HID Light Burn? Over Nuet? Leaf tips curling down, yellowing!?!


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow! Today I went to check on my plants after watering yesterday and noticed some of my plants (most) of them had there leaf tips curling downward. I was shocked and am still scared of what is going on. Here is where I am... after reading up on the problems and what they may be in my Jorge Cervantes grow bible and online I have concluded that it may be one of these things.

1. Light burn caused by the light being to close to the sop of my plant. I noticed that most of leaf curling is towards the top of the plant. Or they curl worst towards the top. The leafs towards the bottow are just yellowing on tip, kinda crunchier, and curling down. Hopefully you can see in the pictures I provided.

2. Neutreint over feed! As I said this is my first grow. That means it's my first time testing the neutreint amounts and what not. I use fox farm grow big. I started feeding as it directed. I started with the lowest amount. (The directions: 1 teaspoon per gallon every feeding.) I seen yellowing on the tips of some leafs and to me it seemed to be a nitrogen diffecency. I then upped the amount given (yesterday) and this is what I seen today.

3. It could be a combo of the two...?

Let me know what you think. I got no one to ask in person so my best hope is on here. I use fox farm ocean forest soil. It drains very well and i always get plenty of run off when I water. I read that if you over feed your plants that it may not be necessary to flush if you have soil that drains well, as I do. Is this true??? I would love to not have to flush because I have around 20 plants! It would be a ton of work, but if it is needed I will do. They are my girls! PLEASE HELP!



Well-Known Member
For some reason... with the lower leaves yellowing it makes me think N diff, so not over neut but heat stress. The temp at the soil is usually from 75-80 something degrees(THE SOIL ISNT THAT WARM, THE BASE OF THE PLANT AT THE SOIL IS WHERE MY TEMP IS TAKEN), so I imagine the top of the plant being closer to the light is probably a bit hotter. I moved the light up like I said previously, so we will see in the morning when the lights comes on. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR THE PLANT TO SHOW RECOVERY FROM THE HEAT STRESS FROM THE LIGHT? Like how long tell the leaves straighten out?



Well-Known Member
Come on!!! I gave a bunch of info. I need some advice. 50 views not one comment? My posts on this site never get input. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME INPUT!


Well-Known Member
An excess of N will cause your leaves to curl down like that, and heat stress will do it as well. Because your lower leaves are drying up around the edges, I would guess that it is and excess of N.

Flush your medium, and raise your lights, and see if you can get your temps down. You want to take your temp reading at canopy level, not the soil level. You can have like a 10degree difference from the bottom to the top of the cab.

Also, plants can stand the warm air, they just can't take the radiant heat from the bulb. If the bulb was too close to the plants, it will cause heat stress like this. Usually when the air temps are too high, you see the edges of the leaves turning up slightly.

Once the plants go back to normal, then lower the lights to where they were and you can see if it was heat stress causing it. If the plants don't curl again, you know if was the nutes. If the plants do curl again, you will know it was the lights and you can up the nute dose again.


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much, I think they got to much N. Do you think I have to flush or can I just use straight water the next few times I water? Like I said I have around 20 plants and to flush the ones that need it would take a lot. I fill up jugs of water and let them sit for a couple days, so I don't even have enough water for all them. What you think? Any more advice?


Well-Known Member
If you think its too much N, I would definetly do at least a light flush. I don't know if you have terrible water or what, but I just mix my nutes and water the same day I fill the res.
Also, if threre is not enough ventilation, the plants will do this as well. They need plenty of fresh air coming in. If I turn my fan off in my veg cab for too long, they begin to curl like that. You might just try blowing a fan right on them. If you are already doing this, then I would flush.


Well-Known Member
ya i have a couple fans going in there moving around. so its probably over feed. thanks alot.


Well-Known Member
Hey are you monitoring your PH? and ajusting it? just a thought dosen't look like lock out but you should know your PH I think it's getting close to nute burn that's just my opioion give them a flush with PH adjusted de-clorinated waterbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ya my PH dont fluxuate to much, i watch it and check regularly. I would bet that you are all right about the over feed. I flushed them. And what I meant is since I get water out of the faucet that ain't that bad at all, I just let it sit to make sure there is no chlorine or anything and let it become room temp. Thats all. The water is okay, i just try to make it its best. THANKS AGAIN. Anymore input?


Well-Known Member
I wait untell they show me a sign of needing water, such as drooping or what not. I transplanted them into five gallon buckets so we will see if that makes a difference in the next few days. Is it safe to start to flower them even though some leaves are curling?


Well-Known Member
TBH They look pretty good, there's nute burn on the leaves below, but its not gonna affect your harvest much. WHat light are you using?


Well-Known Member
I have them under a 1000 watt hps, but my new set up has a section of the room using flouros for the veg and then they will be put under the 1000 watter for flower. Now I can have a continous supply going. It's my first grow so every little thing I see I worry about, you probably know how it is. So if the lower leaves are nute burn??? then thats probably what caused that curling right?


Well-Known Member
dude im kinda goin through the same thing, but the yellowing started before i was using nutes, and now that i am its still yellowing, but just on the tips of the leafs, im thinkin it could be as simple as overwatering and underwatering


Well-Known Member
yellowimg edges and leaf tips are more than likely nute deficiency.I had this same problem on my curent grow.nute deficiency can cause curling yellowing edges ,tips also brown spots on leaves.The pics look like nute lockout to me I would flush them with a mild nutrient/molasses mix and see how they respond.


look i am new but i have done a lot of research. dark green leafs if usually N overdose so if yours are light green then you are fine. curling leaves has a problem with the magnesium or the ph. whats your ph and whats the run off? as far as holes on leaves. do you foliar feed or mist them. if you do raise the lights when you do and lower them when they absorb it. i hope this helps. rememeber optimal ph and runoff, and more N prob but just a bit remember dark green is too much thats what i have but if you just water with good clean ph water they will eventually eat the N up in veg


hey man just looked at the pics you are like me dark green. to much N back off a bit and water straight ph next time they will lighten up. i am lightening up nuts alltogethr from 1400ppm to 1300