Hillary can't be trusted

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All of you morons. That's who.
Sorry. Try again.

not me man,I wuv my obamacare,in fact I've got an expensive surgery up n coming & obamacare is going to pay the entire $18,000 for me.

I would say " thank you " 2 the working tax payers here but why bother,I was born therefore im owed,and now I'm collecting,big time:hump: ftw !

being a broke dick has its benifits:bigjoint:
Unless he can profit from it - which he has for decades. Now he thinks he can make more on a long-con by exploiting stupid people like you.
How is he for globalization when he wants to implement tariffs. Globalism is free trade. The strongest manufacturing country wins in that scenario. Manufacturing usa parts and usa products is a dying industry. We cannot compete without protecting ourselves.
notice how not a single shred of evidence has been posted to prove " the big switch" London is raging about in 3 threads at once,hundreds of pages with thousands of posts & not an ounce of proof,i see where his proof in the Chicago thread is and I quote " I keep telling you " and then offers up his claims of the big fake switch that never happened:lol:
How is he for globalization when he wants to implement tariffs. Globalism is free trade. The strongest manufacturing country wins in that scenario. Manufacturing usa parts and usa products is a dying industry. We cannot compete without protecting ourselves.
Lol. Nothing more dangerous than a person with a little bit of understanding of international trade. Sorry Pie, your understanding of international trade is on par with a community college freshman.

Your flat tariffs are a laughable, pathetic "America" First idea that has been run up the flagpole by scoundrels and idiots for decades. It is a laughable stone club in any post industrial economic world.

Global trade has brought this country huge gains. Those gains have been concentrated into the hands of a tiny sliver of people. If you really wanted to "protect the economy" you would realize the Republicans have opted out of the second side of the equation - The "what do we do about everybody that gets fucked by international trade" part? - by not allowing higher taxes to pay for so call "free things".

How is he for globalization when he wants to implement tariffs. Globalism is free trade. The strongest manufacturing country wins in that scenario. Manufacturing usa parts and usa products is a dying industry. We cannot compete without protecting ourselves.
Protectionism would be handing all of our trade to the a Chinese.

Who internationally would buy American if it's taxed on import as a result of our taxation of imports?

(Protectionism historically results in a tit for tat situation)
you mean the civil rights act only 60% of Democrats were willing to adopt & 85% of republicans were willing to adopt ?

or do you mean the civil rights act that 40% of the democratic party fought tooth n nail to suppress while only 15% of republicans tried to suppress ?

historical voting records don't take sides :bigjoint:
Times change. 50 years ago, there was a shift in the Democratic party towards liberal politics while the GOP became a home for racists. State senators that voted against the voting rights act were from: AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, TX, VA, in 1965 they were Democrats. Guess which parties those Senators are today. Also, those same states are the core group opposing the same voting rights today. No wonder the GOP wants to talk about what happened 50 years ago. Because their recent record towards African Americans is turrible.
I do not support globalization and neither does trump.
Trump is the leader of the GOP, many of whom are free traders. Which Trump do you support, the one who took his work to Mexico and China or the one who, if given the chance, says he will start trade wars by enacting tarrifs with those same countries? His party is working hard to suppress voting rights. They have cut taxes, increased spending and fought tooth and nail to reduce aid to those same low income African Americans that Trump says he would be the best candidate for. And yet he leads the party of David Duke. Over the past 20 years, the GOP has been terrible at doing anything other than enrich the 1%.

No wonder you want to talk about what happened 50 years ago.
Times change. 50 years ago, there was a shift in the Democratic party towards liberal politics while the GOP became a home for racists. State senators that voted against the voting rights act were from: AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, TX, VA, in 1965 they were Democrats. Guess which parties those Senators are today. Also, those same states are the core group opposing the same voting rights today. No wonder the GOP wants to talk about what happened 50 years ago. Because their recent record towards African Americans is turrible.

OK now were getting someplace,so you'd then be able to show where all these modern day senators have joined the KKK, like we have actual proof of the democrat senators belonging to the Klan ?
All wonderful examples.

cool,now that were on civil ground let's see if we can proceed.

wonderful examples of restrictive country's you are manufacturing items & dristibuting goods to?

or wonderful examples of places you know on the map?

I can point to zimbabwe on a map but that don't mean I do business with the country,which is it ?
cool,now that were on civil ground let's see if we can proceed.

wonderful examples of restrictive country's you are manufacturing items & dristibuting goods to?

or wonderful examples of places you know on the map?

I can point to zimbabwe on a map but that don't mean I do business with the country,which is it ?
Wonderful places on the map. Wonderful countries all.

Their governments use the tariff monies for investment and have facilitated growth. They lack the tax base that the USA has. Like I said. Tariffs are a stone club.

Also, dance nazi boy, dance.
Wonderful places on the map. Wonderful countries all.

Their governments use the tariff monies for investment and have facilitated growth. They lack the tax base that the USA has. Like I said. Tariffs are a stone club.

Also, dance nazi boy, dance.

lol I figured you couldn't come up with anything with validity.

be sure to rinse those teeth in a cup next to your bed so your fresh when papa comes home:lol:
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