Holy Smoke Malawi Gold Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
OK - I am mixing up some super soil for this season.

Some ingredients:

Jamaican Mon!

Trash cans for storage (those things sticking out are tomato cages for mainlining):



Well-Known Member
Organized all of my pictures in Photobucket (3+ hours of work) and now they do not display correctly! I pay them for this privilege :) hah

Soil is mixed and cooking. Strawberries - 4 different strains - are planted along with a beefsteak tomato. Transplanted the Plumeria and dug up my potatoes. A small Golden teardrop tomato seedling that was growing on a clump of dirt on my shovel and was planted next to a warm west-facing wall is now 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide and loving the sunshine. The grapes are all starting to sprout new growth. Lemon, Tangerine and Sangria tree are showing new growth also.

A sunflower is growing in the container where the ugly reveg clone was grown. One of the leaves looked bad and when I looked underneath there was a thrip. Killing time!!!!



Well-Known Member
OK - I am mixing up some super soil for this season.

Some ingredients:

Jamaican Mon!

Trash cans for storage (those things sticking out are tomato cages for mainlining):

I had to ask, what's the Downy fabric softener for?.

Also, I'm finally going to pop my own Malawi beans that have sitting here for over a year...they were freebies from Sannie so I'm sure they are the real deal. I'll have to finish them indoors though.



Well-Known Member
April fresh 420 taste! JK - took the picture in the laundry room and it ended up in the picture :)
I have an idea, I can pop the beans and veg til about July 1st. Then flip indoors to 12 hours til' September when actual outdoor daylight is 12 hours. Then I can finish outside before it all freezes, that's how I'll deal with the long flowering time so I don't have tie up my flower room for 20 plus weeks. Plus there is no way I'll do this strain without the benefit of real UV/UVB during flower.

If U begin a new thread, I'll be happy to come along for the ride!



Well-Known Member
Thanks! I was thinking the same thing except I would cover them outside to induce flowering earlier to see whether they would finish sooner in the sun.


Well-Known Member
Bailing on this thread. Going to start a Mohican 2013 thread. Where should I put it?

Happy Pi Day!

Just started my first worm bin! Ganja Farmer...



Hey Mo, just wondering if you've ever tried ACE's Malawi (or any other breeders) and if you had an comparisons to the batch you did? Did you ever do a smoke report on the Mulanje?


Well-Known Member
No. Moved on to TGA and RD genetics. Nobody else seems to like extreme paranoia. Trying to grow some pain meds.

There is a Mulanje report on the Mohican 2013 thread.


Went back and found that report... The Mulanje sounds like fun to me :) The Ace of Spades sounds killer...Have you tried it before?


Well-Known Member
Not yet. The AOS bushes got transplanted to 20 gallon smart pots today. So did a very purple Mulanje Bubblegum x Mozambique Poison.

Half of the clones have rooted also :)


Aww yeah! That bubblegum should tame the paranoia nicely I bet- give you a really fun social smoke hopefully along with the pain killing properties you're looking for


Well-Known Member
I am going back to my new thread in my signature. Posting some updated Bubblegum pictures.



Well-Known Member
Photobucket broke the links on my pictures. If you are interested in seeing a particular photo, let me know. I still have them.