How bad was/is bootcamp

I didn't, I would have pussed out and tried to protect my new bunny friend. Ive eaten fisheyes before on cooked fish to gross out my wife, they were yummy like gelatinis slimy stuff with a hard chalky thing in them.
I didn't, I would have pussed out and tried to protect my new bunny friend. Ive eaten fisheyes before on cooked fish to gross out my wife, they were yummy like gelatinis slimy stuff with a hard chalky thing in them.
Lol conclusion: ty sucks copious amounts of balls?
Is that hunanimous? I wish i could make a poll on here somehow...
Good choice, the USAF is the best service branch. I did 8 yrs, combat vet special operations. Heres what you have to know about the Air Force, they treat you good but they expect a lot in return. I was dissapointed in boot camp because it was just not very physically hard (heard its a little tougher now) BUT the DI's/everyone sweated the small stuff, for example they would stick a toothpick in your shaving cream can nozzle to try and pull a speck of shaving cream out, they found a speck on mine and threw my entire trunk down a flt of stairs, i shit you not...they would smash a ruler on your underwear (had to be 6 1/4 inches across) and try to get an xtra 1/8 inch more out of it...THEN theyd throw your trunk down the stairs I thought all of this was madness, UNTIL I got to my first assignment and then figured out why they did all this crazy stuff. Ya see most AF members are technicians, jet mechanics, high tech will be given a huge amount of responsibility at a young age, your actions (or poor actions) could cause an aircraft to crash, killing dozens of people and losing a 200 million dollar aircraft, so they want things done exceptions. This is how you will protect your country, and your military brothers in doing your job perfectly with no mistakes...THIS is how you win wars, but doing things exactly how they want em...see those A10s tearing into terrorists? 18 yr old kids are fixing, arming, loading, repairing those planes...everything has to be done right...lives of soldiers/marines are counting on you to do your job right the first time...

Guess I got off subject, anyway...USAF basic training isnt hard, just pay attention and keep your mouth do everything they ask, take no short cuts and youll be fine...oh, youre going to want to behave too, the USAF isnt big on bar fights, smoking grass, bad behavior etc, they are quick to throw you out of the service for bad behavior and you dont want that...saw tons of guys learn the hard, try and get something you can use on the outside...jet engine technician, linguistics ...or do this, become an aerial gunner on a/c130 gunships or on choppers...sick!!
I had a mtb accident and bruised my gooch really bad, anyways I was walking funny and had to be on light duty for a few days. They were punishing some new kid for underage drinking and they made me drive this poor kid up and down the flight line so he could vacuum out all of the mooring points. It was ridiculous.
I also remember how the entire squadron would get in trouble if someone got a DUI. They would make us come into work in dress blues at 7am on a Sunday and do uniform inspections then bitch us all out as if it was our fault that this guy we didn't know got a DUI. There is a lot of bullshit you have to put up with in the military.
Good choice, the USAF is the best service branch. I did 8 yrs, combat vet special operations. Heres what you have to know about the Air Force, they treat you good but they expect a lot in return. I was dissapointed in boot camp because it was just not very physically hard (heard its a little tougher now) BUT the DI's/everyone sweated the small stuff, for example they would stick a toothpick in your shaving cream can nozzle to try and pull a speck of shaving cream out, they found a speck on mine and threw my entire trunk down a flt of stairs, i shit you not...they would smash a ruler on your underwear (had to be 6 1/4 inches across) and try to get an xtra 1/8 inch more out of it...THEN theyd throw your trunk down the stairs I thought all of this was madness, UNTIL I got to my first assignment and then figured out why they did all this crazy stuff. Ya see most AF members are technicians, jet mechanics, high tech will be given a huge amount of responsibility at a young age, your actions (or poor actions) could cause an aircraft to crash, killing dozens of people and losing a 200 million dollar aircraft, so they want things done exceptions. This is how you will protect your country, and your military brothers in doing your job perfectly with no mistakes...THIS is how you win wars, but doing things exactly how they want em...see those A10s tearing into terrorists? 18 yr old kids are fixing, arming, loading, repairing those planes...everything has to be done right...lives of soldiers/marines are counting on you to do your job right the first time...

Guess I got off subject, anyway...USAF basic training isnt hard, just pay attention and keep your mouth do everything they ask, take no short cuts and youll be fine...oh, youre going to want to behave too, the USAF isnt big on bar fights, smoking grass, bad behavior etc, they are quick to throw you out of the service for bad behavior and you dont want that...saw tons of guys learn the hard, try and get something you can use on the outside...jet engine technician, linguistics ...or do this, become an aerial gunner on a/c130 gunships or on choppers...sick!!

yeah the only thing id ever want to be as far as flying is a A10 pilot

they dont fly that fast and your siting on goddamn titanium lol

And you are spot on concerning the DU rounds.

Let it be known that I would rather shoot from the hip and be wrong than google everything. GAU-8A it is. Thank you. Seriously Ty, no warthogs or attack helicopters. Be a logistic dude. See Antarctica, come home, go to school, work for Fed-Ex in a nice office w a pension n shit. Then retire and grow assloads of weed.
Clearly my assertion of the A-10 being the first thing targeted is based on my Cold-War background. You know, T-80s trying to punch through the Fulda Gap n shit. Those were the days. I miss those simulations.

Not sure the warthog will be in service by the time you finish flight school but I could be wrong; look at the B-52. As a young lad I looked at it as a pretty cool job too, or an Apache pilot. No disrespect for any of you who served - I was considering a couple of academies when I was Ty's age. (Wolverines!). But I am sooo fucking glad I didn't.