Highly resistant plant genetics


Well-Known Member
Hey folks,
Ive an amazing plant I found sifting thru seeds and 2 years work. Its so far 100% resistant to any mold, or mildew that gets my others. Its never shown any bug damage either. All other strains over 2 years had-moths and their caterpillars, green ahipds, gray aphids, ants, grasshoppers were kinda brutal last season lots of pinched tip, no spider mites.Nothing munches on it in southern Oregon, mildew and mold pressures are high year round, full term, dep or ins. Oh yeah its pissy smelling when cured and immediate strong clean enjoyable high that lasts awhile. Some friends that bought #s renamed it "mine" and jarred it. Never needed support. Perfect veg structure, in branching, node spacing. Great bud structure tight, dense, easy easy to trim, big yeild of A buds. Abundant tight 2-4, and some 5 inch tops that do not need to be bucked smaller "to look nice".
Need some advice on breeding it. Gonna do traditional crosses with some males and feminized crosses also.
Im so over having to treat for anything and most seeds and clones now a days seem weak in their resistance to pests and disease.
Think about it, after fertilizers growers buy and stores sell a lot of treatments for fungi and pests, including preventative treatments. Thats a lot of money on any scale as well as the labor thinning, and spraying. My back and shoulders will get much less work this year! And have less to do in the evening, except smoke a spliff instead of spraying.

IPM possibilities are a many. Border planting, companion planting with other strains.

Juicing it? Maybe, the fan leaves and trimmings from cloning moms seems to repel fungus gnats. I mulched with the trimmings on a mom and another strain for a month, 3 cloning sessions worth of mulch. And both had hugely reduced fungus gnat larvae, compared to all the others getting BT-I. I would like to try some extracts, hydrosols, or emulsions for powdery mildew control on other strains. I just need to research some easy ways of DIY those.
Any input or advice is appreciated. Or further ways to test it.
Awesome! Save those genetics and send them to others to replicate your findings, aka the Scientific Method.