Hillary Clinton’s camp is FEARFUL of Bernie Sanders..

i's just the same old tired shit.

obummer hildabeast chosen one left wing media communist central planner concentration camps!

free market liberty individual manly muslim immigrant butt sex freedom.

i have won the debate.


you just gave me a snot bubble from laughing so hard..

concentration camps?:lol: isn't bernie a jew?
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opposite which way? anyone who is not you, is opposite of you, whether left or right..
Im sorry, I don't speak "cockgobble".

He's the opposite (normal human definition, not your retarded made up version) of Obama in literally every way.
Im sorry, I don't speak "cockgobble".

He's the opposite (normal human definition, not your retarded made up version) of Obama in literally every way.

in other words, you lack the internal mental capacity (not to mention the external facts) to back up anything you say.

like always, you came up a little short.

yeah, but he's a liberal, thus he wants to put people in concentration camps.

after all, that happened with obama as president.


**traditional inmate tatts will be replaced by the 'hope and change' sunrise..
He's the opposite (normal human definition, not your retarded made up version) of Obama in literally every way.
Obama has been Bush lite (he's beating him for countries we've dropped bombs in, added cell phones to the Patriot Act, NSA spying gone rampant) for 7 years and those who hated Bush still love Obama. Sanders is what they actually thought Obama was (from what I can tell, seems like a good guy, just misguided) so they are jumping on his bandwagon, which is understandable, but refuse to admit they were wrong about Obama. Wonder why that is?
Obama has been Bush lite (he's beating him for countries we've dropped bombs in, added cell phones to the Patriot Act, NSA spying gone rampant) for 7 years and those who hated Bush still love Obama. Sanders is what they actually thought Obama was (from what I can tell, seems like a good guy, just misguided) so they are jumping on his bandwagon, which is understandable, but refuse to admit they were wrong about Obama. Wonder why that is?

i voted for obama twice and wished he could run a 3rd.

why is bernie misguided? have you read his platform?
Obama has been Bush lite

you are literally retarded.

bush got us into two wars leaving 5,000 americans and half a million muslim civilians dead.

obama got us out of both and his drones have taken out possibly 1200 civilians total.

bush pushed for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, obama has supported marriage equality.

bush fought cannabis tooth and nail, obama let legalization happen.

bush increased the ever living shit out of the deficit, obama lowered it more than any other president.

bush added zero net jobs and crashed the economy, obama has added nearly 12 million new jobs and achieved 4%+ GDP growth.

only a retarded person would say that the two administrations were that much alike, but then again, here you are.

they refuse to admit they were wrong about Obama. Wonder why that is?

because we don't share the same retarded delusions about reality that you do.
i voted for obama twice and wished he could run a 3rd.

why is bernie misguided? have you read his platform?
Redistribution isn't the answer. The reason people are poor is because they don't know how not to be (for various reasons obviously). Blaming "the rich" for taking from the poor is misguided imo.

Instead of our current welfare system that teaches people how to get the most free stuff we should figure out how to teach people to be independent. Bernie would just grow the government plantation.

And you are saying that you would vote for Obama again if you could, but since you can't, Sanders is your man...They are so vastly different it doesn't make sense to me. If you said you were on the Hillary train it would make more sense, both warmongerers, both in the pocket of wall street, both celebrities, and.. do you hate women or something?
Sorry dude, I have to put you back on ignore again, so annoying to have my alert box blown up by creepy stalkers who have no idea what it means to have a civil conversation.

You can still reply to every post I make, I'll never understand why that gets your rocks off so much, but each of us have our thing I guess, I just won't be reading them or responding to them going forward.

I've decided the negative bitter loser fucks just aren't worth my time and effort, it's obvious you will never change, you've been slinging the same shit forever. Go stalk someone else. Better yet, figure out why you hate yourself so much and your life will improve by leaps and bounds. I really do feel sorry for anyone in your life that cares for you, you are like a sucking black hole of emotional need. It's draining trying to read a thread with you in it.

You should probably ignore me too, I'll never say anything nice about you and you can never admit to anything I say you agree with other than you grow a decent plant. I'm a waste of your time, ignore me like I'm going to ignore you (again).

lol, nice meltdown.

i will continue to point out your lies (and mock you for that "neck down" evolution theory that david duke likes so much).