How bad was/is bootcamp

well ty, good luck. report in shape with a postive attitude and you will be fine.
boot camp is just a short part of your military career, kinda like the pre-game show.

the military was very good for me and to me, you get out what you put in.

i had a VA doc's appointment yesterday, thank you uncle sugar
If you want to get it right listen to General Patton:
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”

As far as this drivel, my father fought in two wars and spent 22 years in the USAF - I then devoted 24 years of my life to the service of my country in the USCG.
Very low pay and away from home over 300 days a year.
If you can say anything close to that I salute you - zero service to your countrymen earns you exactly that in my book.

about dieing in combat im not gonna run towards enemy fire to die lol im gonna run towards enemy fire so i can kill the fuck and if i die then i dont care because like i said before I rather die killing so my family back home doesn't have to

and yeah I myself have not served (of course) but just about all the males in my family served in ww2,korea,nam and the beginning of the golf war then i had two family members that served a few years ago as well

I thank you and your father for the service you have done for this country

same goes for all the vets reading this if it wasn't for you guys we truly wouldn't be the land of the free and the home of the brave
pay attention to every fucking thing they tell you, Ty. There's a dead serious reason behind everything

oh shit hahaha

my dad told me about this time a feller triped and was a few inches from being right under a starlifter cockpit which would have fried his brains out because of the communications equipment in the cockpit
dude, basic training is a cake walk, at least in the army. I found screaming drill seargeants very comical and because of that my arms are in great shape. I joined right after 9-11 so i could go get me some, i volunteered and did two tours in Iraq and after six years i got sick of shaving and running every day and let my contact run out. I would never go back but i wouldn't trade the experience for anything either. Go get a taste and see if you like it, nothing has to be permanent sighn up for a short term and see if its for you....
about dieing in combat im not gonna run towards enemy fire to die lol im gonna run towards enemy fire so i can kill the fuck and if i die then i dont care because like i said before I rather die killing so my family back home doesn't have to

and yeah I myself have not served (of course) but just about all the males in my family served in ww2,korea,nam and the beginning of the golf war then i had two family members that served a few years ago as well

I thank you and your father for the service you have done for this country

same goes for all the vets reading this if it wasn't for you guys we truly wouldn't be the land of the free and the home of the brave
Luckily for me they made me go through a bunch of bullshit to join the army my friend got right in their though I watched that shit them fools aint even fighting they take shots from a distance so if you go after them you will step on an IED then if you do see the guy it will look just like another civilian.

But my friend's Humvee got hit with an IED through him out the top and killed his whole crew got back was too fucked up for the army killed himself over a toothless junkie whore that used him to get a wedding dress and shit for her boyfriend in jail. Fuck that shit they want to come to me I'll fight but I'm not dying for my government they never did shit for me gave my brother damn near a life sentence for bullshit at 17 years old will be almost 40 when he gets out their are people doing less time for murder. I can careless what happens ain't going to be no terrorists out here.:bigjoint:

Plus if I had joined I would not own a home and have a wife and kid also I wouldn't have been able to accidentally tell a soldier his wife was a whore dumb bitch asked where she knew me from I was drunk like "oh you the bitch that was fucking that little bastard and the other fool dumped water on yall" shes like " that was my friend that did that, this is my husband" I just said "oh maybe" walked away laughing dude was pissed just got back from Iraq. :lol:
Ill get a true reply air force is the chair force all my family has done it go in and be out in 4 years....boot is easier with air force...and dont join the army thats only grunts
You do know they will do a background check on you right? They all do. I have little experience knowing Air Force policies, but, you do realize some of thes planes costs more that 100 million dollars a piece. And gawd only knows what all of the other stuff costs.

I say, join the navy. Get a low stress job, like a cook and you will be good to go.
Ty, the air force is totally not laid back, I would get in trouble for having some grease on my uniform and having my boots scuffed.... At the end of my shift, after changing brakes and tires all night long. And know that if you fail a drug test in the air force you are fucked. I had a friend fail for weed, our squadron took all his stripes away and made him our janitor for about a year, with weekend duty, while they processed his case. After being the squadron bitch for a year he was put in jail on base for a month then dishonorably discharged, no mercy. And no matter what amount of time you sign up for, you sign for 8, that's the minimum. You'll do your active time then finish out your 8 as inactive reserve. They never tell ppl this.
all the males in my family served in ww2,korea,nam and the beginning of the golf war

You'll get a chance to try out for special forces while in basic. I tried it but missed by 2 pull-ups :( you have to swim 1000 meters under 15 minutes, run 1.5 miles under 13 minutes, do 50 push-ups in 2 min, do 50 sit-ups in 2 min, then do 6 super strict pull-ups, all the way up legs can't move even a little. Upper body strength is a must for special forces.
Go for aircrew Ty. We got all the pussy and you might get to shoot some bad guys from the back of a helicopter. Best time of my life but I'm so much happier as a free man now.