Hot Diggity's Lab

Winter 2022 Update #1

The flower room redesign is finally complete. The wooden benches I originally made were the primary cause of mold issues. They drained well but left far too much water on them and mold was able to thrive because of this.

I started off by stripping the room down to it's bare-bones. I removed the 3 benches and then removed the plywood sub-floor leaving only the 1" XPS foam board. I installed 8mm rubber gym flooring and began thinking of bench alternatives. I also decided that I did not want run-off water to be in the needed to drain out of the room. After some experimenting and prototyping, I arrived at this simple setup.




These HDX shelves from Home Depot were a great choice. They're light, easily movable, and plenty strong. I decided to reuse the plastic tiles on top of the shelves for a bit of extra rigidity, stability and to balance out the weight.

The next big challenge was how to get the drain water to leave the room. These green circular trays are perfect. They have a drain hole that feeds into the white tubing like so:

The tubing runs through the wall and out into a catch tank like so:

Having a room under enormous negative pressure poses a problem: How to you drain liquid out when air wants to rush in? The solution? I installed a swing valve and angled it down so the slightest amount of pressure will open it. Water easily drains and when the water is done draining, the valve closes to prevent air from being sucked in. It works perfectly and it's simple.

I was able to remove everything off of the floor and got new wall mounted fans. I also decided to keep one side of the room open for more work space. I was never able to utilize all 3 sides anyway. I installed a few boards on this left wall that I can use for additional vertical lighting on the right side of the room, if I want to.

I made a simple catch container for the air bleed. Everytime I would turn on the water pump, some water would shoot out of the top making a mess. Now the water will be contained within the top black bucket and drain into the 2nd lower bucket. I can simply take the lower bucket and dump it once per week, or how ever often I need to.

Final significant change was the carbon filter and exhaust fan. They were too small and under powered. I replaced with larger models and effectively doubled the CFM.

Next update will summarize the end of Chapter 10 as well as what 2022 holds.
Winter 2022 Update #2
Chapter 10 Results

As beautiful as they were, only 3 of 24 were keepers. And none of the 3 were 5 Star. These 3 ticked all the boxes except in the taste department. It's not that they had a bad taste, but they had very little taste at all. So...the breeding is going to continue.

The 3 that I chose were 2-1, 2-5 and 2-16. 2-16 is the one I've chosen to be the pollen donor for this next round. A clone of 2-16 has been sprayed and under 12/12 since Feb 15th. It's easy to turn a female male, but there is no guarantee he/she will create viable pollen - or any pollen at all, really. So I will know within the next 2 weeks if 2-16 will work or not. If not, I don't have a backup plan quite yet.
Winter 2022 Update #3
The coming seed run

Tomorrow morning I'll be planting regular seeds. They're going to be sexed as soon as possible and clones will be taken as soon as they do. I'm going to be out of town for almost 10 days in early April so I have to get the timing right.

* indicates a cross I've made

These are the regular seeds I'll be planting (probably 3 of each)
*(Bodhi Sunshine Daydream x Bodhi Lemon Hashplant)
*(Bodhi Guava Wookie x Bodhi Lemon Hashplant)
Bodhi Diablo Hashplant
Bodhi App Super Skunk
Bodhi Chem Kesey
Bodhi Old Soul
Bodhi Mango Lotus
HSO Bubba Kush
Karma Headbanger

Once these sex, I'll hold them until the day I leave and then take clones of the females. Depending on how many females there are, I will also plant the following fem seeds:

*(Chem 7 x Chem 9)
*(Bodhi Goji OG x Chem 9)
*(Bodhi Forest Queen x Bodhi Cobra Lips)
*(Bodhi Hashplant D x Bodhi Cobra Lips)
*(Bodhi Super Silver Hashplant x Bodhi Cobra Lips)
HSO Sour Blueberry
HSO Amherst Sour Diesel

I will also be taking clones, again, of 2-1, 2-5 and 2-16.

2-16 is going to be female turned male, and everything listed above is going to get pollinated.
Winter 2022 Update #4

I decided to do one more final major modification - complete automation of water removal. Aside from removing water, the other giant problem was what to do during the winter months. Any drain lines, whether it be RO waste water, dehumidifiers, or whatever, cannot operate between late December and middle of April because they freeze. This basically means I'm shut down for 1/4 of the year. Here is what I came up with:

Once the 1" PVC exits the basement, it will be buried and run 40 feet away from the house. The heat line will provide enough heat inside the PVC to prevent freezing. I went over the top with this product and spent way too much but I wanted the best solution and I think this is it. I spent $1100 on just the heat line. At the end of the 40 feet run, the PVC has an end cap with a built-in screen to prevent any critters from crawling up the pipe. The pipe will be insulated with closed-cell foam prior to being buried.

The swing valve is there to handle the negative pressure in the room generated from the exhaust. If this was not here, no water would be able to leave the room as the amount of air that would be sucked in would be too much for the passive water drain to overcome.

And now onto the plant progress:
I have (30) Regular Seedlings, 9 Feminized Seedlings and (3) Clones from the plants I kept from last round.

Regular Seedlings:
(3) Lemon Guava (Guava Wookie x Lemon Hashplant)
(2) Hashplant D
(2) Catpiss
(1) Bubba Kush
(3) Old Soul
(3) Mango Lotus
(5) Lemon Sunshine (Sunshine Daydream x Lemon Hashplant)
(3) Headbanger
(3) Chem Kesey
(2) Diablo Hashplant
(3) Appalachian Super Skunk

Feminized Seedlings:
(1) Golden Tiger
(1) Malawi
(1) C99
(1) Chem #7 x Chem #9
(1) Goji OG x Chem #9
(2) Queen Cobra (Forest Queen x Cobra Lips)

I'm in the process of running the regular seedlings on 12/12 in hopes that they will sex by next weekend, when I have to leave town for a week.
The ones that don't sex, I'll leave on 12/12 while I'm gone.

I'll be taking clones of everything the day I leave including clones from the 3 adult plants: 2-1, 2-5 and 2-16 from the last round. I'll be turning some of 2-1, 2-5 and 2-16 male as this is a breeding round. Everything in the room will be pollenated.


That's it for update in a few weeks.

Oh - One final thing. I'm moving away from Coco for this round and going to be using rockwool only. More on this later :)
Chapter 11 - Breeding Bonanza

Around a month and a half ago, I planted a bunch of seeds. Some reg's and some fem's. Everything has been sexed and what you see here are rooted clones from those seedlings. The only exception is the Malawi - this is the plant from seed.

The Malawi from Ace almost died while I was on vacation and the Golden Tiger from Ace did die. Kinda bummed about this but...moving on.


Sunday night the lights will go out for their 1st night of 12 hours of darkness. Monday will be Flowering Day #1.

Here is the line-up:
(1) Malawi
(1) C99
(2) Mango Lotus
(1) Chem Kesey
(1) Appalachian Super Skunk
(1) Diablo Hashplant
(1) Hashplant D
(2) Headbanger
(1) Goji OG x Chem 9
(1) Chem 7 x Chem 9
(1) Bubba Kush
(1) Sour Blueberry
(1) Old Soul
(1) Lemon Sunshine (Sunshine Daydream x Lemon Hashplant)
(2) Lemon Guava (Guava Wookie x Lemon Hashplant)
(2) Queen Cobra (Forest Queen x Cobra Lips)
(1) 2-1
(1) 2-5
(1) 2-16

I have 4 plants that will be sprayed with STS.
(2) 2-16
(1) 2-1
(1) 2-5

I want to use 2-16 as the breeder male but I have the other 2 just in case she does not produce viable pollen. Fingers crossed.
Chapter 11 - Breeding Bonanza
Flowering Day 6

Things are right on track and going well. I mixed up my 1st batch of DIY nutes yesterday. I haven't quite figured out how to make my own from seedling until now so I rely on bottled nutes in the beginning.

They're growing pretty rapidly now and should really start to take off and stretch over the next week.

I just started reading you log again man. Still one of the best at grow journal content I’ve read. Organization, detail, and data analysis process it all the right amounts of OCD bud hahah. I’m only on page 2 and have to pass out but I’ll finish tamaro man. Very nice as always though.
He takes it to another level. Highly sophisticated operations.
Chapter 11 - Breeding Bonanza
Flowering Day 13

Things are going swimmingly. Roughly 1/3rd of the plants are several days into their stretch and the remaining are getting started. Should see some explosive growth over the next week as well as furry bud sites. The plants I'm turning male are progressing a bit quicker than the females so I decided to move them into their own room for now. The girls should be ready for them any time between day 28 and day 35.


Most of plants are getting watered once per day now. The others are every 2nd or 3rd day. So far, I'm watering and feeding as if I was using Coco. I've never grown in rockwool so this will be another cool learning opportunity.

I haven't really gone into too much detail about how I feed and I intend to this round. Also, I'm experimenting with DIY PH Up - the final bottled ingredient I'm still using...more on that later.

Here is a graph of how I will be feeding:
The only change I've made since switching from Coco to Rockwool is dropping Calcium from 160 PPM to 150 PPM.
(PPM's listed are on the 500 scale)

Feeding Schedule.jpg

The important thing to mention is Potassium. I use RO water and after I mix, the PH is always around 4.1. I have to use quite a bit of PH Up, which adds Potassium. I don't have good data on exactly how much but I will be working on that this round. The potassium listed above does not take into account what PH Up adds.

Until next time :)
What’s up dude? I am so interested in seeing you rock the wool.
Sorry I haven't updated. Things are going fine. I've been taking small samples here and there to check on seed progress and yesterday I took samples from every plant. I'm currently doing a rapid dry on the samples and plan on grinding up the flower on Friday or Saturday to collect the seeds. If they look mostly finished, I'll go ahead and chop all of the plants down this weekend and then hopefully get these planted a couple of days later. Don't want to germinate too fast or I'll get a poor germination rate. But I'm EAGER to get these seeds going. I'm still debating on how to distribute the 24 plants, but here is my latest thinking...subject to change of course:

(3) 2-16 x 2-16
(3) 2-5 x 2-16
(2) (Chem 7 x Chem 9) x 2-16
(2) Old Soul x 2-16
(2) Headbanger x 2-16
(2) Mango Lotus x 2-16
(2) C99 x 2-16
(2) Malawi x 2-16
(2) Bubba Kush x 2-16
(2) Chem Kesey x 2-16
(2) App x 2-16

This is going to be somewhat of a Pre-Review. I won't be taking any clones. I'll probably take samples from all 24 at days 50 and 60 and try and get them reviewed before I harvest everything. The idea is that I want to have 2 or 3 crosses picked out and then do 8 or 12 of each for a proper selection.
It's kind of a crap shoot because random F1's have almost zero uniformity or predictability. I'm really hoping that 2-5x2-16 prereviews well because they both ticked all of the boxes except in the taste department.

I'll get some pics snapped. Seeded plants are not all that impressive to look at though :)