Honest Review of Legal MJ


Well-Known Member
Tangerine Dream by San Rafael (MedReleaf) :

This stuff smells really weird. Its citrusy but has this kind of offputting scent in the background.
The flavour is actually pretty fuckin good . It tastes like an actual grapefruit. Pretty smooth and burns clean. Ive had this strain in the past and never seen it purple, or have that smell so id be interested in where they got these genetics. 8/10.

The buzz/medicinal properties are upbeat and smiley. Fairly potent but nothing to call home about. Good if you're depressed or want a decent kick during the day without getting the couchlock.

MK Ultra by Aurora:
Dry as fuck. Smells kinda green with kush undertones. A buddy and i sampled it and both had full blown anxiety attacks. It didn't feel like a weed anxiety attack. It was gross. I wouldn't give this to my worst enemy. Ash was a little dark for my likings and the end of doobie tasted like plant food. 3/10. Only got three points cause it was potent as fuck.

Delahaze by San Rafael (MedReleaf ):
This stuff was alright. Nice sativa effect but again, really dry and a little harsh. Fresh/sweet/peppery smell and taste. Clean ash and burns well. 7/10

Purple Chitral by San Rafael (MedReleaf):

Small buds, pretty nice fresh citrus smell and taste. Very clean taste and good burn. Somewhat potent Indica type buzz. 7.5/10.

Sour Kush by Tweed/DNA:

This stuff had the best smell and flavor out of all of them. Its got a really cool lemon/sweet and sour taste, burns even with a fairly clean ash. BUT. Dry as fuck so a little harsh which sucks. Good buzz though. Nice body/head combo.

Banana Split by Aurora:

GARBAGE TRASH FUCKING ABSOLUTE DOG FECES. Man the ash is black, it tastes like plant food, completely unenjoyable. Total waste of time and money. But, like its sister from Aurora, potent. Im wondering if the Aurora buzz isnt a side effect of round up. 0/10. Complete disaster.

Anyways, this is an honest review, hit Fire and Flower cause i was in a pinch. Regardless of the fact that some of it was decent , still way over priced and all really dry. Pics are in order.



Well-Known Member
Oh wow shill thx but i'm gonna boycott legal irradiated uncured 8/10 poison...
All Bent out of shape from his last shenanigans..
The LP bender :hump: will never get it
He'll get even more miserable from poison shwag.
LP Pusher extraordinaire..
comes around every now and then to show just how bad it really is..:idea::weed:(:


Well-Known Member

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Tangerine Dream by San Rafael (MedReleaf) :

This stuff smells really weird. Its citrusy but has this kind of offputting scent in the background.
The flavour is actually pretty fuckin good . It tastes like an actual grapefruit. Pretty smooth and burns clean. Ive had this strain in the past and never seen it purple, or have that smell so id be interested in where they got these genetics. 8/10.

The buzz/medicinal properties are upbeat and smiley. Fairly potent but nothing to call home about. Good if you're depressed or want a decent kick during the day without getting the couchlock.

MK Ultra by Aurora:
Dry as fuck. Smells kinda green with kush undertones. A buddy and i sampled it and both had full blown anxiety attacks. It didn't feel like a weed anxiety attack. It was gross. I wouldn't give this to my worst enemy. Ash was a little dark for my likings and the end of doobie tasted like plant food. 3/10. Only got three points cause it was potent as fuck.

Delahaze by San Rafael (MedReleaf ):
This stuff was alright. Nice sativa effect but again, really dry and a little harsh. Fresh/sweet/peppery smell and taste. Clean ash and burns well. 7/10

Purple Chitral by San Rafael (MedReleaf):

Small buds, pretty nice fresh citrus smell and taste. Very clean taste and good burn. Somewhat potent Indica type buzz. 7.5/10.

Sour Kush by Tweed/DNA:

This stuff had the best smell and flavor out of all of them. Its got a really cool lemon/sweet and sour taste, burns even with a fairly clean ash. BUT. Dry as fuck so a little harsh which sucks. Good buzz though. Nice body/head combo.

Banana Split by Aurora:

GARBAGE TRASH FUCKING ABSOLUTE DOG FECES. Man the ash is black, it tastes like plant food, completely unenjoyable. Total waste of time and money. But, like its sister from Aurora, potent. Im wondering if the Aurora buzz isnt a side effect of round up. 0/10. Complete disaster.

Anyways, this is an honest review, hit Fire and Flower cause i was in a pinch. Regardless of the fact that some of it was decent , still way over priced and all really dry. Pics are in order.
Take your schwagg reviews somewhere that the kids can read it. Most everyone here has actual pride.
Buying gropers bunks makes you his lil bitch....happy being a bitch?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha boys. Calm tf down. I didnt at any point say this is an amazing weed. Im pretty sure at one point i called it dog feces . What kinda LP supporter calls the weed dog shit? Not to mention that i plainly stated that it was all too dry and over priced. Im waitin on the mail and needed something to hold me over .


Well-Known Member
Take your schwagg reviews somewhere that the kids can read it. Most everyone here has actual pride.
Buying gropers bunks makes you his lil bitch....happy being a bitch?
Did you actually read the reviews? They werent that great old hippy man.


Well-Known Member
Did you actually read the reviews? They werent that great old hippy man.
Dont apologize to the freak. Him and his pal should move to the politics section.
Could literally hand them some pot and they would complain about it. They are obviously idiots


Well-Known Member
Dont apologize to the freak. Him and his pal should move to the politics section.
Could literally hand them some pot and they would complain about it. They are obviously idiots
We have crossed paths before hhaha. Stopped coming here for about two years actually cause civilized conversations around here are few and far between. Just cause someone doesnt agree with you, doesnt mean its gotta be hate and negativity. Theres a flip side to everything people.


Well-Known Member
I went to alternative therapies group. Their menu is online. Really not that big of a selection


Well-Known Member
Well Canada has a pretty sweet collection of online dispensaries. Good prices and quality and it aint supporting prohibition 2.0.