No. Public figures give up all rights to their images. Even when they become public figures against their will, they lose that protection. George Zimmerman, for an example, was unable to sue NBC for slander, because he was a public figure. Even tho it was NBC, in part, who made him a public figure.privately made ones yes do what ever
but a public mag like high times............honestly think of the amount of money that would be spent on a lawsuit defence ..........they had to have a disclaimer/ok from the white house to do this other wise they are open for massive legal actions
Movies are copyrighted. The prez can copyright any photo he produces himself if he desires and no one else can use it. He can't copyright photos someone else produces.i want u ppl to see something
download and share any Tom Cruise movie any one ........start counting how many days it takes for u to get a copyright letter from someone that works for his ass/the crazy ass church he belongs too
and we are talking movies and stuff that has been publicly broadcasted so is under the free and fair use act ....they get on your ass about
u do not think the white house would go after someone that did that with the prez image with out there ok (drugs are a huge issue that wrecks politician lives .....look at the guy with the 8 ball of coke or the ex prez (i did not inhail) ....come on use the god given brain u have
I clearly disagreed with him, you liar.My mind is boggling. First he thinks that that is a real, authorized White House photo... (I did not realize his assertion at first)... What an amazingly fantastic worldview justugh has. And then he things that the link he posted (some about Republic and USA) is an official website of the US government rather than a partisan, one-man show put up by some goof in Alaska. And he thinks we are a bunch of assholes for not accepting his well thought out argument. Well at least Red is on his side. That's good.
I gave him way to much credit on his IQ. Now I think the first number is an 8.
You are right, I am a liar. I said justugh was a pussy.... But he's more of a dick.I clearly disagreed with him, you liar.
Especially you, with your outdoor globe light filled with petrol and ball bearings and shit.. I'm the only one he likes around here he's my nakka.even me?
Yea , at first I didn't believe him. But when he started explaining and dropping hard facts. I couldn't deny the truth..@justugh is the man! One of the few people around here that knows wat the hell is going on. He's my druggy amish friend, how cool is that..
Lol. That link... RotflYea , at first I didn't believe him. But when he started explaining and dropping hard facts. I couldn't deny the truth..
Waaaaa, Waaa, Waaaaaaaa!!! I'm so cool and know SO much more than you about EVERYTHING, and if you say I don't I'm gonna pull off your dick with 11 pounds of pressure and put it up your friends butts with another 9! Who am I???
I think it's a freekin trap @justugh dude baitin bro. Be strong.Ok, @justugh . Below is the home page for the link you posted. Please look at it. Does it look like an official US government website?
I think it's a freekin trap @justugh dude baitin bro. Be INSANE.