Hijack - Auto Seeds CFL/T5 Grow


Active Member
Hey , I just read your whole thread !
You plants look ggreat good info
im using the same kinda hps 600 but old hood !
Any way subbed


Well-Known Member
Hey , I just read your whole thread !
You plants look ggreat good info
im using the same kinda hps 600 but old hood !
Any way subbed
Thank you and welcome! bongsmilie

My hood is just a piece of aluminium that's all, but looks like it's working lol.


Active Member
as promised.

the hijack seems to be bouncing back nicely. i took the tape off the break today and she is nice and sturdy. i took pics of the break.
the GWSxmazar seedling has some heavy purple-ing going on. ive read this to be bad, but the plant seems fine for now.

GWSxMazar DSC_0092.jpgDSC_0093.jpg

DDR DSC_0081.jpg

Hijack DSC_0084.jpgDSC_0085.jpgDSC_0087.jpgDSC_0088.jpgDSC_0089.jpg Hijack


Well-Known Member
Grape you all good buddy, the HiJack looks nice!! It bounce back freaking nice, and I like how your DDR looks, that DDR is starting to pick up nicely how's the smell on DDR?
Bcuz my AKR is starting to reek a bit lol but I see that gonzo odor eliminator is doing it's job, no smell at all in my house only when I open the box and stick my nose next to the plant I can smell it.

HiJack don't smell lol I mean it does but very faintly like a citrus mixed with something lol can really describe the smell it's a new smell to me.


Active Member
thanks man! im impressed she bounced back so quick. huge noticeable growth since yesterday. :leaf:

honestly the DDR just smells like plant. the hijack reeks though. still planty, but with a earthy skunky diesely smell. she has white pistols poping up everywhere, hard to get pics of them but trust me they are there :bigjoint:

looking forward to the ddr now more than the hijack, but im just being negative haha.


Well-Known Member
So just a little update I add a short piece of duct with a pc fan installed at one end of the duct to draw some cold air from the outside, for some reason I didn't like my temps being at 85-87F with the lights on. Here's the picture IMAG0235.jpg, the small fan at the end of the duct only turns on with the lights so the plants wont get too cold when the lights are off.
Will see how it will performs, might help a bit I don't know will find out when the lights come on in two hrs.

As for the plants they're doing just fine, I'll have some pictures up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
So this is a weekly update lol it's been 42 days since the HiJack broke, so far she's doing just great she drinks a lot and eats a lot ;) I water her every other day with almost 3/4gal and I feed with 1/2 dose every other watering so it's water, feed, water, feed, water etc, no nutes burns, no deficiency's so far so good. Almost no smell at all, it kinda smells like wet hay unless you shake the plant a bit then you can smell this kinda citrus with some earthy undertones can't really explain it.
So here are some pictures of it on it's 42nd dayIMAG0237.jpgIMAG0238.jpgIMAG0239.jpgIMAG0241.jpgIMAG0245.jpgIMAG0246.jpgIMAG0248.jpg

As for the AKR she's growing along don't know how much and if I get any thing from that girl she picked up a bit after the transplant but growing a bit slow, her side branching seems to be kinda weak, I know I lost little bit of root during the transplant, so maybe that's the case, but I will let her grow along the HiJack until she's done even if I get a dry 2grams still something rite? :) So here are two picture of the AKR on day um not really sure of it's day, ok got it she's on day 23 from breaking the ground. IMAG0243.jpgIMAG0244.jpg

I also rearranged my box so I can fit one more 3gal pot in there so I'm germing some [FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Dinafem Fruit Automatic, it went into the soil two days ago[/FONT] so will see how it go's.
That vent I got hooked up yesterday is working wonders in my box, my temps went down to 79F so I'm good for now.

So here it is, hope you guys will have a nice and "sunny" day.


Active Member
WOW man they look great! that AKR really bounced back nicely! your hijack looks amazing right now, i can tell she is gonna fatten up real nice.

edit: forgot to ask, how tall are they now?


Well-Known Member
WOW man they look great! that AKR really bounced back nicely! your hijack looks amazing right now, i can tell she is gonna fatten up real nice.

edit: forgot to ask, how tall are they now?
Thank you Grape, yeah the AKR is alive lol but I don't like how it looks, the side branches are kinda weak looking don't know lol, but the HiJack is another story, she's getting bigger and bigger, lots of bud sites all over and getting a nice sugar coat on them leafs. Another 5-6 weeks and she should be ready.

Grape the AKR stands at about 9.5" and the HiJack is at 23" and about the same sideways.

Can't wait to see some movement in that Fruit Automatic pot lol I read good things about that strain.


Well-Known Member
looking great man, gonna be some monster buds on them plants that are flowering right now.
Thank you Matt, it means a lot hear that from you. You know it's your school lol.

Yeah she looks nice and big she likes her nutes ;), now I know what people mean when they say just wait and look and see what happens when you put your plants under the HPS.
It happened explosion of flowers lol, and now I see the difference in light penetration.

My next project is doing scrog on three photo plants, I got some seeds as a freebies and I'm going to try that, I think it's the best thing for my small space, or LSTing the plants, but I already got some 2"x2" screens and they can be easily installed in my box above the pots.
You think it's a good idea to do scrog in my small box? or you think I'm better off LSTing the plants?

technical dan

Active Member
That hijack looks great. As for the photoperiods im thinking about the same thing with a little cab im going to be making. Ive a little time to wait before I can start putting things in. I clipped my polar express (NL) this morning and its drying in there right now.


Well-Known Member
ScROG it up man, if the box is too small for 3 then just do one or two. the more plants you have the faster you will fill up that screen but you may be wasting potential growing 3 smaller plants over 12 weeks opposed to 1 bigger plant over 14 weks.


Well-Known Member
Hey Matt, Good morning

Yeah I think I'll do only two plant's because three mature photo plants I think is a bit to much for my small box, but with two I know I can get away with it and a use of all my space in the box, and like you said I might be loosing potential growing if I grow three less space, smaller plant's, smaller yield.
And besides I don't really know what to expect from photo plant's, one thing I know they tend to get big lol, but I'm a quik learner ;)

Like the picture you got in your thread with that big ass stem, that shit looked like a stick or some kind of a rod lol.


Well-Known Member
That hijack looks great. As for the photoperiods im thinking about the same thing with a little cab im going to be making. Ive a little time to wait before I can start putting things in. I clipped my polar express (NL) this morning and its drying in there right now.
Nice to hear someone else is growing some strains from Auto Seeds, how long did it take to get it from seed to harvest?
Yeah I think Scrog or lst is the best way of using small space such as my box.
But that's going to be on my next grow, first I got get these grils to the end ;)


Well-Known Member
I got a little project going on at the moment, I decide to make a remote ballast for my light.
All I need to do is getting into the ballast's housing unscrew the socket for the bulb run a longer cable from the ballast to the socket and I'm in business, you guys think I can use the reflector from the cfl's that I was using before all I need to change is the socket on the reflector and I should be good. Here's the old reflector. IMAG0260.jpg

Any pointers, suggestions are more then welcome. :)


Well-Known Member
you should be fine man, just with any new changes to your enviorment you want to make them at a time when you can keep a close eye on them for a couple days so if you work mon-fri i suggest doing it on a friday evening when you will be home for the weekend, this way if anything does go wrong your right there to correct the issue. if the reflector was made for CFL it may have some paint or something that is designed to withstand the heat from a CFL but not a HID....chances are it will be fine but no sense in risking a fire or killing your plants, so just do it when you will be around to monitor them

technical dan

Active Member
Acidjesus that plant took about 12 and a half weeks from sprout to harvest. I had another one that finished in 58-59 days and was only 27cm tall and 2.5 grams but both were on single cfl bulbs. The second one spent at least it's last month maybe 5 or 6 weeks i forget with a 4000 lumen t5 and 2 then 3 cfls (2400 lumen each) so it did significantly better.

Im germing my photo (cheese candy) right now to go in my tent with a proper light and the current autos mig 29 and berry ryder. Ill either veg it in there then flower in the cab if I do LST. I think I would have to do at least some of the veg in the cab if I decide to try a scrog.