Hot Diggity's Lab

Led is probably my next jump, I’m a diy type person and would love to build something, but I haven’t a clue where to start. I’m gonna get some more miles out of the 1kDE, but I can see the writing on the walls if I intend on running 365.
You came to the right place then :)

High Quality LED's are going to cost 10x (at least) as much as HPS...and that's if you're DIY *and* you give a shit about even coverage. I love LED's but this little room you've been looking at...
( 36 ) Quantum Boards
( 18 ) Drivers
( 36 ) Heat Sinks.

About $4500 just in lights.

Just saying.
I just happen to be doing well financially so I can afford this stuff. But if I think about a small scale cost analysis, I think HPS as the primary and perhaps some LED as supplemental is probably the way to go. I would look at adding LED side lighting to supplement HPS overhead. I would also think about color spectrum. HPS is what...2700K? Maybe some 4000K LED horizontal.
Quick update on my build.

New RO system installed. 70 gallon rez and 75 gallons per day production.

RO 1.jpg
RO 2.jpg

A set of 4 wireless WiFi water leak detectors with mobile alerts. If they work well, I'll be getting more.
Water Leak Sensor.jpg

All of the plumbing is complete and here is what I made for the runoff. Hoping a passive garden hose will work. If not, I'll hook up a pump.
Drain Line.jpg

Prototyping different layouts, orientations and lengths of 1/4" tubing from the manifolds to the plants. Here is what I like the best so far (subject to change)
I want two 1/4" lines per plant for even watering but I can't have each manifold only serving 4 plants so I am adding a T to each line coming from the manifold.

And finally, and arguably the biggest news, I'm moving away from Blue Planet Nutrients. I'm a huge fan and have had amazing success with them. But I've been considering going the DIY route for about 2 years now. And with this new automatic watering system, it seems like the perfect time to switch. This is taking up a tremendous amount of my time as I try and wrap my head around the chemistry but I think it's worth it.

I just finished up with my 1st recipe using RO water. I hope it works and I'm sure I'll be coming up with many more recipes in the future. But for now, starting off basic.
DIY Nutrients.jpg

Almost all of the *stuff* I've been waiting on arrives next week so I'll be a lot closer soon.

Cheers :)
Another quick update. We're getting close! I still have tons to do but many remaining tasks can be done over the next few weeks and months so I can confidently say that we are less than 2 weeks away from go time.


Need to wash 13 more containers worth of Coco and then we're done with that. I put in the work to really wash this coco well. I've had so many issues in the past. Fingers crossed.

I made 3 different configuration prototypes for the 1/4" lines coming from the manifolds and this is what I'm going to go with:


It's important that all of the lines are of the same length otherwise water delivery will be inconsistent. This unfortunately means that the lines produce a bit of a mess. Since this is my 1st ever automatic watering system, I'm doing the best I can so if you see any opportunities for improvement, please don't hesitate to tell me!

I really didn't want only (1) 1/4" line per plant. It's already going to be a challenge to keep these covers as level as I can. By having two, I have a better chance at even watering. But I have so many containers, I can't have each 8 port manifold only feed 4 plants - too many manifolds. So what I'm doing is running a 25 inch line from the manifold to a T and then running (2) 15" lines to a plant. 12 Manifolds x 8 ports = 96 lines. My current configuration has 93 containers. I should probably fiddle with the plant spacing and just make it an even 96...duh.

Rest of the floraflex stuff arrives Monday.
My pump has not shipped yet. Supposed to ship Friday.
My last order from Drip Depot was supposed to arrive yesterday but it seems FedEx has lost it. Once that arrives, I can connect all of the drain lines from the tables to the totes underneath.

I've made my final decision on what I will be growing.
- '91 Chem S1
I'm looking for a super gassy/fuel/diesel pheno. And my 2nd objective is a really nasty skunky one (unlikely I'll find one but not impossible)

- A Skunk #1 x Afghani cross that I'm fortunate to be in possession of. The few I've messed with have a really classic sweetness that can only be described as Orange and/or Grape Crush Soda. It's also possible that a nasty skunky pheno could be in here but again, unlikely.

- Bodhi Goji OG F2's - courtesy of @Houstini. Thank you for sharing homey :)
I have no experience with this one so I'm not seeking anything specific. Depending on what I find, there may or may not be a keeper or two.

The outcome of this round will shape my crossing strategy for the next.
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Quick update...

The last thing I'm waiting on is my water pump. Will be here Thursday.

I started the grueling 1/4" line work and my fingers are wrecked after the 1st day.
(12) 8 Port manifolds
(96) pieces of 1/4" tubing at 44"
(96) T connectors
(192) pieces of 1/4" tubing at 15"

I made it 1/3rd of the way.
I'll probably be able to finish these by Friday.

Ignore the big black tote - I'm just trying to fix a silicone seal issue.



Once the pump arrives, I'll begin testing. This is a rather complex build. Especially since I've never made any kind of automated watering system before.

And if I didn't already have enough on my plate, I'm also migrating to DIY nutes. Having absolute control over everything kind of suits me...if you haven't noticed.

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Quick update...

The last thing I'm waiting on is my water pump. Will be here Thursday.

I started the grueling 1/4" line work and my fingers are wrecked after the 1st day.
(12) 8 Port manifolds
(96) pieces of 1/4" tubing at 44"
(96) T connectors
(192) pieces of 1/4" tubing at 15"

I made it 1/3rd of the way.
I'll probably be able to finish these by Friday.

Ignore the big black tote - I'm just trying to fix a silicone seal issue.

View attachment 4762739

View attachment 4762743

Once the pump arrives, I'll begin testing. This is a rather complex build. Especially since I've never made any kind of automated watering system before.

And if I didn't already have enough on my plate, I'm also migrating to DIY nutes. Having absolute control over everything kind of suits me...if you haven't noticed.

View attachment 4762750
Looks awesome! I'm excited to see this one :bigjoint:

The key to not murder your hands with the 1/4 tubing is to hang an HPS, high powered halogen, reptile heat lamp, or some kind of heat source right above all your tubing. The heat makes it expand and slide on easier. Dipping the barbed fittings in coconut oil or some other type of lubricant helps too.