Hillary Clinton


Well-Known Member
Good for you. It's about time us liberals stood up and answered the call. The neo-cons have spun the word liberal into a guttersnipe word meaning pinko commie. Not true. A liberal is more defined by the word progressive and I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure we could use some progress around here. The Neo-cons have tried to make us liberals feel like we aren't true Americans but some benefit grabbing scumbags, while we all know it is the neo-cons and the elites that have bankrupted this great Country. I guess to sum it up, I'd have to say fuck all you neo-cons, you've stolen democracy and turned it into oligarcic fascism.
So calling you a "liberal" is a guttersnipe. But, being a conservative makes me a Neo-con and that label is alright?


Well-Known Member
I'm voting for her. She has the most class, integrity and professionalism.

Please help me change my mind... and do it without attacking her.. when you attack her, all I see is YOUR pussy..

OK Knowm, I love a challenge.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton deserve a good, fair, trial for treason. Then, a firing squad. They, on numerous occasions, pushed for the declassification of documents. They held "tea parties" at the White House for Communist Chinese "business leaders" and gave the declassified documents to their guests in exchange for campaine funds. Campaine funds from foreign nationals was then and still is illegal. The Justice Department gave them a pass. The FBI never investigated the treason either.

To top this off, a government insider told me recently, that the Bush Administration has done the same thing for years, also.

A pox on both their houses.


New Member
OK Knowm, I love a challenge.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton deserve a good, fair, trial for treason. Then, a firing squad. They, on numerous occasions, pushed for the declassification of documents. They held "tea parties" at the White House for Communist Chinese "business leaders" and gave the declassified documents to their guests in exchange for campaine funds. Campaine funds from foreign nationals was then and still is illegal. The Justice Department gave them a pass. The FBI never investigated the treason either.

To top this off, a government insider told me recently, that the Bush Administration has done the same thing for years, also.

A pox on both their houses.
that's funny...deep throat...
if you have this information, then other people have this information. my question is this...why did our government spend so much time and money trying to nail Bill for getting his cock sucked...???if they had this information you have, then that would be a crime right?
Janet Reno had over 100 FBI agents at a time investigating the Clintons.


Well-Known Member
It was not over a Blowjob. Some people still don\'t get it. I will tell you what she has done, she has run a lot of people out of New York. Shes, Satan...Incarnate...LOL


Well-Known Member
Just the thought of having to hear her voice all the time for the next 4 or even 8 years makes me want to move to Canada.


Well-Known Member
It had nothing to do with a blowjob. It has to do with lying to a nation point blank and sleeping at night just fine, then getting caught and expecting everyone to forgive you. It's unacceptable and you think otherwise you sell yourself short as a real American.


Well-Known Member
But...how do you really feel? you quote a bunch of people, you do not give any facts. opinions are like assholes...everybody has one. do you really believe that there are a bunch of obese poor kids?
If a doctor left a surgical tool in your wife or child and they died or were left a vegetable...you better hope you get lawyer as good as John Edwards...:mrgreen:

LOL!!! you are gonna vote for a guy you obviously know nothing about.
This charlatan made up stories in which he would "channel" dead children to win outrageous judgments from gullible juries...he is THE worst type of politician in existence in this country......A tort lawyer.
Go and check it out bongspit.
Ron Paul is the only hope.
Both parties are inextricably corrupt and we have to make a change.

I would not care to accept a judgment based upon lies and pseudo science.
It is simply immoral.
I would rather rob a bank!!!


Well-Known Member
If her stances on censorship and having the government be big mother (I say that because big brothers only kick your ass not protect you from being a dumbass) I'd reconsider.. Then there is also the fact I also don't want the government to be any larger then it is, the people aren't the only thing obesity problem in America.

Trading legal pot for parts of free speech doesn't really seem logical to me.. because once that starts to go then what good is fighting for legalization of pot?


New Member
It had nothing to do with a blowjob. It has to do with lying to a nation point blank and sleeping at night just fine, then getting caught and expecting everyone to forgive you. It's unacceptable and you think otherwise you sell yourself short as a real American.
you've got to be kidding...it did not bother me..presidents have had pussy problems as long as there have presidents...


Well-Known Member
If her stances on censorship and having the government be big mother (I say that because big brothers only kick your ass not protect you from being a dumbass) I'd reconsider.. Then there is also the fact I also don't want the government to be any larger then it is, the people aren't the only thing obesity problem in America.

Trading legal pot for parts of free speech doesn't really seem logical to me.. because once that starts to go then what good is fighting for legalization of pot?
No government ever voluntarily decreases itself in size. Without the Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul and Alan Keyes types, we'd be bowing down to statue of GW Bush every morning, noon and evening while surrendering ourselves to the state. People like Clinton try to speed up the process. People like Ron Paul try to prevent it.


Well-Known Member
that's funny...deep throat...
if you have this information, then other people have this information. my question is this...why did our government spend so much time and money trying to nail Bill for getting his cock sucked...???if they had this information you have, then that would be a crime right?
Janet Reno had over 100 FBI agents at a time investigating the Clintons.
What I said is known facts. Why they were never prosecuted for treason is the question for history professors. Also, the Bush admin may have done the same thing, according to developing information.

To me, treason is treason.


Well-Known Member
What I said is known facts. Why they were never prosecuted for treason is the question for history professors. Also, the Bush admin may have done the same thing, according to developing information.

To me, treason is treason.
Finally, some of you Republicans are starting to wake up...Forget the party line bullshit. Democrats need to admit the Clintons are deuchebags and Republicans need to admit the Bushs are even bigger deuchebags... You better pray Hillary is not elected bongspit. If she is that means Jeb Bush is coming in 2016...Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton, you can't mess with the natural cycle of things.


Well-Known Member
if Hillary Clinton name was hillary jones would she still be a senator or running for prez? If GWB wasn't his daddies son would even been considered for Prez. And we all know how good of job he has done. These are not are best and brightest. Hillary Clinton has had one important vote in the senate....Iraq.....and she blew it..........and still doesn't take responsbility for her vote...............Barack Obama has succeded in life because of his merit............and publicly stood against the war when it was "un-american" to questioin authority. You can see what happens when you vote for a guy that you could see yourself drinking a beer with(GWB). The president needs to be an exceptional individual. I think Barack Obama is an exceptional individual. I like ron pauls ideas on foriegn policy, John Mcain is the best republican out there but apparently consertives don't like him because hes not constanly talking abortion, gay marriage, you know the real important issues


Well-Known Member
you've got to be kidding...it did not bother me..presidents have had pussy problems as long as there have presidents...
That's why your a liberal. You are supposed to support your communist leader no matter what. you keep acting like I give a rats ass about the sex. You completely miss the point, kinda like North Koreans.


Well-Known Member
Finally, some of you Republicans are starting to wake up...Forget the party line bullshit. Democrats need to admit the Clintons are deuchebags and Republicans need to admit the Bushs are even bigger deuchebags... You better pray Hillary is not elected bongspit. If she is that means Jeb Bush is coming in 2016...Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton, you can't mess with the natural cycle of things.

One of your less memorable posts, Kush.

You can't mess with whats ama what? You sound like a kid trying to make sense of the world. Well I guess thats what we all are doing anyways lol.

At any rate I don't judge people based on their party. I suppose GW is worse than Klintinov. I don't know. It's setting the bar really low though, thats for sure.

The point is... nobody is going to admit anything. It's just that I disagree with Clinton policies. It has nothing to do with party lines. I will be the first to say that GW is NOT a real Republican, he's more of a liberal that is easy on taxes and claims to be religious.


Well-Known Member
if Hillary Clinton name was hillary jones would she still be a senator or running for prez? If GWB wasn't his daddies son would even been considered for Prez. And we all know how good of job he has done. These are not are best and brightest. Hillary Clinton has had one important vote in the senate....Iraq.....and she blew it..........and still doesn't take responsbility for her vote...............Barack Obama has succeded in life because of his merit............and publicly stood against the war when it was "un-american" to questioin authority. You can see what happens when you vote for a guy that you could see yourself drinking a beer with(GWB). The president needs to be an exceptional individual. I think Barack Obama is an exceptional individual. I like ron pauls ideas on foriegn policy, John Mcain is the best republican out there but apparently consertives don't like him because hes not constanly talking abortion, gay marriage, you know the real important issues
Interesting. You can't see yourself having a martini with Osama? Hehe jk jk

Seriously, John McCain has some issues with Republicans because while he is conservative MOST of the time, he goes out and does some BLATANTLY liberal things from time to time. It's kind of mind blowing. Alot of his supporters jumped off the bandwagon. I did. Ron Paul makes more sense and is more consistent. Everybody has a reason to vote for him. I don;t know a person in the US that hates everything he stands for.


Well-Known Member
It had nothing to do with a blowjob. It has to do with lying to a nation point blank and sleeping at night just fine, then getting caught and expecting everyone to forgive you. It's unacceptable and you think otherwise you sell yourself short as a real American.
It had nothing to do with Weapons of Mass Destruction. It has to do with lying to a nation point blank and sleeping at night just fine, then getting caught and expecting everyone to forgive you. It's unacceptable and you think otherwise you sell yourself short as a real American.


Well-Known Member
It had nothing to do with Weapons of Mass Destruction. It has to do with lying to a nation point blank and sleeping at night just fine, then getting caught and expecting everyone to forgive you. It's unacceptable and you think otherwise you sell yourself short as a real American.
Your so off topic....

Your probably expecting me to defend Bush right now, huh? Like a good anti-Clinton should, huh? That's called profiling.


Well-Known Member
It had nothing to do with Weapons of Mass Destruction. It has to do with lying to a nation point blank and sleeping at night just fine, then getting caught and expecting everyone to forgive you. It's unacceptable and you think otherwise you sell yourself short as a real American.
Oh but just to appease you... GWB didn't get CAUGHT lying. We still can't prove that he did. I am not a fan, but that much remains factual in a non-partisan way.