How Big Is Your Vagina??


Maybe a few shims and gaskets can make that thing fit.
I think a major problem is that an erect penis has a rather invariable size.
A vagina is more of a potential space unless you get into sado like stretching it as far as one can.
It's a bit like asking how big a yawn is ... there are difficulties of definition. Jmo. cn
What I like is a large labia minora where they barely stick out past the labia majora. It looks nice. What made me sad is women think it's ugly! So they get them trimed off surgically and the labia majora hides them! Wtf! :(
I love the hot dog buns with a lil clit playin hide n seek through the outer lips. That shits hot

But let me say i give props to u ladies for even having vaginas. I heard they can be quite the hassle at times but let me assure you that most of us men love your vagina and we apriciate you for sharing them with us!
Me and eb was talking about how every thread is sorta the same in some ways,and that somebody has already started many threads with the same idea,so he says to me,nobody has ever done a "How big is your vagina thread" and I could have swore that I already did that one,and found out that i infact had not.this is a original new thread,I know nobody has done,so ladies and gents,I present to you....the how big is your vagina thread,ladies you know what to do,I mean this is when the men just step back and let the women do their thing LOL....the floor is yours LOL..

Me and Eb? Lol, I am the one complaining about repeat thread... Did you guess my nickname is Eb? (Ebony)'lol

Not very big. I could ask the GP seeing as they did a 'sounding' measuring the length of my vagina and uterus. I also have a rectocele and anterior vaginal wall collapsing so not much room at all. The sad thing is, Tip Topnis fucking huge, which is a problem at times but awesome if we find a good position and I get into it.. The pain can be pushed to the back of my mind. But hey, who doesn't Like them tight.

Thankyou ebgood, vaginas can indeed be difficult, complicated and painful for no real reason, but I try and bring joy with it where I can. I just hope Tip Top will still want me in years to come if I'm still broken.
I think a major problem is that an erect penis has a rather invariable size.
A vagina is more of a potential space unless you get into sado like stretching it as far as one can.
It's a bit like asking how big a yawn is ... there are difficulties of definition. Jmo. cn

This is true, the vagina stretches and contracts and the space inside can change as the cervix moves at different times of her cycle.

When a woman is aroused, her organs all move up to make more room down there for your penis, so foreplay is important not just for lubrication, if you've ever seen an MRI of intercourse you will realise how much internal trauma a woman deals with and how many organs you are poking.

But Rainman, because of the many mysteries of the vagina, I actually started a thread about it for question time lol

What we also need is a thread on male and female contraception; user reviews and how they have to be implemented differently by men and women.