Holy Shit ...Barry Santos is for weed

"Public figures" enjoy no such protection. Obviously a Photoshopped image.
privately made ones yes do what ever

but a public mag like high times............honestly think of the amount of money that would be spent on a lawsuit defence ..........they had to have a disclaimer/ok from the white house to do this other wise they are open for massive legal actions
i want u ppl to see something
download and share any Tom Cruise movie any one ........start counting how many days it takes for u to get a copyright letter from someone that works for his ass/the crazy ass church he belongs too
and we are talking movies and stuff that has been publicly broadcasted so is under the free and fair use act ....they get on your ass about

u do not think the white house would go after someone that did that with the prez image with out there ok (drugs are a huge issue that wrecks politician lives .....look at the guy with the 8 ball of coke or the ex prez (i did not inhail) ....come on use the god given brain u have
how fucking dumb are u guys

1 the prez image is one of the most protected things in the world .......almost no pics of the prez are ever shown unless the white house press corp has signed off on it ( only time they would show up other wise if a private citizen got a pic and posted it )

2 the photo on the mag had to be signed off by the white house to allow the release of the image .........if they did not sign off on it the sheer implications of what is saying would have the whole place shut down everything pulled off the shelf and the ppl sued ( it is illegal to use a image of another person with out the consent of that person or there ppl when u are public selling the image )

3 the prez face is basically trademarked by the white house for those years they are in office ..........this face is the face of america has been since TV and Photographic been out (it is the whole reason when u hear a voice on the radio sounds like him they have to say it was someone else other wise the ad would be Illegal and they could get in trouble)

4 the white house has been all over ppl using his image has been for years .........now once they are out of office and no longer the active prez they are a private citizen then pics are open u can grab them with a telephoto lens and post him wacking his meat

5 High times mag is a USA based mag and is under USA laws ............so using something they are not allowed to use is a crazy idea as it would shut down the mag and cost them millions in the court system to fight it /pay for fines


and as u see they sell /offer it global ........so looking multi million dollars a year sales /and money from ads ( using the image one time is not worth it unless they have the OK )

for all that stuff above .............u lost the image is real he stood there allowed it to be taken .........they did the art work they sent it to the white house the white house looked at it and signed off on them allowing them to use it .......they used it and and filed the paperwork away allowing them to use it to cover there asses from lawsuit ..........standard business op (protect their asses )

Good God, almost everything written above is nonsense.
i want u ppl to see something
download and share any Tom Cruise movie any one ........start counting how many days it takes for u to get a copyright letter from someone that works for his ass/the crazy ass church he belongs too
and we are talking movies and stuff that has been publicly broadcasted so is under the free and fair use act ....they get on your ass about

u do not think the white house would go after someone that did that with the prez image with out there ok (drugs are a huge issue that wrecks politician lives .....look at the guy with the 8 ball of coke or the ex prez (i did not inhail) ....come on use the god given brain u have
Lol your talking about the church of scientology. Of course they are going to sue you that's all they do. Even if they know they can't win they will still sue you till your broke...I can't believe you think Obama really posed with a bong. That's dumb bro!
God, he is just delicious. He makes Nevaeh look like Bill Maher. I think he's gonna stick around for a while, hop aboard the crazy train. It's gonna be a bumpy, psychotic, super-fun ride. ALL ABOARD!!! KOO-KOOOO...

My mind is boggling. First he thinks that that is a real, authorized White House photo... (I did not realize his assertion at first)... What an amazingly fantastic worldview justugh has. And then he things that the link he posted (some about Republic and USA) is an official website of the US government rather than a partisan, one-man show put up by some goof in Alaska. And he thinks we are a bunch of assholes for not accepting his well thought out argument. Well at least Red is on his side. That's good.

I gave him way to much credit on his IQ. Now I think the first number is an 8.
i want u ppl to see something
download and share any Tom Cruise movie any one ........start counting how many days it takes for u to get a copyright letter from someone that works for his ass/the crazy ass church he belongs too
and we are talking movies and stuff that has been publicly broadcasted so is under the free and fair use act ....they get on your ass about

u do not think the white house would go after someone that did that with the prez image with out there ok (drugs are a huge issue that wrecks politician lives .....look at the guy with the 8 ball of coke or the ex prez (i did not inhail) ....come on use the god given brain u have
Dude, you can do whatever you want with the President's picture. He's not Mohamed.
My mind is boggling. First he thinks that that is a real, authorized White House photo... (I did not realize his assertion at first)... What an amazingly fantastic worldview justugh has. And then he things that the link he posted (some about Republic and USA) is an official website of the US government rather than a partisan, one-man show put up by some goof in Alaska. And he thinks we are a bunch of assholes for not accepting his well thought out argument. Well at least Red is on his side. That's good.

I gave him way to much credit on his IQ. Now I think the first number is an 8.

Yep. Same experience I had last year in S&S&P. At first, of course, I thought he was an awesome new troll. It is still hard to believe he isn't, that degree of crazy deserves a court-appointed... something. It can be disorienting to the uninitiated. It must be kinda cool to believe that you are some sort of retarded Bruce Wayne with secret gadgets, secret fighting skills, secret data, etc., and that everyone else are stupid sheep hungry for your knowledge. Imagine believing things are true simply because you decide they are. Kind of liberating...
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i want u ppl to see something
downloadand share any Tom Cruise movie any one ........start counting how many days it takes for u to get a copyright letter from someone that works for his ass/the crazy ass church he belongs too
and we are talking movies and stuff that has been publicly broadcasted so is under the free and fair use act ....they get on your ass about

u do not think the white house would go after someone that did that with the prez image with out there ok (drugs are a huge issue that wrecks politician lives .....look at the guy with the 8 ball of coke or the ex prez (i did not inhail) ....come on use the god given brain u have
Your talking a copyright movie not just a picture some random person took on the street and photo shopped. just look at some of the crazy shit they got on Youtube about Obama I don't know if he's Muslim, The Antichrist, a Reptilian, Osama or Jesus did the White house sign off on all them video's? Or do we have freedom of speech and artistic expression in this country? I think we do otherwise their wouldn't be dumb asses drawing stupid pictures of Mohamed just to see how many Muslims they can piss off........ :bigjoint:
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