How Big Is Your Vagina??

I know somebody tried to measure they vag but just didn't post the results. Pussy lookin like a number 4 from Arbys #nshit
Me and eb was talking about how every thread is sorta the same in some ways,and that somebody has already started many threads with the same idea,so he says to me,nobody has ever done a "How big is your vagina thread" and I could have swore that I already did that one,and found out that i infact had not.this is a original new thread,I know nobody has done,so ladies and gents,I present to you....the how big is your vagina thread,ladies you know what to do,I mean this is when the men just step back and let the women do their thing LOL....the floor is yours LOL..
To big for you to handle :lol:
Fuck knows! Sufficient enough to take a half oz of hash away with me when I fly!!

God, they really have their uses! I love being a woman !! ;)
I dated a girl that was too tight, like I'm pretty sure that thing was waterproof. Tall girl 5'11", 125lbs or so.
I like little pussies, little as in length top to bottom. Can't stand the ones that look like they start at the belly button and end at the asshole.. Those are usually a big ole sloppy mess...

If I can cover the whole thing with my tongue we're golden!
Here in Cataluyna the people are very natural and from what I see on the nudist beaches and women's changing rooms there's a popularity for the hairy growlers rather than the shaven havens.

The one thing I'd like to erase from my memory is that post-op lady boy showing off her bits at the full moon party in Thailand. Looked like a cross between a sea urchin and the black hole! It weren't pretty.
Like i always say, if it dont fit make it fit :D
Took a bit to get used to, it still remains the worst sex I ever had, hottest chick I was ever with, tightest, but man it was not very good. I mean a little reciprocation goes along way, and just meh overall.
well hell if you could get it in there it should be a good time. wouldnt think it would be the WORST thing lol. damn you must have had some really good sex in your day if the hottest, tightest girl sucked in bed no pun intended.