Well-Known Member

Naw, really, I want to share some knowledge I have gained during my ride hear on planet Earth regarding homosexuals with ya'll......
Homosexuality is really a naturally occurring phenom. To understand it, one must look at it in the context of both evolution and reincarnation......

In time through the evolutionary process, we developed from these unicellular animals into specialized multicellular animals that required the aid of another of their species in order to reproduce....and yes this guessed it....the humble beginnings of partner oriented

You must remember that even as unicellular microscopic animals, the Higher Mind tape(intincts fo da challenged) was recording all of our experiences, and those numerous experiences were destined to influence all of our subsequent incarnations.......

Secondly, you must understand that each of us has been reborn into this world many, many, many times...Male, generally, reincarnate.......

Bearing this in Mind that throughout all of a person's many reincarnations ........ ..........
the higher mind tape survives (instincts fo' da challenged), it is easy to understand that when a Male-programmed soul......... finds itself in a fEMale body that they may be attracted to others who are, on the surface, of the SAME SEX, and Vice Versely the same applies to a soul....that is predominatly fEMale and finds itself encased in a Male body......Understand

It is neither a mental disorder nor a genetic abnormality as labled by some, and although it affects only a small portion of the worlds population at any one time, it is really quite NORMAL and ConSistent with the deviations presented by numerous reincarnations.......
Simply Stated, let me say that Souls in their original pristine state are Amorphous, that is....both Male and fEMale simultaneously, with neither sex playing a dominant role. Masculine-femine existences did not begin until evolution brought them into being long after the creation of life in the Manifest Universe we know today. When it did occur, the fEMale and Male aspect separated from each other, and the need for Sexual Union began.......