Home Made Co2 Tutorial

Nope, thats a nutrient/pH/bug issue.. Tough to say which without a better description, but commonly a Mg deficiency causes that..
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!

There may be an equally good guide on this site, but this is what I currently refer to..

Edit: Still shouldn't smoke around your plants though if you wanna be a perfectionist.. It plugs up their respiration sites..

Thanks. I'll do just that.

Edit: I found out the problem. Its Calcium def. Thanks again!
this may be a silly question but.. If I were to.. say blow a lot of smoke into my grow room, would that explain my leaves having yellow dry spots?

your plants are non smokers, they prefer fresh air. although it may not be an issue, why do it. smoke creates dust which gets on your leaves, bulbs, lenses, reflective surfaces reducing overal lumens. with that said, i smoke with my plants but i blow my hits into my exhaust fan.
i found that just using soda like sunkist and welchs grape work real good and its cheaper than buying the white gold
Premade drinks are not going to be cheaper than mixing your own sugar washes, and they won't contain as much sugar, so they will yield much less CO2/Litre..
Also, many drinks have yeast antagonists like sodium benzoate etc to prevent natural fermentation.. Granted these aren't that tough to overcome, but performance will still be hindered..
dont knock it tilll you tyied it. i have done both and the soda ones would last weeks even when i though i thought they were done. i would cap them back up to be throw away later,and i would always have to burp them cuz they were still producing CO2.but that never happened to the sugar water ones they died out after a week. let me hear your trials and errors
Thats because of the sodium benzoate stalling the last little bit so it just dwindles to completion of a weak ferment..
Coca-Cola which is as sugary as any, IIRC has about 19% sugar by mass.. So a 2L bottle will contain roughly 380g of sugar which should yield ~180g (close to 4 moles) of CO2 via anaerobic respiration..
At STP, that is roughly 90L of pure CO2, or 60000L (2200cuft) of ideal plant air..
That same amount could be produced with 380g of sugar that would cost me about 16 cents, and allows me to tweak the recipe so that it ferments as quickly, or slowly as I like..
Beyond the anti fungals, soda just doesn't have the vitamins needed to finish strong..
Juices are a craps shoot.. There are a few types that make wonderful ferments, but its FAR from cheap.. Others are so loaded with crap to prevent them from fermenting that they're almost sure to get stuck..
Would these DIY CO2 bottles affect humidity in any way?

Just guessing that some of the water will evaporate due to the lights/heat, though it may just a negligible amount...
I don't know how much humidity in a large room would be affected, but they will be shooting out quite a bit of water as can be seen on the lid of a rubbermaid fermenting vessel etc..
great thread i gotta question if i make a co2 bottle thing then poly tube it to my air bubbler in my rez would this do it any good or just feed it from the top in co2 lines
i read this whole thing and someone said something about it but no real answer
i used this cheap c02 method a while ago, it works fine, tho get it wrong and it can become v messy and you need to replace it every night period and only really wrks for clossets not big rooms. As long as your area is well ventilated you shouldn't need to apply c02. for strong vig growth i recommend carb supliments i use carbo load! good shit! its like creatine for plants
i used this cheap c02 method a while ago, it works fine, tho get it wrong and it can become v messy and you need to replace it every night period and only really wrks for clossets not big rooms. As long as your area is well ventilated you shouldn't need to apply c02. for strong vig growth i recommend carb supliments i use carbo load! good shit! its like creatine for plants

Yeah, be careful with DIY Co2. Usually your just inviting mold into your grow room.

Carboload is good shit. I wouldnt say its like creatine. Its literally just simple sugars. My buddy worked at Advance Nutes factory, all day he would mix water and a big bag of sugar (not table sugar....), and bottle it as "Carbo Load"
