Homemade EZ cloner not working

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Active Member
I never use one, 100% success rate so far. Don't use anything in water but cloning solution and a little vit B. Stems look a little heavy on your cuttings. usually delays rooting. I don't even pH the water, straight from trap. Too much leaf on cuttings, too.
This just shows how Mr Know it all and his lab shit is well, just shit! I try to use at least 10 inch long and THICK branches to use as my clones! I then cut them down to 6 inches and still have thick stems! I do scrap them and dip them in gel and i do not cut leaves! Those clones will always show roots quicker and end up with huge roots! This is what this forum is for, a person asks a question, and people say what works for them, the person asking the question tries different things until he figures out what works for him! Is my way the best way or will it work for everyone, fuck no! It's just what I do! Fuck a lab:) what is the vit B for Red?

just to be clear, my reference to Mr. know it all is for Indicondom:)


Active Member
I consistently hit 1.5 grams per watt, and the only reason I don't have a higher gram per watt is because I am a solo grower and running 200+ plants just isn't possible for me at the moment.
This dude again? I was doing some reading last night and came across a thread where this guy was posting. I read everything he wrote and he sounded very inteligent, and he really put some effort into his research.

I stopped listening to him when I figured out that he can't exist in a public forum without being an ass.

Hey dom, nobody cared about proof of experience until you started being a douche bag. I've seen some new people around, smart ones, with experience. At this point, I don't care how much experience you have. Go back to Grass City or wherever you came from.



Well-Known Member
Can I join the pissing contest..

No need for a dome,
No need for an air stone,
No need for rooting hormone, but this can be overlooked

What you must have is water warmer than 65 degrees..

I have tried every method posted in the last 5 or 6 pages and like kpmarine, all worked and provided rooted clones within 14 days but all the extras like the dome and rooting hormone maybe saved two or three days;

I'm not sure why anyone would refer to a lab as no one here is trying to propagate clones in a lab or has close to a lab setup, firstly labs are sterile and I'm willing to bet no one has a sterile grow room, indicadom seems to be pushing what works for him and that's fine although his timetable posted against OLDDUDE is a little off.

This thread is about time to rooted clones but the real determining factor is bud weight period, unless your just rooting clones and throwing them out,

9 weeks of flower for a freshly (no veg) rooted clone could not possibly produce as much bud as a clone vegged for three week, now if you extend both methods for a year and take a tally of rooted clones vs harvested weight then we can have some numbers to consider, but as it is showing 1 cycle over 9 weeks and saying buds have been curing for a month and the other method has 2 weeks to go means nothing; unless you have not been able to produce enough and you got crumbs left to smoke, you'll get to smoke 7 - 10 days sooner..

OP, try again and the only thing you may need to purchase is a small fish tank heater, water above 70 and your clones will be fully rooted and ready to veg within 10 days. You can add an airpump and dome but that is not what your problem is..good luck and keep us posted.



Well-Known Member
Can I join the pissing contest..

No need for a dome,
No need for an air stone,
No need for rooting hormone, but this can be overlooked

What you must have is water warmer than 65 degrees..

I have tried every method posted in the last 5 or 6 pages and like kpmarine, all worked and provided rooted clones within 14 days but all the extras like the dome and rooting hormone maybe saved two or three days;

I'm not sure why anyone would refer to a lab as no one here is trying to propagate clones in a lab or has close to a lab setup, firstly labs are sterile and I'm willing to bet no one has a sterile grow room, indicadom seems to be pushing what works for him and that's fine although his timetable posted against OLDDUDE is a little off.

This thread is about time to rooted clones but the real determining factor is bud weight period, unless your just rooting clones and throwing them out,

9 weeks of flower for a freshly (no veg) rooted clone could not possibly produce as much bud as a clone vegged for three week, now if you extend both methods for a year and take a tally of rooted clones vs harvested weight then we can have some numbers to consider, but as it is showing 1 cycle over 9 weeks and saying buds have been curing for a month and the other method has 2 weeks to go means nothing; unless you have not been able to produce enough and you got crumbs left to smoke, you'll get to smoke 7 - 10 days sooner..

OP, try again and the only thing you may need to purchase is a small fish tank heater, water above 70 and your clones will be fully rooted and ready to veg within 10 days. You can add an airpump and dome but that is not what your problem is..good luck and keep us posted.

Checked my water temp yesterday afternoon 77 and first thing this morning 76 I think I'll just take evryones advice and throw these ones out start over new. Figure I'll give it one more try if it don't work I guess its back to domes lol.


Well-Known Member
I would not throw them out. They will root today or tomorrow, I will it to be.
I agree, don't toss them they will root just fine. You can change your water after each clone cycle or you may get some unwanted visitors with temps in the mid 70's or alternatively if you don't want to dump and refill after each cycle 2ml/L of H2O2 (food grade if available) will get rid of any unfriendly microbes building up in your cloner.



Active Member
Be careful about using drop in heaters!!! Superstoner is I guess my mentor and knows what he is doing!! He has said the only time he had problems with the funk or whatever it was, was when he used one of those! I have no idea what happened and all I am saying is be careful! I use a mat with a controller! The cost is probably around $50-75 for both but they do the job close to perfect and should last a long time! Pretty sure he just cuts the clones and puts them into the cloner with no additives, no hormones and doesn't give a shit about controlling his temps:) that is as simple as it gets!


Well-Known Member
was ready to reply til i got to the last post. well said. k.i.s.s.
the deal with the drop in heaters is that the area surrounding the heater stays a lot warmer than the rest of the res and it will cause slime to build up fast, like almost overnight. i almost lost a bunch of strains the one time i used it and have never had a problem since. if the water is a little cooler in winter then it will just take a few days longer.


Well-Known Member
There you go again talking shit. I feel bad for the people who take your advice. You really are ignorant. You think there's only one way to setup a tent, you think there's only one way to grow a plant. You probably think people who use 400w are idiots because they don't have 600w's. You serve no purpose here other than to be an asshole and I can't wait until the admins ban your sorry ass.


New Member
There you go again talking shit. I feel bad for the people who take your advice. You really are ignorant. You think there's only one way to setup a tent, you think there's only one way to grow a plant. You probably think people who use 400w are idiots because they don't have 600w's. You serve no purpose here other than to be an asshole and I can't wait until the admins ban your sorry ass.
There is only one method for "most efficient", yes you are correct.

Alright good job Dom fucked up another thread
Since when was healthy debate "ruining" a thread? How weak are you?


Well-Known Member
There is only one method for "most efficient", yes you are correct.

Since when was healthy debate "ruining" a thread? How weak are you?
There you go again thinking you're better than everyone and talking shit. You must really hate your home life having to run to a marijuana forum to talk shit.


New Member
There you go again thinking you're better than everyone and talking shit. You must really hate your home life having to run to a marijuana forum to talk shit.
You've been running your mouth with the lamest insults imaginable as often as your fat fingers could type. You're telling me I'm talking shit? Pot, kettle, black? Haha.


Well-Known Member
You've been running your mouth with the lamest insults imaginable as often as your fat fingers could type. You're telling me I'm talking shit? Pot, kettle, black? Haha.
I'm talking shit? Do tell. Look guy, stop trying to argue every little thing. You have some serious self confidence issues. It's showing with your posts. Stop cluttering up every thread trying to be top dog and big man on campus. We're all here to learn and better our growing skill. Some of us at least. Maybe one day you'll be able to grow. (not insult, clearly you don't as you can prove none of your claims)


New Member
I'm talking shit? Do tell. Look guy, stop trying to argue every little thing.
Here is just the last two pages from this thread alone...

Even more proof you're just a stupid troll living at home with mommy reading on the internet pretending like you grow.
You really are ignorant. You serve no purpose here other than to be an asshole and I can't wait until the admins ban your sorry ass.
You must really hate your home life having to run to a marijuana forum to talk shit.
You're not trying to learn how to grow better, you want to be right, but I am sorry you are not right. You are misinformed, and if the admins choose to ban me for debating growing techniques with people on this board than so be it. I do not make those decisions, but I also am not going to just fold because you are trying to beat me over the head with your ignorance.


Well-Known Member
If you could prove you do anything you claim I have a feeling you wouldn't be catching shit from so many people. But you can't, because you're full of it. Another troll here trying to be something he's not. You're not the first IndicaDom and you certainly won't be the last.


New Member
If you could prove you do anything you claim I have a feeling you wouldn't be catching shit from so many people. But you can't, because you're full of it. Another troll here trying to be something he's not. You're not the first IndicaDom and you certainly won't be the last.
If you don't like the information I'm providing, don't read it, but it is kind of hard to argue with scientists and raw data.
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