I weighed 280 and now I weigh 185. I didn't train, I didn't diet. That stuff works for people that don't get high. I smoke dosido and that helps curb my appetite. I eat everything that I want, but I wait until I have rumblings in my stomach, before I start cooking. I'm hungry when I eat. Everything I cook tastes so much better when I'm hungry. I do limit my eating after 8pm. I don't watch as much tv. I take stairs instead of elevators. I work on my yard digging up trees and replanting them. I try to stay on my feet most of the day. I rest very little. I have been doing this for over a year and I'm trying to get back down to 160. I've been hung up on 185 for a couple of weeks. I've cut out most dairy, except yogurt drinks and cheese. I'm not a doctor or workout bro, I just try to be honest with myself. That works best for me. Some people can rationalize what they do, and pretend it should work. It is a simple mathemagical formula that can make it happen. If you work harder and eat less before sleep, you will become stronger. When you get stronger, and still eat less before sleep, than when you were gaining weight, you will lose weight.