How am I doing?


Well-Known Member
Wow! Today I went to check up on my little plants and 2 of em are really purple! Should the bottom 2 leaves tun green, or should I just cut them off?


Well-Known Member
Only the bottom two real leaves are yellow, actually more like light green now, the new life is nice and green just soooo SLOW!!


Well-Known Member
Well bro, I don't know exactly what to say. I wouldn't use nutes for atleast another week to 2, I know its been along time, but they are tryin to recover. I don't know why they are growing so slow except for the nute burn. One thing I noticed is in all the pictures the soil on top looks very dry. I used to water every day. I would only use nutes every other. Typically you also want to wait atleast 2 weeks from germination before adding nutes, some times more, even then you should start the nutes off at 1/4 straingth. Does the soil you are using have and time release nutes in it? That might be causing some of your problem. Well just a couple ideas, hope something helps.


Well-Known Member
The soil I have does not have any nutes in it. I only watered with less than 1/4 strength nutes once when they were 3 weeks. They're now over a month old. I'm pissed!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I havn't had more advice man, I've only got a couple grows under my belt. I did think they looked kinda dry. I do know that with major shock, it can take a plant 2 weeks to start growing again, so if they had gotten shocked,or burned, then perhaps its just been taking along time to recover. You said that the new growth looks pretty good? Well then thats a good sign. Keep flushing them, and Try to encourage root growth. You might consider taking off the yellow dead leaves on the bottom. Give them another week, and see what they do. If they start to look up then you might be able to try a very weak nuterient watering. See if hey respond. Sorry I don't have more. I know who you might be able to talk to though. Here is link to his grow, he is a pretty good soil grower! I'd go ask him to check them out. You can tell him I sent you if you want lol. I'll check in tomorrow to see if you've figured anything out! Keep me updated man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link. I think I may be actually under watering. I let the soil be completely dry for a day or 2. I just watered them a couple of hours ago. I can't figure this out! ahhhhhhh, I need some more patience!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I havn't had more advice man, I've only got a couple grows under my belt. I did think they looked kinda dry. I do know that with major shock, it can take a plant 2 weeks to start growing again, so if they had gotten shocked,or burned, then perhaps its just been taking along time to recover. You said that the new growth looks pretty good? Well then thats a good sign. Keep flushing them, and Try to encourage root growth. You might consider taking off the yellow dead leaves on the bottom. Give them another week, and see what they do. If they start to look up then you might be able to try a very weak nuterient watering. See if hey respond. Sorry I don't have more. I know who you might be able to talk to though. Here is link to his grow, he is a pretty good soil grower! I'd go ask him to check them out. You can tell him I sent you if you want lol. I'll check in tomorrow to see if you've figured anything out! Keep me updated man.
Thanks for the tip. I PM'd him.:weed:


Well-Known Member
they look over watered but the soil looks too dry for that. maybe they need water and a little nitrogen. i need to see the leaf color under regular lighting to get a better idea.


Well-Known Member
What's up Thundercat :mrgreen:

*It's hard to tell color from the red output of the HPS, so yellowing is more pronounced...

I can suggest a few things...

Depending on how high the light is from them, when I start them under a 600W HPS from clone I keep the light a good 3 feet over them, after they start shooting up, I lower the light...

It can't be that the pot is too big, I put my clones directly into 5gal buckets.


It looks like they are in the 2.5 gal nursery pots, when you water, put at least a quart through them, it should be enough for sufficient runoff.

Then wait until the pots are light, and water again in the same method.

-You probably did overfertilize them, they don't need nutes until they are at the 4-5th node from seed.

You say your mix is pro-mix and potting soil... Most potting soil you can purchase already has nutes in the soil, wo this might also be a problem.


If you think you have excess nutrient buildup, (which may be you case, along with too much light, and a pH problem) a thorough flush should be done.

For a 2.5 gal pot, run at least 2 gals of plain pHed water through them, some suggest more, but 2 gals should be enough.

Follow that with a light feeding to replenish the soil with the proper amount of nutes.

Also, the proper pH for soil is 6.2

Water temps when watering should be 60 degrees - 70 degrees. 65 is best.

Also, room temp is best at 75 degrees, max 80.

If you're using co2, best temp raises to 83-85 degrees.


As far as your feeding, you didn't mention using Big Bloom, that's a big part of the veg chart for FoxFarm, if you're just using the GrowBig, you aren't getting all of the beneficial guanos and micros. Definately start using it.

And the plants shouldn't be turning purple, that's a sign of deficiencies, or a pH problem. If you have a pH meter, (which you definately should buy if you don't have one) test the plain water, adjust it to 6.2, and flush the soil. Collect the runoff, and test the pH, if there's a change from 6.2 then there is a pH problem in the soil.

Pro-mix is mainly peat moss, which has a low pH, Dolomite Lime is used to raise the pH of it when you mix up the soil, it's too late now, but now you know...

I think that covers all the questions you have... Back the light off a bit, and water properly and they should come out of it alright.



Well-Known Member
I was gonna mention also, the yellowing leaves won't come back to green, once new growth is established trim off all the dead shit. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here are pics in sunlight/ no HPS.

I raised the light from about a foot and 3/4 to 2.5 feet.

Oh and they are in 5 inch pots.

