May I humbly suggest that we start a new thread to continue this substantive discussion of photon / canopy interactions?
@DukeFluke still needs to decide on a fixture and I fear we're not helping him.
He can't go wrong with either one imo. Both claim top-teir everything.
Hortribloom has a major Manufacturing Plant that produces at least x5 other well known brands people speak of here. They are in China which leaves them with only customer feedback left to improve their lights. But that's 50% of these companies anyways & the other 42% are just copying. So for build quality, warrenty & further additional innovation being added at a supposedly high quality/$ . The supplemental will cost about $125 for a set of x2. In my mind it takes x5-7 of these bars going between the main bars to evenly spread the spectrum. They will probably have a dimmer for this reason. There will be x3 or x4 different supplemental combos & IP-65 I think. You'd have to ask HortiBloom who we could easily @ right now? HortiBloom has x8 bars & offer a higher efficiency diide then 301h which has gone up 30% in cost im told.
The GeekBeast is straight up nice as it is. Only x6 Bars as opposed to x8 but that pre-fixed bar spacing is sweet to eliminate the warm spot. It also has all sorts of controls that can be done manually.
I think both offer wi-fi. Controlling?
Looks at the Pro's vs Con's for your garden & budget.

I am having serious doubts about the honesty of this Par-Map though. EDITTED: Oops, nm, its Legit & freaking impressive.

We see here they offer x2 spectrums, both versions of your basic HE spectrum. X8 Bars. Customizable strips upon request, and a whole array of diode options.
Both carry a 5yr warrenty. How easy they will be about it is still in the air. Haven't heard much about either. Just that when I talked to HortiBloom myself, they were helpful in answering my questions. If one was out of the reps league, he would go find out n get right back to me. Thats all I can say about experience with each.
this thread, bud.
i googled "plant energy transfer" but didn't find anything relevant. no offense but you're not responding to anything we were talking about. I asked you about radiant intensity. what is your opinion on radiant intensity and how it affects photosynthesis? there is a video above and discussion about this topic.
Oh, my bad, ill go watch the video. But for my opinion on radiant intensity via canopy reaction, I feel it is absolutely needed & its bad enough they cut off ir on leds mostly around 740 when we could definitely gain by having up to 850nm ir. I know, that's more color then radiant heat but after studying the effects of ir on the leaf it only takes the 730 to start the molecular excitement needed to warm up a leaf just enough to have PR1 & PR2 (lil rusty don't mind me) & Create the needed Emerson Effect & stretch in the right amounts. Generally 10%.minimum works if not over blued.
Radient heat is minimal using good leds with proper thermal mngmt. The more radiant you have the shorter your diodes will last. Thats why most of these cheap bar lights are designed to only last 3 yrs. Before they hit the 30% degradation point they lie about claiming L/70 or L/90 ratings.
That's why I buy premium for a tiny bit more $. And the majority of them have the same problem unless you look outside the box.. Thermal mngmt on both are cheesy looking. But you'll get the high par for 2-3 yrs. So Par-mapping or sphere testing is only telling you half the needed info. I laugh at that shit. Good for determining spread, height & par-depth, is what par-mapping does & spheres only tell u total output NOW (Not 3 yrs from now & not taking a Horticultural spectrum into account).
That's why Shane's videos & chart is bogus imo. Unless your looking for the best temporary fixture with absolutely No Spectral insight to what your buying. He knows so little about spectrum (probably because he doesn't grow pott).
Ambient heat is how we do it along with those smart enough to have IR.
REAL IR increases Trasperation by a shit ton. Hence growing fast & healthy easier then leds before dialing in perfectly for some.
If in a cold place w/o heat, a sealed room will solve the lack of led heat issues. Keep drivers inside, it gets Hella hot, Or if open room & cold spot, use hps supplemented by led before adding a heater.