Hillary can't be trusted

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so then why is avowed racist and unrepentant KKK leader david duke running as a republican and endorsing trump??

Why did the Democratic Party invent the KKK & turn it lose on Americans to lynch,terrify,rape & stifle the free speech & votes of the same people it does those horrible things to today?

i guess i'll just repeat what i asked before since you failed to answer any of it. but then again, failure is kind of your area of expertise, kiddo.

if your a democratic party fan boi then you embrace the rich heritage of your political party,the party that brought america slavery,Jim crow,blocked all " anti lynching " legaslation,fought to keep slavery alive in the civil war,blocked all anti lynching laws,created & funded the Ku Klux Klan.

I see no failure on my part by exposing the heritage of the democratic party's soul.
why did you say that "liberalism is a disease"

The Democratic party is the party of slavery & the owners of the Ku Klux Klan,like I said above it's a cancer.

speaking of civil rights

Yes we are speaking of civil rights no thanks to the Democratic Party,thank the republicans who " Forced" civil rights down Democrats throats every step of the way for a hundred years.

Another klansmen supporters BS exposed:cool:
Looks like the president of mexico is saying trump is right. Still to be discussed: payment for wall. Looks like mexico wants the us to help stop illegal immigration to mexico as well. Cartels, weapons, drugs from the north and human trafficking from the south.
Looks like the president of mexico is saying trump is right. Still to be discussed: payment for wall. Looks like mexico wants the us to help stop illegal immigration to mexico as well. Cartels, weapons, drugs from the north and human trafficking from the south.
Did you see the part where the Mexican president came out and said Trump was lying because payment was discussed and Trump was told in no uncertain words that Mexico would not be paying for the wall.
Quit trying to blame america for the evil shit you regressive fake liberals do, the monsters your democratic party is made up of continued well past the 1956 mark you like to call " the big switch" , what it is is the big lie,let's look at some Klan history,the civil rights act only became law after 85% of the republican senate forced the senate to pass the legislation ,fought tooth n nail by democrats.
( quote below cite included )

Its estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbu More..ilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

"Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective," Barton said in his book. "Republicans led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings."

Further, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves and, to this day, the party website ignores those decades of racism.

end quote.

POW ! there's them pesky facts again getting in the way of regressive democrats lies :lol:
So you intend to discuss ancient history and run away from the fact that the Republican party has engaged in anti-democratic actions to suppress the votes of African Americans just last year. You are a coward and a liar.

The presidential candidate of the 2016 Democratic party has the support of 97% of African American voters. The Klan and other white supremacists including you support suppression of their votes because anti democratic action is the only way your fucked up ideas will see the light of day.
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Why did the Democratic Party invent the KKK & turn it lose on Americans to lynch,terrify,rape & stifle the free speech & votes of the same people it does those horrible things to today?

because the southern democrats you are referring to were racist shitheads. why did the south turn from democrat to republican though?

that's the more important question now. what you asked was a historical question with a known answer. you dodged my question too, so i'll repeat it.

why is avowed racist and unrepentant KKK leader david duke running as a republican and endorsing trump?

if your a democratic party fan boi then you embrace the rich heritage of your political party,the party that brought america slavery,Jim crow,blocked all " anti lynching " legaslation,fought to keep slavery alive in the civil war,blocked all anti lynching laws,created & funded the Ku Klux Klan.

I see no failure on my part by exposing the heritage of the democratic party's soul.

we get it, you're focused on history in order to avoid the uncomfortable question of why the KKK is embracing the republican party right here and now.



The Democratic party is the party of slavery & the owners of the Ku Klux Klan,like I said above it's a cancer.

you said that was the work of "regressive democrats" though.

and you still haven't told us why the KKK is currently supporting the republican party, and not the democratic party.

Yes we are speaking of civil rights no thanks to the Democratic Party,thank the republicans who " Forced" civil rights down Democrats throats every step of the way for a hundred years.

Another klansmen supporters BS exposed:cool:

you avoided answering the question yet again, so i will simply repeat it as long as you are too scared and confused and stupid to answer it (which is to say in perpetuity).

speaking of civil rights, if republicans love civil rights so much, why are they trying to make it legal to deny service to people because they are gay? or make it legal to fire people just because they are gay?

obviously, you were too busy re-taking 7th grade mathematics to notice that mike pence tried to do just that in order to deny civil rights to gay people in indiana before he became the running mate to an orange fascist racist.

can you reconcile any of this with your patently false claim that republicans are the party of civil rights?
So you intend to discuss ancient history and run away from the fact that the Republican party has engaged in anti-democratic actions to suppress the votes of African Americans just last year. You are a coward and a liar.

The presidential candidate of the 2016 Democratic party has the support of 97% of African American voters. The Klan and other white supremacists including you support suppression of their votes because anti democratic action is the only way your fucked up ideas will see the light of day.

ancient history huh ?

how about slavery,its ancient history too?

how about Jim crow,its ancient history?

you don't get to pick & chose what history is spoken about while trying to hide the absolute horrors brought on Americans by the Democratic Party .
because the southern democrats you are referring to were racist shitheads. why did the south turn from democrat to republican though?

that's the more important question now. what you asked was a historical question with a known answer. you dodged my question too, so i'll repeat it.

why is avowed racist and unrepentant KKK leader david duke running as a republican and endorsing trump?

we get it, you're focused on history in order to avoid the uncomfortable question of why the KKK is embracing the republican party right here and now.



you said that was the work of "regressive democrats" though.

and you still haven't told us why the KKK is currently supporting the republican party, and not the democratic party.

you avoided answering the question yet again, so i will simply repeat it as long as you are too scared and confused and stupid to answer it (which is to say in perpetuity).

speaking of civil rights, if republicans love civil rights so much, why are they trying to make it legal to deny service to people because they are gay? or make it legal to fire people just because they are gay?

obviously, you were too busy re-taking 7th grade mathematics to notice that mike pence tried to do just that in order to deny civil rights to gay people in indiana before he became the running mate to an orange fascist racist.

can you reconcile any of this with your patently false claim that republicans are the party of civil rights?

I'm not uncomfortable talking about the history of the Ku Klux Klan but I'll bet you are .

funny u should focus on the KKK because I have a new thread about the kkk ,we can discuss the entire history & origins of the KKK there so we don't hijack this topic.
Did you see the part where the Mexican president came out and said Trump was lying because payment was discussed and Trump was told in no uncertain words that Mexico would not be paying for the wall.
No. I heard Trump say they did not discuss it and the Mexican President say he told him they would not be paying for it. A statement by the President does not a discussion make.
I'm not uncomfortable talking about the history of the Ku Klux Klan but I'll bet you are .

funny u should focus on the KKK because I have a new thread about the kkk ,we can discuss the entire history & origins of the KKK there so we don't hijack this topic.

i have no problem discussing history either. the KKK arose from conservative southerners who are now republicans. that's that.

meanwhile, you are running like a scared little bitch from my simple questions, which i will gladly repeat so you can run again.

why is avowed racist and unrepentant KKK leader david duke running as a republican and endorsing trump?

why did you say that "liberalism is a disease" if you are trying to portray republicans as the party of progressives and liberals who do things like free slaves and pass civil rights?

speaking of civil rights, if republicans love civil rights so much, why are they trying to make it legal to deny service to people because they are gay? or make it legal to fire people just because they are gay?

obviously, you were too busy re-taking 7th grade mathematics to notice that mike pence tried to do just that in order to deny civil rights to gay people in indiana before he became the running mate to an orange fascist racist.

can you reconcile any of this with your patently false claim that republicans are the party of civil rights?

ancient history huh ?

how about slavery,its ancient history too?

how about Jim crow,its ancient history?

you don't get to pick & chose what history is spoken about while trying to hide the absolute horrors brought on Americans by the Democratic Party .
Absolutely, understand history to avoid repeating it. By reading history, one can learn that the KKK and other white supremacists suppressed African American voters in order to maintain political power. And today the political officers of the Republican party are taking the same actions as the racists of the past. By their actions, it's easy to see that the party of Lincoln of the past has today become the party of Nathan Bedford Forest, founder of the KKK.
Absolutely, understand history to avoid repeating it. By reading history, one can learn that the KKK and other white supremacists suppressed African American voters in order to maintain political power. And today the political officers of the Republican party are taking the same actions as the racists of the past. By their actions, it's easy to see that the party of Lincoln of the past has today become the party of Nathan Bedford Forest, founder of the KKK.
Have you ever visited BaldRicks "weak sauce" thread? You should.
Have you ever visited BaldRicks "weak sauce" thread? You should.
You and other racist shits cite the history of a hundred years ago. Yet you don't defend recent actions by the GOP to suppress minority voters when people use it to as an example of the new racist right embedded in the GOP. Talk about weak sauce. (snicker)
No. I heard Trump say they did not discuss it and the Mexican President say he told him they would not be paying for it. A statement by the President does not a discussion make.

There's pages and pages of Google results with the Mexican President saying Trump lied in his statement.

Trump went down to try strong arm him and got dick slapped in the face.

Why can't Trump tell the truth?
I've heard the story of the orange, lying, old, racist with bad hair who ran for President but whos mind wasnt there.
Why can't Trump tell the truth?

A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. Considering this, the frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When the frog asks the scorpion why, the scorpion replies that it was in its nature to do so.

The fable is used to illustrate that fundamentally vicious natures cannot change.
Why can't Trump tell the truth?

A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. Considering this, the frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When the frog asks the scorpion why, the scorpion replies that it was in its nature to do so.

The fable is used to illustrate that fundamentally vicious natures cannot change.
I know the fable, just figured if I threw enough insults in one sentence that a Trump Sycophant would bite.
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