History Enthusiasts! - What are the most interesting parts of human history?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Do you have a link?
Couldnt really find a link with the photo evidence Im looking for so I guess I'll resort to videos again... Some people are estimating the age based on ancient sites found on land near the underwater city (6000 years old). Others are saying its much older than that because it only could of been above water 10000+ years ago. Google the key words "underwater city, cuba" if your not convinced that it exists.




Well-Known Member
Couldnt really find a link with the photo evidence Im looking for so I guess I'll resort to videos again... Some people are estimating the age based on ancient sites found on land near the underwater city (6000 years old). Others are saying its much older than that because it only could of been above water 10000+ years ago. Google the key words "underwater city, cuba" if your not convinced that it exists.


So they have sonar images from 2000-2004 depicting what they think are pyramids?

How is that convincing evidence?

To me, nothing that was shown looked like a pyramid or houses or roads. That's the problem with image or video 'evidence', it can be interpreted differently by different people, especially something like this. Consider the Kennedy assassination, it's caught on video for anyone to see but some people think the shot comes from in front of the president and some think it comes from behind. You need more evidence to support the idea that a lost civilization lived thousands of years ago. You said 10,000 years ago, right? The earliest evidence of humans in North America is 13,000-16,000 years ago. Cuba was inhabited by primitive natives up until European colonization late in the 15th century. Primitives like pre agriculture, pre domestication of animals (which were absent from the island of Cuba until the 15th century), I'm talking a hunter/gatherer type society.

Finding burial sites or human artifacts would support that theory, or pictures of unambiguous ancient writings on the walls of the 'pyramids' (which I'd assume would be there, like there are on every other pyramid I know about), things like that...


Well-Known Member
I always enjoy checking out the "Ancient" world.

I think it's pretty incredible how man finally emerged from caves to construct truly formidable structures, some of which still stand today. Hell, look at the pyramids, Greek and Roman architecture, and the structures still standing today in the Americas from the Aztecs and Incas. Given the technology available back then, it's truly incredible what they managed to accomplish.

The pyramids stood for over 2000 years before they were seen by the Romans, and it's been 2000 years since that time, and yet, they still stand today, and probably will for thousands of years after OUR culture and nation pass away.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
So they have sonar images from 2000-2004 depicting what they think are pyramids?

How is that convincing evidence?

To me, nothing that was shown looked like a pyramid or houses or roads. That's the problem with image or video 'evidence', it can be interpreted differently by different people, especially something like this. Consider the Kennedy assassination, it's caught on video for anyone to see but some people think the shot comes from in front of the president and some think it comes from behind. You need more evidence to support the idea that a lost civilization lived thousands of years ago. You said 10,000 years ago, right? The earliest evidence of humans in North America is 13,000-16,000 years ago. Cuba was inhabited by primitive natives up until European colonization late in the 15th century. Primitives like pre agriculture, pre domestication of animals (which were absent from the island of Cuba until the 15th century), I'm talking a hunter/gatherer type society.

Finding burial sites or human artifacts would support that theory, or pictures of unambiguous ancient writings on the walls of the 'pyramids' (which I'd assume would be there, like there are on every other pyramid I know about), things like that...
I take it you only watched a portion of the videos. Theres a picture of the pyramid, no just a sonar image, the picture has a striking resemblance to the bent pyramid in Egypt. Its obvious there is massive stone structures down there, theres too many straight lines and angles for anything down there to be naturally formed.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I always enjoy checking out the "Ancient" world.

I think it's pretty incredible how man finally emerged from caves to construct truly formidable structures, some of which still stand today. Hell, look at the pyramids, Greek and Roman architecture, and the structures still standing today in the Americas from the Aztecs and Incas. Given the technology available back then, it's truly incredible what they managed to accomplish.

The pyramids stood for over 2000 years before they were seen by the Romans, and it's been 2000 years since that time, and yet, they still stand today, and probably will for thousands of years after OUR culture and nation pass away.
Yes, almost TOO incredible ;-)


Well-Known Member
So they have sonar images from 2000-2004 depicting what they think are pyramids?

How is that convincing evidence?

To me, nothing that was shown looked like a pyramid or houses or roads. That's the problem with image or video 'evidence', it can be interpreted differently by different people, especially something like this. Consider the Kennedy assassination, it's caught on video for anyone to see but some people think the shot comes from in front of the president and some think it comes from behind. You need more evidence to support the idea that a lost civilization lived thousands of years ago. You said 10,000 years ago, right? The earliest evidence of humans in North America is 13,000-16,000 years ago. Cuba was inhabited by primitive natives up until European colonization late in the 15th century. Primitives like pre agriculture, pre domestication of animals (which were absent from the island of Cuba until the 15th century), I'm talking a hunter/gatherer type society.

Finding burial sites or human artifacts would support that theory, or pictures of unambiguous ancient writings on the walls of the 'pyramids' (which I'd assume would be there, like there are on every other pyramid I know about), things like that...
I think you're turning a blind eye to what's really out there... I didn't watch the 2 videos presented but I have seen other documentries on this and ancient tools have been found in these underwater sites as well as other artifacts. This is real legit history that we are missing out on because of the fact that it is under water.

On another note you need to make sure your timeline has the summerian culture in there... and talk about the anunachi (spelling). I was just watching a documentry on netflix called
The Gods From Planet X.
It is 3 hours long... the first 10 min or so is just an intro, get passed the bearded dude and start watching... some shit really blew my mind. The Summerians knew shit that they shouldn't have. I could go on and on... Stay high.

edit: oh and the shit about Mars... wtf???

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
No, animals dont have souls dude. Bacteria dont have souls. As much as you would hope, your dog or cat wont go to heaven when it dies.
I would ask you to read the writings of Solomon in the bible Kaendar specifically Ecclesiastes... You will find that the man that according to the bible was given his wisdom directly from god didn't have the same answer as you...


Well-Known Member
I think you're turning a blind eye to what's really out there... I didn't watch the 2 videos presented but I have seen other documentries on this and ancient tools have been found in these underwater sites as well as other artifacts. This is real legit history that we are missing out on because of the fact that it is under water.

On another note you need to make sure your timeline has the summerian culture in there... and talk about the anunachi (spelling). I was just watching a documentry on netflix called
The Gods From Planet X.
It is 3 hours long... the first 10 min or so is just an intro, get passed the bearded dude and start watching... some shit really blew my mind. The Summerians knew shit that they shouldn't have. I could go on and on... Stay high.

edit: oh and the shit about Mars... wtf???
Why wouldn't we be able to excavate a site if it is underwater? Have you seen the footage from the Titanic dives? They have HD video of the ship, why couldn't they do the same thing with an ancient city beneath the water?

Do you have a link to tools or human artifacts being found in these sites?


Well-Known Member
so you have seen the 2 videos on cuba and the bermuda triangle... here is the one in Japan in the dragons triangle... I want to know what's hidden in Alaska in the devils triangle....

There are other videos I'll have to dig a little deeper to find the one that shows the artifact that was found under water...
Stay high

if you google ancient underwater cities.. you will see a shit load of stuff


Well-Known Member
Are you implying that there are ancient civilizations under the sea that ancient cultures of the time couldn't have built so there must have been external forces at work?

Is that what you're getting at?


Well-Known Member
One day, when I'm all grow'd up, out on my own, owning my own space for my own shit, I plan on designing a room with a timeline that stretches from one section of the room all around the whole room as long as time continues, so I'd like to get an idea of what some of the most interesting parts of human history (even ancient, or prehistoric history as well, dinosaurs n shit)! I'm going to hand paint an illustration with each individual 'fact' or interesting point, so I'm hoping to end up with hundreds, if not thousands of images by the time I die, as it's sort of a life long continuation type thing to keep me sane as I age. I'd imagine it would be quite valuable by the end, as I'm going to put my motherfucking all into it as I love history! So a sort of timeline from as far back as you feel necessary (big bang?) to now, mooooost interesting shit you an think of?!
Make mention of Gandhi, Hitler dominates 30s history but Gandhi was roughly contemporaneous with him and the polar opposite.


Well-Known Member
Are you implying that there are ancient civilizations under the sea that ancient cultures of the time couldn't have built so there must have been external forces at work?

Is that what you're getting at?
No dude that's just one of the videos and thier thought process, I posted the video so that you could see the underwater structures that are clearly man made... if you notice what one of the guys is saying... is that these structures had to be built when the water levels were much lower... 10-15000 yrs ago. I think the Summerian Civilization wasn't the first. That's what I'm getting at. stay high


Well-Known Member
No dude that's just one of the videos and thier thought process, I posted the video so that you could see the underwater structures that are clearly man made... if you notice what one of the guys is saying... is that these structures had to be built when the water levels were much lower... 10-15000 yrs ago. I think the Summerian Civilization wasn't the first. That's what I'm getting at. stay high
Is there any other evidence that supports the idea that global water levels were lower 10,000-15,000 years ago other than these structures being at that depth now?

(not a youtube video)


Well-Known Member
No they weren't... they both hated black people...
"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves."

"Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position."

"Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding."

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err."

There are conflicting biographies about the man, but he had much to offer.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I'm sure he did have something he could have offered... I was just pointing out the fact that he and Hitler are not polar opposites...


Well-Known Member
I'm sure he did have something he could have offered... I was just pointing out the fact that he and Hitler are not polar opposites...
So you agree that history should record Gandhi as a racist and you have not read anything he actually wrote?

I'm not going to post again and derail Padawanbater's thread, believe what you want, but you obviously haven't read anything Gandhi ever wrote.

Something he wrote in prison about the way black people were treated in South Africa sounded racist when taken out of context, but he actually went to prison for telling people to burn the cards that registered them as colored folks among other defiant acts. He angered the British Empire by fighting for their rights. There was also a lot of bullshit written about him after he died. He did not hate black people, he hated colonialism.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
How exactly do you choose to believe something..? it is not an ability that I possess... If you have some special technique you could teach me to be able choose to believe or not believe something please PM me...


Well-Known Member
not that wiki is the most reliable info on the net but...
Changes through geologic time
Comparison of two sea level reconstructions during the last 500 Ma. The scale of change during the last glacial/interglacial transition is indicated with a black bar. Note that over most of geologic history long-term average sea level has been significantly higher than today.

Sea level change since the end of the last glacial episode. Changes displayed in metres.

Sea level has changed over geologic time. As the graph shows, sea level today is very near the lowest level ever attained (the lowest level occurred at the Permian-Triassic boundary about 250 million years ago).
During the most recent ice age (at its maximum about 20,000 years ago) the world's sea level was about 130 m lower than today, due to the large amount of sea water that had evaporated and been deposited as snow and ice, mostly in the Laurentide ice sheet. The majority of this had melted by about 10,000 years ago.
Hundreds of similar glacial cycles have occurred throughout the Earth's history. Geologists who study the positions of coastal sediment deposits through time have noted dozens of similar basinward shifts of shorelines associated with a later recovery. This results in sedimentary cycles which in some cases can be correlated around the world with great confidence. This relatively new branch of geological science linking eustatic sea level to sedimentary deposits is called sequence stratigraphy.
The most up-to-date chronology of sea level change during the Phanerozoic shows the following long term trends:
Stay high[/SUP]