Homemade Under Current

Had a weird episode yesterday when my PH went from 5.9 to 5.8. Backwards? Never seen it do that. Anyway, I recalibrated my meter, went to bed with it @ 5.8, and woke up this morning with a 5.7. Anyone know anything about a retreating PH? Kinda confusing to me...
Having issues, not sure what the problem is, but my plants are locking up...PH has been fine, haven't added nutes till today, barely 2 weeks old now. Confused... Here's a pic..
Plants look better today, seems like the red is retreating out of the stems...I see growth, but will wait a day to be for sure...PPM's are at 200, PH @ 5.9 for the moment, we shall see...
You're growing in hydro, pH 5.8 is fine. Actually close to perfect, I wouldn't worry about pH all that much.
Added some 5.8 water this morning to top off, pushed the PH to 6.0 after an hour or so. Dropped back to 5.5, PPM's are @ 200. Plants are ok I think, been here before, so I shall wait a day before doing the neutron dance.
Cost me a bill, free shipping...light tight except for around some seams. 2X4, temps average from 72-?, depending on fan speed. Easy to cool...

mine had a few light leaks around the seams too. Take some aluminum ducting tape. It'll fix them right up, and increase the negative pressure in the tent.
mine had a few light leaks around the seams too. Take some aluminum ducting tape. It'll fix them right up, and increase the negative pressure in the tent.
Swear one day it's gonna implode. Don't know if you guys have the same deal, but mine sucks in big time with both fans on high, crazy looking really... I rarely have to though.
Diluted the nutes down to about 150 today, saw some growth when I brought it up to 200 yesterday morning, but it has stopped and the PPM's are rising slowly. PH surprisingly has set @ 5.8 for the whole time. Usually rises after a dilute, so I'm keeping a close eye on the it...
Put the top feed on tonight, 5 min every 3 hours, seems to be helping when I would water them by hand. I would run it constant, but would probably end up overwatering.
Brought it down to 130 this morning. PPMs are still rising. May leave the top feed on and watch for signs of overwatering, after all, waterfarms run 24/7, right? I have used Nova Grow before in soil, awesome stuff, but in hydro, this stuff is potent.
They don't seem to be eating, but the red is backing out of the stems. Logic would tell me they won't eat till they come out of it completely, anyone know better please tell me. PPMs drop by a couple, then rise back. Ph is slowly swinging, 7 hours from 5.5 to 6.0, just dropped it back again. Top feed is on constant, no sign of overwatering yet.
About to head to the store for some distilled I think, got to be my tap. I have double checked, and triple checked everything. If the distilled doesn't work, has to be the same problem I had last grow, old hydroton. Checked the PH and PPM coming out the bottom of one of the pots, 5.8 in, 5.9 out. PPM's were the same. Something is locking the plants up. An R/O system would be nice about now.
Well, I made the executive decision, no distilled. Filled her back up with tap, no nutes. She sets at 50 PPMs. This is my last update, if I don't see improvement by the morning, I'm pulling them.

This is an edit...had too after going back and reading this post...
Ha ha, what a joke I am, now you know I'm not pulling my plants, no way, no how, this is about learning, and from my experience, a quiter never learns anything. So I shall push forward, smoke another one, and continue this pursuit.
I may fail, but I will be back.