HLG550 vs Gavita? Anyone with experience with either/both?

Crab Pot

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well, it will be 3 2x4 trays in total. But I'm thinking of using the one unit as a veg lite for this next run.
I have my strips already as well as all the framing for the extra lights, the first one is running already, that is the grow I am posting a the moment. UPS phoned this morning so the drivers will likely be here in a day or two for the other two units.
Just two girls left to grow mostly unmolested, one had an accidental tipectomy. And a third smaller plant standing next to the trays soaking up spilled light that will be used for crossing with Swazi pollen. I still need to dial in the plant numbers and sizes for optimal yields, this strain typically yields less than an ounce a plant. Think I may be well past that though if the flowers fatten out nicely.


Well-Known Member
Largest Canadian indoor facility runs them. Check out this Kis Organics podcast, they discuss them in here.

It's a great time for the LED grow light industry. I just hope not too many commerical growers aren't traumatized from getting lied to and robbed by companies like Blackdog and such. Because 2018 is the year that LEDs truly replace any HID light with half the electricity!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the links :)
No problem. You'd be surprised how many people believe the big ass commercial grows will never swap over to LED tech because "dehps is the best" or the initial cost wont justify the change over. But holy shit if there's anyone who should be using LEDs it's them!

And as you hopefully saw in some of those pics, in big open spaces you can run them just like a Gavita and get the same (or better) crazy light penetration no problems. The first pic I put are literally 8-10 foot monsters with the same size colas from top to bottom. The LEDs you see (VPYR) are only 300 watts each and they are killing it.


Well-Known Member
and reduced need for nutrients where did you get that from, I have not notice any reduction from hid to led, if anything im feeding slightly more. Mileage varies im sure.


Well-Known Member
and reduced need for nutrients where did you get that from, I have not notice any reduction from hid to led, if anything im feeding slightly more. Mileage varies im sure.
Not gonna go through their videos to find one that talks about it, but you're free to check them out yourself (fluence bioengineering). The growers save water and nutrients because the plants and their mediums aren;t getting baked inside out via IR, and the rooms run cooler with a higher VPD since there is way less energy required.

These are things you might not notice in a small grow but on this scale every little difference is amplified by a million so it turns into lots of money being saved.


Well-Known Member
It's a great time for the LED grow light industry. I just hope not too many commerical growers aren't traumatized from getting lied to and robbed by companies like Blackdog and such. Because 2018 is the year that LEDs truly replace any HID light with half the electricity!
Now you are saying led can replace hps with half the wattage?
Which is it dude? Just a bit ago you were suggesting 900W of led to go against 1150W hps :roll:


Well-Known Member
Now you are saying led can replace hps with half the wattage?
Which is it dude? Just a bit ago you were suggesting 900W of led to go against 1150W hps :roll:
Lol bro, you see, those commerical farms already know that PPF output isnt the end all be all of how well the light performs. They understand why and how an LED emitting more red/far red/green spectra can equal abit higher PPF, mostly yellow with some red spectra DEHPS.
They are replacing DEHPS using 50-60% of the wattage already using those fluence VPYR and SPYDR X plus lights. And they are pulling at LEAST the same yields as before, otherwise it wouldnt be a smart switch to use the LEDs. The quality and potency is higher on their crops, which commerically is huge because of extracts and edibles. The difference between 22% THC under hps and 25% under LED turns into massive amounts of extra BHO extracts. And the 300w VPYR specifically has unbelievable light penetration that at least can equal a DEHPS, but looking at the first pic I posted back there they have 900w of them for each of those 8-9 foot monsters and buds are the same top to bottom.

And again, I posted that build just to show that for the same upfront cost (remember, dehps needs a seperate veg light too) you can not only replace a 1000w DE lamp, but you can DESTROY a 1150w DEHPS lamp and then run circles around it. And every few months that pass, the DEHPS costs more and more and more due to bulbs/reflector swaps. All while the LEDs use 200 less watts of electricity and has a spectrum for full cycle growth and higher quality bud.

If you want to keep defending DEHPS, just note that once you factor in everything you can get a FAR better LED light that is superior in every possible way for the same damn price up front for the same clone/seed to harvest grow. And the LED lasts 7-10 years with no part replacements, versus new bulb+reflector every 3 months.


Well-Known Member
Lol bro, you see, those commerical farms already know that PPF output isnt the end all be all of how well the light performs. They understand why and how an LED emitting more red/far red/green spectra can equal abit higher PPF, mostly yellow with some red spectra DEHPS.
They are replacing DEHPS using 50-60% of the wattage already using those fluence VPYR and SPYDR X plus lights. And they are pulling at LEAST the same yields as before, otherwise it wouldnt be a smart switch to use the LEDs. The quality and potency is higher on their crops, which commerically is huge because of extracts and edibles. The difference between 22% THC under hps and 25% under LED turns into massive amounts of extra BHO extracts. And the 300w VPYR specifically has unbelievable light penetration that at least can equal a DEHPS, but looking at the first pic I posted back there they have 900w of them for each of those 8-9 foot monsters and buds are the same top to bottom.

And again, I posted that build just to show that for the same upfront cost (remember, dehps needs a seperate veg light too) you can not only replace a 1000w DE lamp, but you can DESTROY a 1150w DEHPS lamp and then run circles around it. And every few months that pass, the DEHPS costs more and more and more due to bulbs/reflector swaps. All while the LEDs use 200 less watts of electricity and has a spectrum for full cycle growth and higher quality bud.

If you want to keep defending DEHPS, just note that once you factor in everything you can get a FAR better LED light that is superior in every possible way for the same damn price up front for the same clone/seed to harvest grow. And the LED lasts 7-10 years with no part replacements, versus new bulb+reflector every 3 months.
You make a shit ton of assumptions...
I don't defend or even use DEHPS
You think growers Veg in their Flower room making a light for veg necessary in the flower space?
You think people don'y veg under hps in a commercial setting?
You think led makes more potent weed than HPS, LEC, or LEP? Even T5 for that matter?
Just admit that your proposals are not necessarily the best for all situations...


Well-Known Member
People hitting 3.5-4 lbs with 800-900w of diy leds in ~25 sq feet easy now.

The AC/DE hoods are the only sensible way to do DEHPS without massive ceilings.

As for cost, you can build a 1000w samsung strip light that has 27% more raw output (than a 1150w dehps) and is better in every single regard for around $850. A 1000w AC/DE setup is like $600.

  • 6x Samsung LT-FB24B double row 44" strips ($300)

  • 3x Mean Well HLG-320H-48A drivers ($250)

  • 6x 46" pieces of 1.8" aluminum heatsink ($180) note how its 2" longer than the strips, dont forget that

  • 3/4" Aluminum L frame 1/8" thick for your frame, 4x 46" pieces - $30

  • A box of 5 slot wagos - $20

  • 14g and 18g solid core wire - $12

  • M6 screws - $3

  • Power cords - $15

  • Thermal tape - $10

Total cost is about $820 plus shipping. 960-1000+ watts depending on how many extra watts your A series meanwells give you. PPF output of around 2200+

A DEHPS bulb running on 1150w overdrive has a PPF output of around 2000. And those AC/DE hoods with the glass on them eat a solid 15% of that, so really 1700 PPF. If you dont want to HAVE to replace your bulb every 3 months, a 1000w DEHPS bulb is around 1850 PPF.

And you can veg under the LEDs. Quality should increase in every regard.They'll last 8-10 years. Driver has 7 year warranty. Spectrum is far better. You can place them closer to your plants.

The DEHPS might edge it on in penetration, but I frankly really doubt it.

HPS is just not there. And if I hear someone say this is all bullshit because I dont use DEHPS myself, then you can keep telling yourself those inefficient orange space heaters are the best while us LED heads will laugh at you.
im 100% pro led but this post is compete bullshit


Well-Known Member
You sure spew a lot of myth for someone that really doesn't even have a LED Strip harvest in the bag.
1 Question - Why would someone replace 1150W HPS with 900W led? Shouldn't it be 690W max at the 60% led watt : Hps watt ratio?
Your trimming the wattage savings too small to be attractive with what you recommend.

And then there is you'r 4 units in a 5x5 guarantee :lol:
Everyone is on the GML HLG550 vs hps stream I would assume. He is covering a 5x6 per "light", let's just see if he get's 4 units per 5x6.
If not, are you going to call him an amateur?
and an equally stupid response to a bullshit post

Colo MMJ

Well-Known Member
Im stretching 1 gavita 750 (max 850w)
Over an 8x8.(7.5x6) and so far its working

Of course i could get more or bigger if i stuffed more light in there but i want to know what ONE can do

Feel free to find my journal :)

All that said.

For a gavita you need at least an 8 ft set up

But they dont run hotter then a normal 1k

Like i said im not trying to grow lettuce and i know my space can use more light.

But so far so good ... also i use them in the winter for a heat source.

I want to build a full strip build for summer runs though if i dont go outdoors to save power :)
How high are your ceilings bro? 8x8? Nice. How many LBs? A decent grower can pull 3 lb with SE HPS with lowish ceilings if they know what they are doing. Most growers are almost useless.


Well-Known Member
How high are your ceilings bro? 8x8? Nice. How many LBs? A decent grower can pull 3 lb with SE HPS with lowish ceilings if they know what they are doing. Most growers are almost useless.
ive seen someone try to cover a space like that with gavita it didnt go well at all guy lost a ton of money had to move out of his place


Well-Known Member
im 100% pro led but this post is compete bullshit
How so exactly? LOL. You arent gonna cover a 5x5 grow space using a 1150w DEHPS, so I figured that would be a good build that would. And yea....

1000w of those samsung strips is right at 2.2 umol/j after losses n shit. So 2200 PPF output.

A 1150w DEHPS right at 1.8 umol/j has a 2070 PPF output. Then there's reflection loss from the hood, plus refraction loss through the glass. 10-15% reduced PPF easy, so 1800PPF.

Obviously the LEDs (3000k) would have a superior spectrum overall. Both for full cycle use and just in terms of how much red/far red/green wavelengths are in it, which are the main photosynthetic drivers.

Here's a eye hortilux 1000w de SPD

And 3000k LM561C SPD

The DEHPS spectra is just dominated by yellow wavelengths, no good. Therefore, all of the other wavelengths relative to it are quite low. Sure there's a decent amount of red, but the 3000k LED has way more red spectra, and especially notable is that it has 4 times the relative amount of 660nm far red, the most important wavelength. Overall, there's a significant amount more red on the 3000k cob than the 2100k DEHPS.

Oh, and green is nearly as photosynthetically active as the red in intense white light. And it penetrates leaves like butter. HPS has no green. Scientifically speaking, the LED has a more photosynhetically active spectra than the DEHPS. And it still packs plenty of blue light which (along with UV) has been shown time and time to increase trichome production.

So you combine that with the raw 20% higher PPF output on top of it, and it's a clear winner....

And while most people would be crazy to run a DEHPS in a 5x5 (even AC/DE), let alone bumped to 1150w, it doesnt even provide full intensity in that space. While the LEDs would emit about as much heat, they would provide a much superior intensity and spectra overall and will take a 5x5 to 4 pounds.
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Well-Known Member
How high are your ceilings bro? 8x8? Nice. How many LBs? A decent grower can pull 3 lb with SE HPS with lowish ceilings if they know what they are doing. Most growers are almost useless.
9.5 ft high room is 7.5x 7.5 ft
This run isnt ideal, dialed, or my best work haha

Dont know yet first run with the light.

Ill know better on the next run cause i wont be using old slow monsterplants lol