Whats going on guys? I need some help and if anyone of you could give me some advice, it would be greatly appreciated. I am currently on probation, because a yr ago, I was charge with small possession of marijuana. I know, ridiculous. I still smoked, but always stopped at least a wk before I knew I was going to get tested by my probation officer, so I could clean my system. It's been working fine for the past 10 months, and I've always pass my drug tests. A week ago, I pulled something on my back from working out. I have no health insurance, so my mom gave me a pill that was prescribed to her for pain. Fast forward a few days later, I went into my PO's office for the usual drug screen, my test came back positive for Opioid and Benzo. Now I've been ordered to turn myself in until I see the judge in a few wk, unless I have a prescription for whats been found in my system. Words cant even began to express how I am feeling right now. I damn sure don't wanna go to jail. I could loose my job and everything. I've done research online, and found out that there are plenty of over the counter medicine, and even some of the food that we eat can cause a positive result for opioid.
Give it to me straight please. Has anyone been in this situation? And were you able to get out of this without going to jail? if so, how did you do it?
Give it to me straight please. Has anyone been in this situation? And were you able to get out of this without going to jail? if so, how did you do it?