Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)


Well-Known Member
DTHS 'dollar tree hat scrog' thats awesome home's im loving the new cam! great to see the milk worked for you also ;) just keep a vigilant eye out for it cos it can re-appear quicker than you think...but yeah peace bro job well done!
thanks my man. you saved me with the milk/water solution!!! i owe you big time. but you're right, that shit comes back every couple of days. i'm definitely not done. i'm gonna keep 'milkin' it as often as i can, it's just gonna get a little harder with the DTHS (lol) and don't wanna mess too much with the buds as they get bigger. also, they loved the "shower" (literally put them under the shower), and a little gentle hair dryer action got them looking fresh and ready for an evening out on the town (in their box haha).

lookin awesome dude!!!! they really filled those hats out nicely! great job with the bath, they look clean and refreshed and ready to grow more!!!! that one bud close up is like BAM in your face!! it knocked me back in my chair for a second!!! just simply stunning bro!!! rep for the hard work you put in today!!! ya know people that don't grow have no idea how much time and care go into this. it's like part time job sometimes!! but seriously, fantastic work!!!
much respect stoney. really appreciate the complements bro. and yeah, they more than "filled" those hats. from here on out, i'm gonna try to use them as supports for the buds as well as anchors to do future tying/adjusting. basically i want to control the width of the plants. i'm sensing that height will no longer be an issue, as i have 8 more inches of space in the box, but width is tight. so that's the plan my man!

WOW at those clear pictures of the hairs, i love it!
Nice cage too
thanks dude. i will keep trying to improve the pics. right now the lighting is kinda crap (cfls only show a limited spectrum of light). i gotta place them in some sunlight for the *real* bud porn :) .


Well-Known Member
Those plants are looing better in ~20 days than one plant I had did in 2 months.

I hate bagseed sometimes...
hey, what can i say man? i'm lucky i can get some genetics clones. genetics helps of course, and i've also heard "clones" generally start flowering sooner after the 12/12 switch.

Yo homer those cages make me say " Hello Clarice!" Canninbus..Silence of the Weed! Looking amazing bro..great job!
hahaha, thanks man. yeah those cages are a trip. when i saw them at the dollar store i thought "perfect!!!". time will tell lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you can throw a clone into 12/12 as soon as it's rooted. There's no need for veg and they'll fill up plenty in the first couple weeks if you want more bud sites.


Well-Known Member
i've also heard "clones" generally start flowering sooner after the 12/12 switch.
even clones still have variables to them. plants are plants... some like nutes more than others, some flower faster, some grow faster than others. so as a general statement that clones flower quicker once the 12/12 cycle is turned on, i would say false. but they sure do veg a lot faster than a seed!


Well-Known Member
Good info Stoney, I was under the wrong impression about that, always learning and relearning, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Their "hats" are going to be 100% concealed here soon!! looking great!!
you're right smokey... i might try to raise the hats actually... maybe the coat hanger method... we'll see how creative i get tomorrow :)

that scrog is lookin good bro, glad to here the stuff you picked up worked for ya bongsmilie
preciate it bro. some of the stuff working, some not... like those felt twisty ties, i'm not so sure... that felt just comes off by touching it lol. and the tape measure i had to throw away... the tag on it says something like "contains materials known to cause cancer. wash hands after use". so i threw it away and washed my hands haha. how's your ol' girl smoking these days?


Well-Known Member
can't wait to see what you come up w/ tomorrow!!!
me neither bro! actually might not have time to do much tomorrow, but soon, very soon...

Wow homer busy day huh? nice mini buds though loving the pics
thanks hippy, much appreciated. yeah, i wish i could spend every day like today, a few hours hanging with the girls, setting up stuff for them. it's one of the best hobbies i've had.


Active Member
you're right smokey... i might try to raise the hats actually... maybe the coat hanger method... we'll see how creative i get tomorrow :)

preciate it bro. some of the stuff working, some not... like those felt twisty ties, i'm not so sure... that felt just comes off by touching it lol. and the tape measure i had to throw away... the tag on it says something like "contains materials known to cause cancer. wash hands after use". so i threw it away and washed my hands haha. how's your ol' girl smoking these days?
Man i thought was a great idea when i told you....hahaha im gonna blame the lame arse store that you had to by them from hahah lol, gotta get the good shit man, those cheapy ones will fray and turn to shit....what was that place called again $1 store everything will give you cancer hahahaha lmfao!! sorry man i farked as and laughing my head off here

....it actually said wash hand after use.....hahahah fucking cheap chinese shit, they all should get cancer for juz being slant eyed hahaha oops i think i went to far???

Grey Matter

Well-Known Member
hey guys,

i spent a few hours with my ladies this morning/afternoon.

first i gave them a little milk/water treatment for the powdery mildew and then a "shower"...

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then i spent quite a while outfitting them with their "dollar tree hat". it wasn't easy, and some leaves were lost. luckily no buds (that i know of). i used a few skewers and duct tape to keep the "hat" a few inches above the rim of the pot. i also undid all the floral wire and did "minimal" tying with some actual electric wire that i bought specifically for that purpose. you can see it in some of the pics.


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blue cream:
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finally the two together in their "dollar tree hat scrogs?"
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and of course, the random duplicate attached file that i'm to lazy to get rid of
Man, I am just in awe, looking lovely! Good job, I'm learning a lot from this grow and I plan on doing some tying down of my own in the future. Great pics!


Well-Known Member
preciate it bro. some of the stuff working, some not... like those felt twisty ties, i'm not so sure... that felt just comes off by touching it lol. and the tape measure i had to throw away... the tag on it says something like "contains materials known to cause cancer. wash hands after use". so i threw it away and washed my hands haha. how's your ol' girl smoking these days?
just waiting for the curing till I smoke, smoked some of the shake and had a good taste nice high... just wanna see what the high will be like after the cure..


Well-Known Member
Man i thought was a great idea when i told you....hahaha im gonna blame the lame arse store that you had to by them from hahah lol, gotta get the good shit man, those cheapy ones will fray and turn to shit....what was that place called again $1 store everything will give you cancer hahahaha lmfao!! sorry man i farked as and laughing my head off here

....it actually said wash hand after use.....hahahah fucking cheap chinese shit, they all should get cancer for juz being slant eyed hahaha oops i think i went to far???
haha yeah maybe a tad too far with that one... but it's true that a lot of that stuff at the $ store is not so good. hopefully cage isn't painted with lethal-grade lead paint... hm...

Man, I am just in awe, looking lovely! Good job, I'm learning a lot from this grow and I plan on doing some tying down of my own in the future. Great pics!
thanks a lot grey! there's lots of ways to tie, train, top, etc. the key is to start early when the stems are still pliable. you can see what i did in the first page or 2 of this thread...

just waiting for the curing till I smoke, smoked some of the shake and had a good taste nice high... just wanna see what the high will be like after the cure..
sounds good monk. nothing like a well cured home-made bud :)


Well-Known Member
Down in SoCal , the air around here contains chemicals that are known to cause cancer, wash lungs after use...lol...I hate buying shit and having to throw it away, but whatever, you gotta do what you gotta do...The hats ARE probably painted with toxic radioactive impotence-inducing lead paint, but as long as you don't sit there licking it and picking off paint chips to eat, i don't think it'll make much difference. It is a sick idea for tying a plant off in veg, and now I gotta see if I can find some too! I feeling like getting a hat for some seedlings, maybe plant 2 seedlings in the same pot, put "Thunderdome" hat over...I can hear the chanting now..."TWO PLANT ENTER, ONE PLANT LEAVE!"


Well-Known Member
Hahaha good one meta!!

Ladies looking Gorgeous today. Pics tonight, hopefully, if not tomorrow for sure. Gorgeous.