HoLE's NL times Skunk Garage Room Grow


Well-Known Member
good job man cant wait till next run im not doing anything in my garage right now either but soon as i get a couple more new lights i will start


Well-Known Member
hey people,,so much for 8-10 weeks flowering like the seed package said,,here we are at 13 weeks 2 days,,2 plants I took down a lil early are still great smoke ,,very thick smooth smoke on the ex-hale,,long sedative buzz and yummy,,as for the 2 that are left,,well here's there heads,,which are ready but the lowers could go another week or so,,still don't have a dry weight as they are not all done yet but the 2 I took down already are about 7 ounces smokable,,the 2 heads here are heavyweights and very solid,,time will tell the weight,,regardless the 2 remaining have to be down by the 6th of March and hanging to cure because that's the day I leave to visit fdd again and see some more of California for 10 days:mrgreen:
all comments and or questions welcome



Well-Known Member
sorry again hole, this comment if for when ur plants were 7 days after seed, at this point how far was ur light from the canopy? i have a similar set up with a 1000w hps and its about 2 feet from the tops, it was hihgher but i had to deal with some stretching....
still no dry weight total donready 7 ounces and counting,,as babies I keep my hps about 3 feet from the tops,,after 2 weeks the light comes to say 18 inches to 2 feet,,but this was a winter grow in a garage and I had to remove the glass from my hood to help out with cold temp issues,,if the glass was in I would get the light close as possible without harming canopy,,


Well-Known Member
well,,it's finally complete,,,and just in time as I leave for California for 10 days this Saturday:hump:

so lets recap

new 4 by 5 room
600 watter
495 cfm fan
Northern Lights times Skunk feminized seeds
Advanced Nutes
8 week Veg
11 to 14 weeks flowering
winter garage grow

I'm pretty happy,,,got 6 1.5 litre jars of smokable right now,,prolly about 7 ounces or so from the first 2 I took down,
theres 2 big colas in the pc tower box,,and i just took down the rest of those 2 plants yesterday,,you can see my wife does the trimming,,,they will have to hang till I get back,,which is on the 15th,,should be able to come up with a dry weight total then

as for the grow it could have been better,,I still have 5 of those feminized seeds and will use them when I get back for my next grow,,I now know that this strain can totally handle the nutes I was feeding and more,,and on my next grow they will be nuked with nutes,,also I will downsize my pots,,from the big 12 inchers to something smaller as it took way too much time making water for them and i don't feel I watered enough due to the amount of medium I packed in them,,although they looked good the entire grow,,I think it was all my fault they didn't come out bigger,,ah well,,live and learn:hump:,,hope all is good with everyone and all questions or comments are welcome

