built upon judicial discretion. As long as they discreetly get appointed they will not so discreetly defend the appointee.

And equal protection with judicial determination or choice to prosecute and or punish? Mandatory sentencing with habitual offender life mandates for 3 peat petty criminals. And zero application of laws for offenders violating thousands and millions to the point of torture and suffering.

She will not crawl out. She will go sit on her bench and erroneously rule as we pay her.
That's the first time I've seen the frowny crease in Kirshner's forehead. He seems pretty hot about Cannon's shenanigans. I hope he's right about the Trump appointees on the appellate court "laughing off" Cannon's ruling and throwing it out. Still, though, no doubt Trump will appeal this to the SCOTUS. delay, delay, delay, while US agents lives may be in danger and the DOJ is prevented from determining who might be at risk.

"You got that right!"

I am seeing that the Top levels of our society are somehow immune to their own effects.
"Nice work if you can get it."

The rest of us rot in cells because we don't have bail money after being arrested for J-Walking.
Looks like Judge Dearie has issued his first order for both parties to appear on Tuesday.
Also it looks like DOJ has appealed to the 11th circuit for a partial Stay related to classified documents that Judge Cannon denied with her statement that she didn't believe there were classified documents in the documents recovered from Mar-A-Largo.
Justice Dept. asks appeals court to restore access to Trump raid documents
The Justice Department has asked a federal appeals court to lift a judge’s order blocking criminal investigators from accessing about 100 documents with national security classification markings recovered from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago compound last month.

In a filing with the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta Friday night, prosecutors said the government is facing irreparable harm as a result of U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling putting the potentially classified records off-limits to the investigative team until an outside expert conducts a review of them and considers Trump’s objections to their seizure.

“The court’s order hamstrings that investigation and places the FBI and Department of Justice … under a Damoclean threat of contempt,” DOJ lawyers said in their 29-page filing, adding, “It also irreparably harms the government by enjoining critical steps of an ongoing criminal investigation and needlessly compelling disclosure of highly sensitive records, including to [Trump’s] counsel.”

The Justice Department’s widely expected escalation of the legal fight came one day after the Trump-appointed judge rebuffed prosecutors’ request for a stay that would essentially carve out the national security-related records — some bearing markings such as “Top Secret/SCI” — from the outside oversight Trump’s legal team requested.

The filing was an unsparing rejection of Cannon’s handling of the entire matter, saying it has jeopardized national security, is based on flimsy or baseless interpretations of executive privilege and could enable further obstruction of efforts to recover additional missing documents.
“The government’s need to proceed apace is heightened where, as here, it has reason to believe that obstructive acts may impede its investigation,” prosecutors wrote.

Though Cannon purported to permit the FBI to take certain steps in its criminal investigation, DOJ said her guidance was so sparse that it left the FBI “to discern that line for themselves on pain of contempt should the court later disagree with their judgments — a threat that will inevitably chill their legitimate activities.”

The inability of federal prosecutors to advance their criminal probe has complicated separate efforts by the intelligence community to assess the harm that may have been caused by their improper storage in Trump’s unsecured storage room, prosecutors say, contending that the criminal investigation is inextricably tied to the national security review.

And prosecutors suggested that the restrictions on the FBI’s criminal work would prevent investigators from determining what may have once resided in dozens of empty folders, also bearing classification marks, found among Trump’s belongings.
“The injunction also appears to bar the FBI and DOJ from further reviewing the records to discern any patterns in the types of records that were retained, which could lead to identification of other records still missing,” prosecutors indicated in the filing....

The commentary I have watched today suggests that Judge Cannon has violated the Separation of Powers by declaring that there are no classified documents.
The government branch that determines that is the Executive branch not the Judicial branch.
The current Executive is Joe Biden not Donald Trump.

Now my opinion is that she knows exactly what she did and is showing her absolute loyalty to Donald Trump with a keen eye towards a SCOTUS appointment if Republicans get another opportunity to put a justice on the Supreme Court.

EDIT Typos and spelling:
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The commentary I have watched today suggests that Judge Cannon has violated the Separation of Powers by declaring that there are no classified documents.
The government branch that determines that is the Executive branch not the Judicial branch.
The current Executive is Joe Biden not Donald Trump.

Now my opinion is that she knows exactly what she did and is showing her absolute loyality to Donald Trump with a keen eye for tpwards her SCOTUS appointment if Republicans get another opportunity to put a justice on the Supreme Court.
It's typical of MAGA Republicans isn't it? In all things, they proclaim fundamentalist principles and then just do what they want when their principles would constrain them.
It's typical of MAGA Republicans isn't it? In all things, they proclaim fundamentalist principles and then just do what they want when their principles would constrain them.

Look at the Duck.. Look at the Squirrel.. Just don't look at what they are doing.
Who are you going to believe your lying eyes or MAGA?
Oh you are so right.
Power is all they care about and people are asleep and supposed to be against being "Woke" as well right?
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Talk about fast!

The 11th Circuit has already (9/18/22) ruled that the Trump Team MUST respond by Tuesday on the Government's request to have a partial Stay over the classified documents taken from Mar-A-Largo.

Way cool that Judge Cannon is on a fast track to be overruled.
I'm wondering just how Trump is going to have it both ways with the 11th Circuit appeal. Did he declassify and will he say these classified documents are his personal property?

My source is MeidasTouch
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Talk about fast!

The 11th Circuit has already (9/18/22) ruled that the Trump Team MUST respond by Tuesday on the Government's request to have a partial Stay over the classified documents taken from Mar-A-Largo.

Way cool that Judge Cannon is on a fast track to be overruled.
I'm wondering just how Trump is going to have it both ways with the 11th Circuit appeal. Did he declassify and will he say these classified documents are his personal property?

My source is MeidasTouch

It's what he's been saying- 'his power is absolute and will not be questioned'..someone needed to remind him though, he's no longer president.
It's what he's been saying- 'his power is absolute and will not be questioned'..someone needed to remind him though, he's no longer president.

If only someone will break the Ice and Indict him on Something.. Anything..
All these investigations mean nothing if they don't indict.
I hope once someone has the balls to be the first to charge him officially that the rest will have the courage to follow.
DENIED! Trump-Appointed Judge Says Trump Must Pay FULL Cost of Mar-a-Lago Special Master Review

But there was one ray of sunshine for the Justice Department:

Plaintiff shall bear 100% of the professional fees and expenses of the Special Master and any professionals, support staff, and expert consultants engaged at the Special Master’s request.

The procedures for establishing and paying the Special Master’s compensation and expenses shall be determined in a later order.

Within ten (10) calendar days following the date of this Order, the Special Master and counsel for the parties shall confer on this issue, and the Special Master shall submit a proposal for the Court’s approval as to the procedures for paying the Special Master’s compensation and expenses.

Cannon did not specifically rule out payment of the costs in horseflesh.

So perhaps this Judge realizes that she has already played her last "Trump Card" and from here on out will need to watch out for her own caboose?
No, just a way to show she is impartial (hah!). Will not come out of his pocket but from the graft he is doing.

Unless the investigation into his PAC finds he swindled people.
Then he will have to actually pay $3,000,000.00 out of his own pocket for his lawyer because he will lose all that money.
Damn just how many investigations does he have?
Dear Diary,

I know how it works. I've been there, should be there, it's my position, not his. Biden is using the DOJ against me. I did nothing wrong. I will pay them all back 10 fold when I'm restored.

Pisses me off I had to use $3 M of my PAC money just for 1 lawyer. He should be paying me for having such a high profile case. What an honor! Ingrate, I'll get you back later. Need to get the MAGA to restore the $ 3 M first though. God are they stupid and ultra MAGA means ultra stupid. I almost feel guilty it's so easy. It has to make you laugh. On the bright side I own another record regarding a financial sum and I get another rally.

Gonna need some TV lawyers too. I'll need them to bash the FEC if they try enforcing shit. They can bash the SEC too. I'm gonna get rid of the Securities and Exchange Commission when I get back. I will be Commander-in-Chief so I can command anybody and everybody. That's what that means! Gonna get new generals too. Putin's mistake was not watching how much of a cut his generals took.

Damn Nunes is a fuck up! I should have 300 million followers by now and another $100 M in Deutsche Bank. How can you attack the FBI and DOJ without followers? Moron. Need to pay some prostitutes to pee on his head while he's apologizing and calling me Sir President. Be really cool to watch Ivanka do it.

Can't believe what a mess people have gotten me into. Screw ups. I'm still the best though. The greatest people have the greatest problems. My base will save me. F turtle face and those chickenshit RINOs.

Donald J. Trump #45

It should be obvious I have little to do except scan YouTube all day and night. I'm guilty.

So the latest is a Hoot!

Apparently Trump's legal team has already provided a response to the request of Judge Dearie, the Special Master Trump requested, that basically says " yes your honor we know you asked us if the documents were declassified but we don't want you to ask us that at this time. We are saving that for a motion of some sort, in some time in the future for our defense if we are charged."

Okay this is very very rich. OMG is another term that gets close to it as well.
Why ask for a special master in the first place?

Now I depend on what I see and read so I am not a Special Master of what is what and I do not see any PDF of Trump's filing online yet. I am simply watching the MeidasTouch update.

So I did mention previously that Trump likes it both ways. I believe this is a "Dearie in the headlights" moment for Trump who is looking at an indictment. It must be causing leaks into his underwear.

One thing I understand about Judge Dearie is that he is actually a very experienced judge. He is qualified and other than being a Republican appointment that Trump might have hoped would play pool he seems to have done his duty to our Nation with honor all these years.
Perhaps Trump hopes Judge Dearie will play pool and be in the pocket with Judge Cannon. After all Special Master is just delay right?
It sure sounds like the Trump team wants Judge Dearie to simply feel the silly putty of their case and not actually make any shape with it. They want judge Cannon to have that job of molding the outcome.

I also made a Gay Joke a few posts back about Trump wanting to be both a Top and a Bottom (I learned that from the show Shameless) well boys, girls and whatever you want to be, it looks like it is a legal version of just that to me.
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Trump's legal team has submitted an objection to the 11th circuit asking that the 11th circuit not allow the Government to have access to the 100 classified documents and thus allowing them to continue investigating just what Donald Trump has done to our national security.
I'm sure Trump isn't hiding anything ... HA!

On a personal note : I do wonder where all those documents that were in those classified jackets went!
Perhaps there is a reason that his Son in Law got $2,000,000,000 when he was clearly not qualified to run an investment corporation being a real estate guy.