Homosexuality a choice??

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Well-Known Member
Why does it matter whether it is a choice or not? Do you remember choosing between liking girls and boys when you hit puberty? If you didn't choose, why do you supposed people that have different attractions actually made a conscious choice versus felt something inherent like you did? I think the only people that try to claim being gay is a choice are people looking for a reason to discriminate against them.
That is the best line for this argument I have seen so far anywhere, cuz you know I never had to make a choice...it just happened...so why wouldn't it just happen for gay people too...? I mean don't get me wrong...I don't mind women, I like the way they look, and don't even mind sleeping with them on occasion, but I am just innately attracted to men more...but I had never thought of that...the fact that I didn't choose, so why would anyone else have come to a crossroad of sorts between straight or gay...there was never any thought that went into it...I just liked boys..and not because I was supposed to I don't think...I mean I never even thought about it as a child and young adult...I mean there were gay people but then just as now, they don't affect me one way or the other...

I don't understand why people care so much one way or the other...a choice, or not...why do people make such a fuss...

I mean you shouldn't sleep with children, or animals, but whatever consenting adult, or inanimate object you choose to have sex with is totally up to you and I feel wholly unaffected by another person's sexual decisions/choices/inherent nature...

I feel as though homo relations doesn't harm either person anymore than opposite sex couples, I mean face it, sometimes things get out of hand, but I don't consider it sexual deviancy to be attracted to the same sex...


Well-Known Member
And btw, the whole "when did you choose to be straight" question is really played out. People dont fall for that shit anymore. You guys thought that was clever but now everyone uses that line. Its a trick question. Its short sided to presume that homosexuality is only and always a genetic disposition.
Since when did it become a clever trick for turn about to be fair play? It is the exact question you are demanding an answer for. It is a question which should have an easy answer if your bigotry was true. The truth is you followed your instinct like everyone else. Being shortsighted is asking others to defend their sexuality without being able to defend yours.

Then to explore the ramifications that logic, it is not a choice for straight people, it is automatic, but it is a choice for gay people. This would mean that those who have a choice always choose the same sex? I find that hard to believe. Whenever humans are given a choice, they go gay, does that sound rational to you? No, so it must be a disorder. I can't imagine anyone ever enjoying eating cows tongue, doesn't mean it's a disorder.

It seems much more logical and reflective of reality to assume gay people's sexual desire is also a result of natural instinct, unless you think your situation is unique. Are you a special person with special sexual development? As you demonstrated, you can not muster the same defense of your preference that you demand of others.

Your conclusions do not seem to be based in any sort of reasonable observation. Your belief tells you it's wrong and should be stopped, but you can not give any meaningful reason for this belief other than other religious peoples arguments. You think it's wrong because you think it's gross, and you can not give even the slightest justification for why without incorporating fantasy and misrepresentation of reality. This is how you are required to view the world to coincide with your beliefs. It warps your reality and poisons your good will to your fellow man. It causes you to preach intolerance and exclusion over things which don't effect you in the slightest.

There is a big difference between deciding something is distasteful to you, and deciding that all people engaging in that something deserved to be punished, or have something wrong with them. Pretty much every couple who has sex does something that another couple would find disgusting. So, the only real criticism that you can list for homosexuals is a criticism that can be said about anyone who has sex, including you. When forming an opinion, we must be careful not to base hatred on distaste alone. If no one was ever allowed to be offended by anything, then no one would ever be allowed to do anything. Everything you say, do, or stand for offends someone somewhere.

You do not have to state your religious bias for it to be apparent. This is a good example of asserting prejudice and oppression based on the false authority you think your asinine belief in god affords you. If you think that homosexuality, or anyone's sexuality, is a choice then you are not educated enough to express any sort of informed opinion. You are using god to justify monomaniacal discrimination. When your attempts at logic and reason fail, you fall back on the words of fanatics who are smarter than you, somehow finding comfort and absolution in bigotry. I can't not think of a better description of perverse.

“Nothing optional--from homosexuality to adultery--is ever made punishable unless those who do the prohibiting have a repressed desire to participate." ― Christopher Hitchens


Ursus marijanus
uggh... I will have to go thru my history when Im done working and provide those for u.. the one secular one shud be easy to find if u google tho
I asked you right up front. If going through your history is perceived as such a chore, perhaps that will motivate you to not put it off. I want to know howand where you found the purportedly secular site. Your previous offerings were deception. That is what's on trial here, so telling me "google it" is essentially admitting you were either wrong or dishonest, or both. cn


Well-Known Member
Thats why I purposely left out any religious anything in the post lol.. that way none of you can use that as an argument. I think, on a scientific level, that homosexuality is sort of an emotional disorder.
i just spilled bong water on my laptop literally laughing out loud at you. you certainly must see how ignorant you seem. oooooor maybe you don't

hahaha i am still laughing "an emotional disorder" hahaha

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
i just spilled bong water on my laptop literally laughing out loud at you. you certainly must see how ignorant you seem. oooooor maybe you don't

hahaha i am still laughing "an emotional disorder" hahaha
Wow, great sig, I gotta go over to that thread and read that discussion lol.


Well-Known Member
No it doesnt, and im pretty sure your offending some gay ppl by assuming that all gay boys think about sucking cock.
just answer the question.

when you decided to be hetero at puberty, did doing homosexual activities A) cross your mind or B) not cross your mind?

A or B, which is it?


Well-Known Member
If you honestly think I would do something as stupid as make a sock poppet account I challenge you to talk to any mods and see if I really did make a second account. Im not that stupid.
a little touchy now, are we?

i simply pointed out the obvious sock puppet, i never said it was you.

i would never credit you with the intelligence to come up with that username.


Well-Known Member
I asked you right up front. If going through your history is perceived as such a chore, perhaps that will motivate you to not put it off. I want to know howand where you found the purportedly secular site. Your previous offerings were deception. That is what's on trial here, so telling me "google it" is essentially admitting you were either wrong or dishonest, or both. cn


Well-Known Member
just answer the question.

when you decided to be hetero at puberty, did doing homosexual activities A) cross your mind or B) not cross your mind?

A or B, which is it?
Never thought about "activities". And its a subconscious decision that is based on several environmental factors during childhood, same as the subconscious decision to explore homosexuality.
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