High ph to correct calcium toxicity?


Well-Known Member
So I’ve got 6 plants that were vegging outdoors all summer and I brought them indoors for flowering 2 weeks ago because my direct sunlight diminishes rapidly in September. Gave them DTE 4-8-4 on Sep 1 and then realized they needed a bit more Cal/Mag so gave them Roots Organic Elemental a week ago. Stupidly, I then top dressed them with Roots Organic Terp Tea Bloom later this week because I was worried about slow growth and low yield…only to realize after I top dressed that it has a significant dose of Calcium ‍♂.

As expected I’m starting to see signs of K deficiency as the excess Calcium locks out K and other stuff. SMFH. These girls are in aeropots and the prospect of flushing them is sort of a bitch, tbh. I’d prob have to move each one outside to avoid a huge mess on a carpeted floor etc so I’m looking for ways to avoid flushing.

Sooo I’m looking at the nutrient PH availability chart (attached) and I’m wondering if anyone has ever successfully attempted to correct Calcium toxicity by simply watering at a high ph value (8.5 - 9.5) where Cal is not available but K is. My tap water is 9.5 so it’s easy for me to hit that number, but I understand that I will also be blocking lots of other nutrients. I’m wondering if anyone else has attempted this with success?



Well-Known Member
Never heard of that being done to correct Ca toxicity. If it was me I think I’d flush them instead, but you could give it a try, however, widely varying ph levels can also cause issues.