Hold on to your hats libbys


Well-Known Member
Anyone who took that experiment will regret it eventually...go ahead and tell me I wear tin foil hats. Search for yourself how many young healthy adults have dropped dead lately. Oh well, RIP.

Out of more than 369 MILLION doses of covid 19 vaccine administered in the USA, 7218 have died, but all deaths are not covid related, and only have a causal link. Meaning some people would have died anyway. Even if saying all these deaths were directly related to the vaccine, thats a 0.00195609756% death rate.
7218 is 0.00195609756% of 369,000,000

So the actual death rate from the vaccine is extremely low, regardless of what your right wing bullshit conspiracy theorists tell you.

Also the mRna vaccine technology isnt new, and isnt experimental. The reason they were able to get it approved so fast is because the technology has been developed since 1992. They also used this technology to make a vaccine during the SARS outbreak in 2002 under Bush, but the virus ran its course, and died out, leaving no reason to vaccinate people. All they had to do was sequence the virus, and make it into a vaccine to create the covid 19 vaccine.

Ive already had my 4th vaccination thank you.

Its a proven fact the vaccine slows the death rate amongst the vaccinated. It keeps the major percentage of the vaccinated, and out of the hospitals. Is it perfect?? NO. But its a fact it decreases mortality rate.

In my neck of the woods in extreme Northeastern Kentucky as of 3 weeks ago we were in the highest infection rate in Kentucky. Only 3 other counties out of 120 were in this classification. 1 week later, and to this day all 120 counties are in the red zone. In my small population city of 20,000 the local hospital has had to reopen the covid wing on the hospital because of infections. Also all of the counties in the surrounding states of Ohio, and west Virginia are also in the highest infection rate zones.

Ive never stopped wearing a mask, and only go 1 place to eat, if I dine in, but I usually get take out. I only go into grocery stores, and the Drs office. So far I have not contracted covid, though my wife has, and my sister has. I took care of both my wife, and 68 years old sister, and never caught covid. I also only wear an N95 mask. Ive never worn the cheap cloth masks. N95 only. I just recently bought 500 of them. I used to go to the local YMCA everyday to lift weights, which Ive done since 1978, but since covid started, I dont go there. I do have some weights at home but cant do heavy squats. Which are my favorite exercise. I run 20-60 miles a week depending on the season of the year. In spring- summer I run more, and lift lighter weights 5 times a week, and fall-winter I run less, and lift heavier weights. right now I run 45 miles a week, and will build up to 60 by the end of Fall in December. So I try and stay healthy, and eat right, to combat Covid.
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