Will She crawl out from under the Trump Bus before it is too late to become a SCOTUS ever?

He may not feel shame, that would mean he would feel his actions were wrong. I bet he does feel embarrassment, embarrassed at being a loser. He takes his losses and has them eat him up internally.

It would make sense that he would fight like hell to not fall short of what his Father expected of him.
I agree from watching him at the end of his term that it was clear to me that the USA was not important only he was.
Here is a tidbit I find really funny. Always Don the Con.

          • A new court filing showed the two sides disagree over who should pay for the special master.
          • The government said that Trump, "as the party requesting the special master," should bear the cost.
        • Former President Donald Trump wants the government to split the cost of a special master, but the Department of Justice thinks he should foot the bill.

Trump's team proposed "to split evenly the professional fees and expenses of the Special Master and any professionals, support staff, and expert consultants engaged at the Master's request."

But the Justice Department, which had already begun reviewing the seized materials and does not want a special master appointed, disagreed.

"The Government's position is that, as the party requesting the special master, Plaintiff should bear the additional expense of the Special Master's work," the filing said.
I am waiting for all my "guys" to report in today on what Trump responded with in Court today but so far it seems Trump is saying he owns all the Government documents and therefore no one can look at them.

Unless I missed something all Government documents declassified or not cannot be removed from the Government under the Presidential Records act to say the least.
Also there is the potential charges of
What laws may Trump have broken?
The warrant gave prosecutors the right to seize records containing evidence in violation of three federal laws, 18 USC 793, 2071 and 1519.

I am hoping this is the time Trump gets his proverbial "Dick" Knocked in the dirt.
Hey all!

I was waiting to hear what

Glenn Kirschner
Had to say from his wonderful YouTube channel.

So it looks to me, to be, that Trump wants it both ways. He wants the benefit of the suggestion he declassified all the Classified documents without absolutely stating he declassified those same Classified Documents. Because he couldn't do that to our national security documents such as Nuclear Secrets and the identities and methods of our most sensitive data collection assets around the world.
Yes we can say Donald Trump is both a "TOP" and a "Bottom" at the same time.
It's like getting busted with two girl friends and both of them find out about each other. You try to tell each of them what is so special about each of them and how important that is to you that you can keep the relationships exactly the way you have them even if they now know what a lying cheat you are but, is that going to fly?

All of this is not unexpected from Donald Trump however, this thread is not about Donald Trump it is about what Judge Aileen Cannon will do.
Will she stand in front of the Donald Trump bus and let it run her over or will she grant the Government's request to let the investigation continue by excluding the national security classified documents from Special Master review while the rest of the documents can be reviewed by a special master.

Tic Toc my friends. Will she be on the side of the United States of America or will she stand with the MAGA against the security of the United States of America?

Watch this Space!
Two Strikes for Trump on Special Master picks.

Dearie is not actually retired so there is a conflict there and the other guy "Huck" is not qualified at all.

I get the idea that Trump is trying to run his own defense by pushing his lawyers around because Trump believes he knows better. He knows more than any Lawyer that ever lived or ever will live right!?

So both Trump picks are shot down unless Dearie is somehow given a waiver from his conflict of interests.
It is a bit of a shock but the DOJ says they are okay with the Trump pick for Special Master Judge Dearie.
Now that I have had some exposure to who Judge Dearie has been I think I understand how the DOJ can be accepting of Dearie.

Judge Dearie is 78 years old. He has served in trials of old school Mobsters and the ilk so he is experienced with people doing MAFIA type stuff.

It is still U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon’s decision as to who she wants to pick. She can pick one of the four suggested or pick whoever she wants. So far I have not seen any news about what she is going to do.
Hey all!

What is happening here?!

I cannot say it any better than having you watch this YouTube Video.

I get why the DOJ agreed with Dearie as the Special Master now. They are stepping over the pile of "Delay" shit Trump wast trying to play.
We all know Trump keeps on filing motions to delay and delay and delay. There is no surprise there.

So We should get a ruling by September 15 which is tomorrow as I type.
So will the Judge ignore everything and toss her self respect as a justice on the rotting pile of corpses who gave their reputations in defense of Donald Trump?

Why do people do this?
Are people so desperate to have someone tell them how to live their lives that they sell their proverbial soul to Donald Trump who like the mythological Devil enjoys watching them burn in the Hell he created?
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It's Noon here in Illinois and all I know from Judge Aileen Cannon who was supposed to rule today is that she is not saying anything.

I had believed that this is a binary choice. Judge Aileen Cannon would either rule to allow a Special Master that doesn't allow any exceptions for the DOJ to continue it's investigation or Judge Aileen Cannon would voluntarily resend part of her ruling and allow the DOJ to continue it's investigation.
I wasn't thinking that there was a third option for Judge Aileen Cannon and that option is to hide.

Imagine being a Trumpie that owes her appointment to the Federal Court directly to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. Now here comes the one time to show absolute fidelity to the cause and rule in favor of Trump BUT Woah Watch Out Judge Aileen Cannon, if you tell the DOJ to pack sand they will go over your head and to a three Judge panel to get you overruled and there is a better than not chance that will limit your credibility as a Federal Judge for the rest of your career Judge Aileen Cannon.

So the proverbial third rail here is to simply hide and let the DOJ appeal things tomorrow Friday the 16th to the Eleventh Circuit.
That way Judge Aileen Cannon can just stand in the pile of political poop she has created for herself and hopefully everyone will move on and all of this will fade away.

So there is is friends. Judge Aileen Cannon has until tomorrow to respond to the "Big Boys" aka "The Department of Justice" because they are not playing Trump's games and Judge Aileen Cannon is but a junior Federal judge who is showing exactly what her inexperience at actually being a Federal Judge looks like.

So there it is. DOJ will wait no more for Trumpies playing games even if it is a Federal Judge appointed by Donald Trump.
It's Noon here in Illinois and all I know from Judge Aileen Cannon who was supposed to rule today is that she is not saying anything.

I had believed that this is a binary choice. Judge Aileen Cannon would either rule to allow a Special Master that doesn't allow any exceptions for the DOJ to continue it's investigation or Judge Aileen Cannon would voluntarily resend part of her ruling and allow the DOJ to continue it's investigation.
I wasn't thinking that there was a third option for Judge Aileen Cannon and that option is to hide.

Imagine being a Trumpie that owes her appointment to the Federal Court directly to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. Now here comes the one time to show absolute fidelity to the cause and rule in favor of Trump BUT Woah Watch Out Judge Aileen Cannon, if you tell the DOJ to pack sand they will go over your head and to a three Judge panel to get you overruled and there is a better than not chance that will limit your credibility as a Federal Judge for the rest of your career Judge Aileen Cannon.

So the proverbial third rail here is to simply hide and let the DOJ appeal things tomorrow Friday the 16th to the Eleventh Circuit.
That way Judge Aileen Cannon can just stand in the pile of political poop she has created for herself and hopefully everyone will move on and all of this will fade away.

So there is is friends. Judge Aileen Cannon has until tomorrow to respond to the "Big Boys" aka "The Department of Justice" because they are not playing Trump's games and Judge Aileen Cannon is but a junior Federal judge who is showing exactly what her inexperience at actually being a Federal Judge looks like.

So there it is. DOJ will wait no more for Trumpies playing games even if it is a Federal Judge appointed by Donald Trump.
"You are only being mean because she is a woman."
Am I?
How about holding a Federal Judge to a high standard?

This is about protecting the United States of America. What does Gender have to do with it?

Oh oh... I get it:

It is in all of our best interests to insist on high standards for the conduct of not only an inexperienced Federal Judge deciding major issues that effect National Security but for all Justices.

Professional career

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