Well-Known Member
Damn dude.. you really are stupid eh?I'm using a 600W... Not that big a difference...
If you notice, that's one cola... I saw a bic lighter was about the same size of yours... I see a twenty dollar bill is dwarfed by mine...
I think maybe you should learn before you teach
Always happy to help.
No difference?... fuckin 400 watt has like 42,000 lumens and a 600 watt has 92,000 say thats a big diference .. i dont think you really know shit about have your hippie buddy tellin you what to buy and do and you think your hot shit... you dont seem to know shit about N-p-k- levels... plant intake, lumens, root composition... Whos teaching you sone... I bet your that one little brother right?... am i right?..