Went at around 2 today. No medicating area, however edibles are available with paperwork. Bought some seeds from tga, 5 jack the ripper for 40. pretty decent price. Lotsa cool freebies if you pony up for the 2 day pass for 30. Theres a soil vendor there giving away shit tons of his organic soil. Couple raffles and freebie stash keepers. No major fert companies there, kinda suprised me, no real equip vendors either. One local fert company is there. Lots and Lots of glass and storage vendors.

Was cool to be a part of, however i wish there were more equip and fert vendors there. Overall i had a good time, would definately do it again. Some interesting seminars on activism from people who have lived it.
I went and stayed all day Sunday, got some free soil some cool Norml information, my brother bought a high times hoody for 40 bucks, it was pretty cool looking. The medicating area was "shut down" didn't stop some of us though. I met a guy from Perry who was regional sales for a nutrient company, that was pretty cool. I thought John Sinclair did a good job, it was interesting to hear him speak.

Danny Danko and DJ.. something I forget his name, the guy who developed Blueberry did a seminar on growing, it started off real slow but it was interesting to hear their view points as far as growing buds.

Overall I thought it was really fun, wasn't a terrible part of D either as it was in the eastern market. Definitely recommend more people to go when it comes back around, they were really pushing getting involved with your local representatives and making a difference.
I love how the cops were giving vendors shit for selling pipes while just up russel st somebodies vehical was getting busted into and shit stolen out of it.

Only took a couple pics of one of the seminars:View attachment 1842002View attachment 1842003View attachment 1842004

I was pretty hung over or I would have snapped more.
I like that trimming station thing that guy was selling....though I was thinking the whole time how easy it would be to build it myself without paying $400+.
All n all I had a good time. Something to do ya know.

One of the panel at the seminar urged everyone to "Like" good marijuana articles and also comment on them...so I now intend to and hope the rest of you do to.
I like that trimming station thing that guy was selling....though I was thinking the whole time how easy it would be to build it myself without paying $400+.
All n all I had a good time. Something to do ya know.

I agree with you, I really dug the trimming station but the price tag was a lot to swallow. I'm not much of a DIY guy, but I can see myself building a small box for this if it makes life a little easier. I was surprised at the high quality trimmer he had there too, good stuff. It got my vote for best product.

Anyone else pick up an incredibowl? I was really shocked at how good the quality of smoke out of this thing really is.
Has anyone planted with that guys soil yet? I forget what it was called if I was at my house I would know. I dropped in one of my clones to see how it does, I'll update and tell ya how it goes
Though I've been looking at alot of different websites today, so I wasn't sure which one it came from.
biggest joke in the world, shadiest "medical" festival i ever been too.. they didnt even check medical cards when dispensing seeds or smokeables, for OUTRAGEOUS prices... thank god i had some free wristbands or i would of been really mad that i paid for that poor excuse for a cannabis cup...

edit: funniest part is i forgot to mention that when i first approached the booth, one out of two people that had cannabis there, the man behind the booth said "hey give me 30 minutes to make sure the cops have left and ill have some stuff available again for sale"...... instead of stopping when they got busted, THE SAME DAY, they wait till they leave before breaking the dope back out.
i bought some seeds at the TGA tent, they check my card and the lady selling the peanut butter chocolate rice crispy treats checked my card. so i dunno what booth you went to.
Has anyone planted with that guys soil yet? I forget what it was called if I was at my house I would know. I dropped in one of my clones to see how it does, I'll update and tell ya how it goes

I've been using it with little issue. I top dress about 1/2 way through the plants life and that seems to take care of any fade you will ever see from the soil. I went down to Jackson to buy it and it was well worth it glad I took the gamble and bought this brand.
I've been using it with little issue. I top dress about 1/2 way through the plants life and that seems to take care of any fade you will ever see from the soil. I went down to Jackson to buy it and it was well worth it glad I took the gamble and bought this brand.

Hey what;s up buddy? I think with my next re-up I'm gonna grab a couple bags of M3 Mix, I'm a big advocate of supporting local businesses.
When i bought seeds i got carded. When one of the people i went with got a medicated coffee, they got carded. They were pretty big about checking paperwork for anything seed or edible related. I did go the first day though early on, so im sure things probably chilled out after a while.
When i bought seeds i got carded. When one of the people i went with got a medicated coffee, they got carded. They were pretty big about checking paperwork for anything seed or edible related. I did go the first day though early on, so im sure things probably chilled out after a while.

I don't know why the other guy felt like no one was getting carded and it was "shady" I mean, I went there Sunday at like 2pm and stayed until 630, I got carded EVERY time, and most people were getting carded. Sure there were people smoking some pot outside but can't you pretty much find that everywhere let alone the high times cannacup??