How Big Is Your Vagina??


Well-Known Member
Me and eb was talking about how every thread is sorta the same in some ways,and that somebody has already started many threads with the same idea,so he says to me,nobody has ever done a "How big is your vagina thread" and I could have swore that I already did that one,and found out that i infact had not.this is a original new thread,I know nobody has done,so ladies and gents,I present to you....the how big is your vagina thread,ladies you know what to do,I mean this is when the men just step back and let the women do their thing LOL....the floor is yours LOL..
Like my dad once said a ladies pussy looks like a nice little butterfly in the begining but after mariage it turns into a
i'd line those two hunnies up in high heels and lay the deep stroke on one while tonguing the other. then switchin up. then picking one up and slamming her on the other. then tag teaming my bro meta to tage one of em. stay in line ladies, we wouldn't wanna use double-trouble on you :) cha-chingg!!(btw, I can totally understand how people precieve me to be 15. it's my personality and vibrant energy)
i'd line those two hunnies up in high heels and lay the deep stroke on one while tonguing the other. then switchin up. then picking one up and slamming her on the other. then tag teaming my bro meta to tage one of em. stay in line ladies, we wouldn't wanna use double-trouble on you :) cha-chingg!!(btw, I can totally understand how people precieve me to be 15. it's my personality and vibrant energy)

ohh fuck get kuroi into that too?? a little chocolate to mesh with my milk. c'mon 'n' stirrr it up!
