how fucking dumb are u guys
1 the prez image is one of the most protected things in the world .......almost no pics of the prez are ever shown unless the white house press corp has signed off on it ( only time they would show up other wise if a private citizen got a pic and posted it )
2 the photo on the mag had to be signed off by the white house to allow the release of the image .........if they did not sign off on it the sheer implications of what is saying would have the whole place shut down everything pulled off the shelf and the ppl sued ( it is illegal to use a image of another person with out the consent of that person or there ppl when u are public selling the image )
3 the prez face is basically trademarked by the white house for those years they are in office ..........this face is the face of america has been since TV and Photographic been out (it is the whole reason when u hear a voice on the radio sounds like him they have to say it was someone else other wise the ad would be Illegal and they could get in trouble)
4 the white house has been all over ppl using his image has been for years once they are out of office and no longer the active prez they are a private citizen then pics are open u can grab them with a telephoto lens and post him wacking his meat
5 High times mag is a USA based mag and is under USA laws using something they are not allowed to use is a crazy idea as it would shut down the mag and cost them millions in the court system to fight it /pay for fines
and as u see they sell /offer it global looking multi million dollars a year sales /and money from ads ( using the image one time is not worth it unless they have the OK )
for all that stuff above .............u lost the image is real he stood there allowed it to be taken .........they did the art work they sent it to the white house the white house looked at it and signed off on them allowing them to use it .......they used it and and filed the paperwork away allowing them to use it to cover there asses from lawsuit ..........standard business op (protect their asses )