Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!


Well-Known Member
Its not that i dont understand,its just a waste of time really.
I have a fairly high iq,high enough to know that its mostly bullshit lol:mrgreen:
Its a weed and some people just cant grow anything good,simple as that.
The weed wont grow for them whatever they pour on it:bigjoint:
:shock:hormones bullshit??? You have to look at the agriculture industry properly then family have been in farming for many yrs it would not survive with out.... any way Im with ya on the whole most people dont have green thumbs... they dont listen to there plants...lol
a PLANT IS PLANT!!!!..... we call them WEEDS ??:mrgreen:
And ill put money on the fact that you are probably useing now...root powder, IBB IAA, naa, and all hydro additives genrally will have PGR in them.
Hormones and plant growth regulators are plant biology 101.... they are the life cycle and the variable attributes to a plants sex, size, capabilities, fruit,flower,etc its is everything to do with plants ??????????????


Well-Known Member
:shock:hormones bullshit??? You have to look at the agriculture industry properly then family have been in farming for many yrs it would not survive with out.... any way Im with ya on the whole most people dont have green thumbs... they dont listen to there plants...lol
a PLANT IS PLANT!!!!..... we call them WEEDS ??:mrgreen:
And ill put money on the fact that you are probably useing now...root powder, IBB IAA, naa, and all hydro additives genrally will have PGR in them.
Hormones and plant growth regulators are plant biology 101.... they are the life cycle and the variable attributes to a plants sex, size, capabilities, fruit,flower,etc its is everything to do with plants ??????????????
Its not that i am saying that hormones wont affect the plants growth its just that i think that its a waste of time and money.
Its easy to grow a big plant without any hormones and all i have used is tomato food with seaweed extract in it and some molasses.

I yielded 486 grams off of one plant under a 400 watt lamp in only 16 weeks just by feeding air to the roots.
I make all of my own seeds and the hormones i suggested to use were all naturally occurring.
Nearly all hormones are unflushable so think twice before you use them especially if you eat your weedbongsmilie



Well-Known Member
i remember seeing those pics

hmmm nice yield. and how many plants were under the 400w????

also hormoans arent a waste of time.. imagine giving the plant you grew some steroids and adding another 1/3rd of that weight??? or finally teaching yourself to attain the same result in 3 months perhaps...

id agree tho unless your in the mood to fuck with these things and just want to experiment. just grow normal weed if you do it right theres no need for hormoans really ya should have good genetics and that to start with but i have to agree with you hormoans definately arent useless but they definately arent for everyone.

im not using the anymore im just in it to grow kronic EASY WEED


Well-Known Member
i remember seeing those pics

hmmm nice yield. and how many plants were under the 400w????

also hormoans arent a waste of time.. imagine giving the plant you grew some steroids and adding another 1/3rd of that weight??? or finally teaching yourself to attain the same result in 3 months perhaps...

id agree tho unless your in the mood to fuck with these things and just want to experiment. just grow normal weed if you do it right theres no need for hormoans really ya should have good genetics and that to start with but i have to agree with you hormoans definately arent useless but they definately arent for everyone.

im not using the anymore im just in it to grow kronic EASY WEED
I am totally not knocking experimenting,have fun feed plants all sorts and see what happens.
If you want more weight be sure to top or fimm and feed some kind of carbs and dont overwater.
All i am saying is that some hormones are expensive and actually not good for you at all especially if you consume the weed.
Not to mention that imo the yield extras are limited.
If you want some giant weed just buy a giant weed strain,the Doctor,from greenhouse seeds is huge and very easy to growbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Half way through the first page so far.. Slow reading if you want to take it to heart, thats for sure.. This is page 8, so hopefully I'll be caught up by Christmas..:)


Well-Known Member
yeah but for low yielders like jack herer if done properly this can maximise the results.. we found steroids were best option just flush it... its the wrong kind of steroid so dont worry it shouldnt shrink ya twinkie none lol.

like i said im with you im currently for the whole eas grow kronic method atm. fuck im using miracle grow and seasol and a few other things ya cant get much easier than that. unlike a lot of people i can growe maself some good dank weed if i want and having t deal with miracle grow and extra NPK when needed is an easy approach. im gonna be getting some new shit soon hopefully im thinkin age old (i think thats the name cant remember)

but yeah its like eza found out and i found out a while ago hormoans are for experimenting not really for fun. till ya get the hang of it.

also when do you fim your plants and please dont tell me me too look at the thread i just wanna know what stage in life ie how many weeks or how many nodes ect. TA GET AN OUTLAY OF THAT IN YOUR PICS

look at MOBY HASH (pick and mix) Dinafem cannabis seeds.if ya wanna see potential

craps al over doctor :) no shit read the writeup..


Well-Known Member
yeah but for low yielders like jack herer if done properly this can maximise the results.. we found steroids were best option just flush it... its the wrong kind of steroid so dont worry it shouldnt shrink ya twinkie none lol.

like i said im with you im currently for the whole eas grow kronic method atm. fuck im using miracle grow and seasol and a few other things ya cant get much easier than that. unlike a lot of people i can growe maself some good dank weed if i want and having t deal with miracle grow and extra NPK when needed is an easy approach. im gonna be getting some new shit soon hopefully im thinkin age old (i think thats the name cant remember)

but yeah its like eza found out and i found out a while ago hormoans are for experimenting not really for fun. till ya get the hang of it.

also when do you fim your plants and please dont tell me me too look at the thread i just wanna know what stage in life ie how many weeks or how many nodes ect. TA GET AN OUTLAY OF THAT IN YOUR PICS

look at MOBY HASH (pick and mix) Dinafem cannabis seeds.if ya wanna see potential

craps al over doctor :) no shit read the writeup..
I grow my seedlings under a 400 watt lamp,being very careful not to burn them,gradual lowering of the light etc...
This brings them on real quick,i fimm them very carefully at about 3-4 nodes depending on the stems natural thickness which i get to usually within about 10-14 days of planting the seed.
I already produced a picture pack showing where and when and how to fimm but seeing as you don't want any links to my threADS:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I did look at moby hash and as far as i can tell its just another rip off that only really does well outdoors and is totally overpriced.
The Doctor from greenhouse costs only 25 euros for 5 seeds and moby hash costs almost 14 euros per seed.
The Doctor also matures much more quickly so in an indoor environment you'll be talking about feeding and lighting the moby for 4 weeks longer than the Doctor raising the costs and time it will take to get some smoke.
Moby isn't much stronger and isn't really any bigger unless planted outdoors in a sunshine statebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Half way through the first page so far.. Slow reading if you want to take it to heart, thats for sure.. This is page 8, so hopefully I'll be caught up by Christmas..:)
Thread Search seems busted, so I don't know if this link has been posted here.. http://www.phytotechlab.com/ They sell all the cool toys.. I'll also talk around and see if anything useful hormone wise can be produced effectively by kitchen chemists..
GDAY, and welcome:blsmoke: - ill will still be here christmas.....so i guess c u then!lol.... thanx for link :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If you want some giant weed just buy a giant weed strain,the Doctor,from greenhouse seeds is huge and very easy to growbongsmilie
Another reason for all of this...... is to grab ANY seed and bring it to it full potential...... close to its geneticly perfect parents/grand parents etc. TAKEING away inhibitors(ABA) and hormone restrictions its brother and sisters may have.


Well-Known Member
One thing I don't exactly understand, is the premise of the thread title after reading the OP.. I wouldn't want to replace CO2 addition for hormones if I could do so without losing any yeild/quality.. On the contrary I think extra CO2 would be more important with a successful hormone regimen, and logic dictates that sufficient implementation of both with sufficient light would be the best case scenario..


Well-Known Member
One thing I don't exactly understand, is the premise of the thread title after reading the OP.. I wouldn't want to replace CO2 addition for hormones if I could do so without losing any yeild/quality.. On the contrary I think extra CO2 would be more important with a successful hormone regimen, and logic dictates that sufficient implementation of both with sufficient light would be the best case scenario..
It was a title... that started my research...... Application of Co2 can induce up to 70% better yeilds...... this is known... but the question beckoned WHY? So with investigation found that it is a metabolic response from hormones that intensifies and allows the plants to store more sugars...... So A old theory was I could do that with chemicals/pgrs/hormones.... And in theory I can
: induce a similar size or duplicate the same increase in yeild .... BUT with co2 I could double that...... So I can not replace Co2.

Also looking at the bi-product of co2 which is Ethylene.... again another reason for such success in Co2 I think has to do with the C2H4 being produced as well.

In short your right..... A plant needs really three basics... water,light,carbon.....everything else is aids in utilizing these elements.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
dudes.. if you're getting a pound using simple ass methods, just think you could raise your yields to with a little tweaking of the hormones.


Well-Known Member
dudes.. if you're getting a pound using simple ass methods, just think you could raise your yields to with a little tweaking of the hormones.

I have already proven... as far as base grow......which his is VERY VERY basic -hand watered 2 plants at time..... he thought he was doing everything right..... untill he saw the clones he gave me..... at 15 days of flower, MINE were the same size as his final result, he dose not tie up his plants no need,,, i had to tie up at about 18days.......
Neither have co2......both running 1000w hps same base nutes (dutch gold with pk 13-14)
My guess will be mine will be 3x his wieght....

After I have dialed in the plant metibolic properties & rates then the CO2 can introduced and be FULLY utilized..


Well-Known Member
I did look at moby hash and as far as i can tell its just another rip off that only really does well outdoors and is totally overpriced.
The Doctor from greenhouse costs only 25 euros for 5 seeds and moby hash costs almost 14 euros per seed.
The Doctor also matures much more quickly so in an indoor environment you'll be talking about feeding and lighting the moby for 4 weeks longer than the Doctor raising the costs and time it will take to get some smoke.
Moby isn't much stronger and isn't really any bigger unless planted outdoors in a sunshine statebongsmilie
1: its not i dont want the links.. its just ya left it for me before and i looked but must have missed the crucial part.

but true thanks for that... hmmm doctor sounds pretty good now that youve mentioned it lol. and yeah that is a bit of a better idea for indoors but for people who grow outdoors this could be a good choice

anyways thanks for your help man


Well-Known Member
AND I WANT SOME DOCTOR for outdoors..or....what is your thoughts for mango outdoors... I want to grow a monter to compete with o4`s monster attempt...... NEXT SEASON


Well-Known Member
There is something to say for longer finishing strains though.. Not many quick finishers I can say I actually like.. You can't argue with mother nature though if she says you can't grow kali mist outside..
On topic with that, has anybody come across any info regarding hormones and sativa/indica expression in hybrids?


Well-Known Member
On topic with that, has anybody come across any info regarding hormones and sativa/indica expression in hybrids?
Good question: So you are asking.....

.. is there a difference between hormones produced by indica differ from that of sativa ?....

I dont really know.... ill also research that.. but
First thing I would suggest....is the THC, CBN,CBD.... are produced at different rates....hense the different strengths.... the activity of auxin and cytokinins, and giberellins.... these all have to do with the photosythesis,root mass, and sugar production.... there is a considerable difference between the two in size and shape of leaf... leaf shape are genrally giberellins, stalk length is cytokinins and root mass auxins... So all are working at different rates...

I will have to look into it.......


Well-Known Member
eza, have you come across anything on fluorescein as a plant growth regulator? I remember reading that when mature tomato plants were treated with low concentrations fruit growth accelerated rapidly, and was hindered by higher dosages.. Similar result were seen in stem elongation when seedlings were treated similarily..