Hillary Clinton’s camp is FEARFUL of Bernie Sanders..


Well-Known Member

and the really cool thing about this?

there's nothing she can dig up on this guy..n-o-t-h-i-n-g! match-point-game!:mrgreen:

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Bernie Sanders has got Hillary Clinton insiders concerned.

Politico writes it is Vermont Sen. Sanders, not former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who Democratic strategists and Clinton insiders expect will pose a bigger threat to the former secretary of state as she seeks her party’s presidential nomination. Insiders familiar with the Clinton campaign’s thinking described it as “frightened” of Sanders, Politico wrote — not that he would win the nomination, but that he could damage her with the activist base by challenging her on core progressive positions in debates and make her look like a centrist or corporatist. Sanders has declared his candidacy; O’Malley is expected to later this week.

Clinton hits Paul, Rubio, Walker: Hillary Clinton is going after Republican presidential hopefuls Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Scott Walker on the subject of equal pay. National Journal writes Clinton did not say their names at an event in South Carolina on Wednesday, but it was clear from quotes she used who she was talking about. “One Republican candidate for president dismissed equal pay as a ‘bogus issue.’ Another said Congress was ‘wasting time’ worrying about it. One even said that efforts to guarantee fair pay reminded him of the Soviet Union.” Clinton added: “And to that I say, what century are they living in?” The first quote comes from Walker, the second from Rubio and the third from Paul. Walker is expected to run for president but has not formally declared his intentions; Rubio and Paul have announced their campaigns.

Bush’s boards: During his transition from Florida governor to likely presidential candidate, Jeb Bush served on the boards or as an adviser to at least 15 companies and nonprofits, the Associated Press writes. The array of corporate connections earned Bush millions of dollars as well as occasional headaches. His experience on boards could evolve into a theme during the 2016 race for the presidency, AP writes. One issue the Republican could be asked to explain: at least five companies where he served on the board or as an adviser faced class-action lawsuits from shareholders or legal action by the government.

Americans back trade deals: A majority of Americans support new international trade agreements, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll. The showing of support comes even as President Barack Obama struggles to win support for legislation key to sealing a Pacific Rim trade deal. Unions and anti-trade activists are pressuring lawmakers in the House of Representatives to vote against so-called fast-track authority, which Obama wants in order to complete the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership. The poll, meanwhile, found 56% of Americans support new trade deals to promote the sale of U.S. goods overseas, and just 13% were opposed.

Trumka on trade: AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, an opponent of both fast track and the TPP, told USA Today there will be costs for Hillary Clinton if she backs either one. “It will be tougher to mobilize working people,” he said. “It’ll be tougher to get them to come out excited and work to do door-knocking and leafleting and phone-banking and all the things that are going to be necessary if she is the candidate and we endorse her to get elected. It will make it far more difficult.”
Although I am certainly not a liberal most independents would vote for Bernie over the hildabeast.
Its a question of integrity Bernie though a socialist freely admits it, and comes across as a honest man.
Hildabeast however has lies and corruption oozing from every pore.
As for confronting other candidates Hildabeast has yet to take serious questions from any serious press as
she is worried about having to confront her zillion scandals.
I would say though Bernie is a good man who I disagree with but if he loses the nomination its
due the media.

I dont know much about Bush serving on boards although that should be a good thing even though America does not need another Bush.
I do understand though the Clintons are in the Russian uranium business.

P.S. Americans support good trade deals not shitty ones that cater to big business, offshore our jobs, and bring in huge numbers of ultra low wage workers.
Hillary has the corrupt establishment supporting her candidacy.
She is THE anointed one.The Dems have predetermined the outcome of the nomination process.
Bernie will have to run as an independent on a third party ticket.
He has zero chance, although he is far more honorable and forthright than any Clinton.
Hillary has the corrupt establishment supporting her candidacy.
She is THE anointed one.The Dems have predetermined the outcome of the nomination process.
Bernie will have to run as an independent on a third party ticket.
He has zero chance, although he is far more honorable and forthright than any Clinton.

says who?

if we lay down and accept, they win..remember, real patriots question authority.

bernie has announced as a democrat.

will you vote for him in the primary?

hillary is not anointed anything..a lot of things have happened since 2008..can you think of any?
says who?

if we lay down and accept, they win..remember, real patriots question authority.

bernie has announced as a democrat.

will you vote for him in the primary?

hillary is not anointed anything..a lot of things have happened since 2008..can you think of any?

I would never vote for Bernie.

Regardless, all you need to do is look at the polls and the media coverage to see which way the wind blows.
The media is defensive and desperate to protect Hillary from recent negative revelations.
They are dismissive and snarky towards Bernie and his potential viability as the Dem nominee.
Barring a sea change among Dem base and media shills, Hillary is the anointed one.
We will see how this all plays out...
Load up on the popcorn and the buds kids!
one of the only things currently stopping revolution, in marx' terms, is the fact that he did not foresee an extension of credit.

that's a very fine line.

poor people are taken advantage..you need $1..they'll give you one..for $1/per month..to pay off it would be $2.

something is happening..i can feel it coming..just like i did in 2008.

does anyone remember when 'occupy' spread the word about going to the bank and closing your account down? i remember it was a special day to band together..anyone remember what happened when people went into citibank as a collective group in peace to close their accounts out?

Breaking: 30 Citibank customers arrested for closing their account [With Citibank Statement Updatehttp://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/10/15/1026740/-Breaking-30-Citibank-customers-arrested-for-closing-their-account-With-Citibank-Statement-Update

i was going to close my account that day..i, too, bank there.

after i heard this news..i realized we have way more wrong with this country, than closing an account would repair.
I would never vote for Bernie.

Regardless, all you need to do is look at the polls and the media coverage to see which way the wind blows.
The media is defensive and desperate to protect Hillary from recent negative revelations.
They are dismissive and snarky towards Bernie and his potential viability as the Dem nominee.
Barring a sea change among Dem base and media shills, Hillary is the anointed one.
We will see how this all plays out...
Load up on the popcorn and the buds kids!

why not? who is 'they'..why do 'they' control you..this is what 'they' want..want you to think this..and 'they' are successful.
says who?

if we lay down and accept, they win..remember, real patriots question authority.

bernie has announced as a democrat.

will you vote for him in the primary?

hillary is not anointed anything..a lot of things have happened since 2008..can you think of any?

I agree but maybe Berni doesn't have the stones for it.
The only way he is going to get enough press is to go after clinton hard and heavy.
Then perhaps could force her to confront him and have a dialogue about issues.
He just seems a little to nice to play the aggressive hardball needed to go against the Clinton corruption machine
A Clinton implosion is not out of the question though.

Too many other good candidates to vote for Bernie or the Hildabeast.
[QUOTE="dabadaba, post: 11629511, member: 902901"]I agree but maybe Berni doesn't have the stones for it.
The only way he is going to get enough press is to go after clinton hard and heavy.
Then perhaps could force her to confront him and have a dialogue about issues.
He just seems a little to nice to play the aggressive hardball needed to go against the Clinton corruption machine
A Clinton implosion is not out of the question though.[/QUOTE]

i dunno..he was out there in 90 heat with a bullhorn..73 is not old in this society.

i post daily threads..check politics 'page 2'.

he's actually quite aggressive what he's not is dishonest..and that's pretty stunning for this game.
But he doesn't have the media. The only way is to make big waves...perhaps standing up and discussing the extent of the clinton corruption.
I agree he is honest.. do you agree that Clinton is not?
Bernie is apparently honest and sincere, he is simply wrong about almost everything he says.
This is why I could never support or vote for him.

Bernie says:
"You can’t just continue growth for the sake of growth in a world in which we are struggling with climate change and all kinds of environmental problems. All right? You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country. I don’t think the media appreciates the kind of stress that ordinary Americans are working on."

This is a very old and thoroughly discredited idea, one that dates back to Karl Marx and to the anti-capitalists who preceded him. It is a facet of the belief that free markets are irrational, and that if reason could be imposed on markets — which is to say, if reason could be imposed on free human beings — then enlightened planners could ensure that resources are directed toward their best use. This line of thinking historically has led to concentration camps, gulags, firing squads, purges, and the like, for a few reasons: The first is that free markets are not irrational; they are a reflection of what people actually value at a particular time relative to the other things that they might also value. Real people simply want things that are different from what the planners want them to want, a predicament that can be solved only through violence and the threat of violence. That is the first reason that this sort of planning leads to gulags. The second is that there are no enlightened planners; men such as Senator Sanders imagine themselves to be candidates for enlightened leadership, but put a whip in his hand and the gentleman from Vermont will turn out to be another thug in the long line of thugs who have cleaved to his faith. The third reason that this sort of planning always works out poorly is that nobody knows what the best use of resources actually is; all that the would-be masters know is that they do not approve of the current deployment of resources.

Senator Sanders may insist on living in the dark ages, and his view is not without its partisans. But those views are crude, they are backward, and they are, objectively speaking, incorrect about the way the economic world works. They are barely a step above superstition, and they merit consideration for only one reason: “Voters — all they gotta be is eighteen.”
Bernie Sanders’s Dark Age Economics
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/418926/bernie-sanderss-dark-age-economics-kevin-d-williamson
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I agree and I would not vote for Bernie either but the scuminess of hildabeast is so repugnant
that if I had to pick her or Bernie I would have to pick Bernie and hope congress could rein him in enough..
I think this pic sums up clinton.

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I wish Frank Zappa was alive today, I.m sure he would be for Sanders

Zappa called these fascist assholes out along time ago way ahead of his time
I think its time for real change

will follow my heart and vote for Bernie Sanders don't care if people think he is unelectable at least he's not a douchebag like the rest
Bernie is apparently honest and sincere, he is simply wrong about almost everything he says.
This is why I could never support or vote for him.

Bernie says:
"You can’t just continue growth for the sake of growth in a world in which we are struggling with climate change and all kinds of environmental problems. All right? You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country. I don’t think the media appreciates the kind of stress that ordinary Americans are working on."

This is a very old and thoroughly discredited idea, one that dates back to Karl Marx and to the anti-capitalists who preceded him. It is a facet of the belief that free markets are irrational, and that if reason could be imposed on markets — which is to say, if reason could be imposed on free human beings — then enlightened planners could ensure that resources are directed toward their best use. This line of thinking historically has led to concentration camps, gulags, firing squads, purges, and the like, for a few reasons: The first is that free markets are not irrational; they are a reflection of what people actually value at a particular time relative to the other things that they might also value. Real people simply want things that are different from what the planners want them to want, a predicament that can be solved only through violence and the threat of violence. That is the first reason that this sort of planning leads to gulags. The second is that there are no enlightened planners; men such as Senator Sanders imagine themselves to be candidates for enlightened leadership, but put a whip in his hand and the gentleman from Vermont will turn out to be another thug in the long line of thugs who have cleaved to his faith. The third reason that this sort of planning always works out poorly is that nobody knows what the best use of resources actually is; all that the would-be masters know is that they do not approve of the current deployment of resources.

Senator Sanders may insist on living in the dark ages, and his view is not without its partisans. But those views are crude, they are backward, and they are, objectively speaking, incorrect about the way the economic world works. They are barely a step above superstition, and they merit consideration for only one reason: “Voters — all they gotta be is eighteen.”
Bernie Sanders’s Dark Age Economics
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/418926/bernie-sanderss-dark-age-economics-kevin-d-williamson

actually marx was correct..very correct, in fact and i just stated why above..yet we're not having a conversation on what i've said.

have you ever pawned anything? recently?

there's a cyclical reason why the poor remain poor in this country (which remains head and shoulders above what you can understand)..and it't not that they can't handle money..it's what those who feed on them that are to blame.

keep wringing your hands and wait for 'them' to tell you who to vote for instead of using your mind..just another mainstream voter.
I wish Frank Zappa was alive today, I.m sure he would be for Sanders

Zappa called these fascist assholes out along time ago way ahead of his time
I think its time for real change

will follow my heart and vote for Bernie Sanders don't care if people think he is unelectable at least he's not a douchebag like the rest

I agree and I would not vote for Bernie either but the scuminess of hildabeast is so repugnant
that if I had to pick her or Bernie I would have to pick Bernie and hope congress could rein him in enough..
I think this pic sums up clinton.


why did you say you wouldn't vote for bernie? lack of media was it?

go back to TNT..you're ill suited for political.

why did you say you wouldn't vote for bernie? lack of media was it?

go back to TNT..you're ill suited for political.


1. I said he would need media to get the democratic nomination.
2. I said I would vote for him if it was between him and clinton with no other choices.
3.You have to admit even though he is honest (which I admire) he carries just a bit of that nasty stench of communism which I dont agree with.
4. Are you trying to say this forum is only for communists/progs or that you just cant handle peoples opinion that dont agree with you?