How can I quickly get rid of gnats?


Well-Known Member
I’ve got rockwool cubes in a ebb and flow tray. Gnats are flying around the roots. I’ve tried apple cider vinegar with no success. Anyone know a quick safe way to get rid of the gnats?
yellow stick traps for the soil; use these always.
make a little trap with the acv + a few drops of liquid dish soap like dawn. the gnats are attracted to the vinegar and then the dishsoap coats their bodies and they drown. these are best made in small bowls or cups, and i like to also put a piece of plastic wrap over the top and then poke holes in that. they essentially can't figure out a way out, and then eventually hit the liquid, and boom. done.
microbe lift is longer-term solution that will knock back the larva living in the soil and feeding off the roots. if you don't kill the larva, you're just gonna be constantly dealing with the adults and in a never-ending cycle.
Microbe lift hasnt worked for me, not sure if it's because I use it in tap or got a bad batch. I'll keep at it but in the meantime I got a bug zapper ($20 off amazon) that keeps them at bay until I can completely get rid of them. I've grown to love the sound of them getting fried from the bug zapper but I do want them gone!
yellow stick traps for the soil; use these always.
make a little trap with the acv + a few drops of liquid dish soap like dawn. the gnats are attracted to the vinegar and then the dishsoap coats their bodies and they drown. these are best made in small bowls or cups, and i like to also put a piece of plastic wrap over the top and then poke holes in that. they essentially can't figure out a way out, and then eventually hit the liquid, and boom. done.
microbe lift is longer-term solution that will knock back the larva living in the soil and feeding off the roots. if you don't kill the larva, you're just gonna be constantly dealing with the adults and in a never-ending cycle.
Yes I’ve already tried vinegar and soap it doesn’t work
Microbe lift hasnt worked for me, not sure if it's because I use it in tap or got a bad batch. I'll keep at it but in the meantime I got a bug zapper ($20 off amazon) that keeps them at bay until I can completely get rid of them. I've grown to love the sound of them getting fried from the bug zapper but I do want them gone!
I just had my first encounter with fungus gnats. I used the same product (for BTi bacteria). I also set up yellow sticky traps to monitor the critters. Initially, I thought they were gone after a week, but I was wrong, they were back. I was also doubting the effectiveness. A month later, I can confidently say they're all gone. None on the sticky traps for the past week or so. I think the BTi is only effective in killing the larvae at an early stage. From what I read, the fungus gnat larvae stage is roughly 3 weeks, so that makes sense.

BTi works, but takes a month or so to fully eradicate gnats.
I just had my first encounter with fungus gnats. I used the same product (for BTi bacteria). I also set up yellow sticky traps to monitor the critters. Initially, I thought they were gone after a week, but I was wrong, they were back. I was also doubting the effectiveness. A month later, I can confidently say they're all gone. None on the sticky traps for the past week or so. I think the BTi is only effective in killing the larvae at an early stage. From what I read, the fungus gnat larvae stage is roughly 3 weeks, so that makes sense.

BTi works, but takes a month or so to fully eradicate gnats.

Yeah I probably just need to keep at it, defiantly a lot less than before but still enough to still to be annoying. Thanks, I stay on it for a solid month!
Microbe lift hasnt worked for me, not sure if it's because I use it in tap or got a bad batch. I'll keep at it but in the meantime I got a bug zapper ($20 off amazon) that keeps them at bay until I can completely get rid of them. I've grown to love the sound of them getting fried from the bug zapper but I do want them gone!
it took me ~3 wks to really see a difference on the sticky traps when i started microbe lift. i made up a 5 gallon batch of tap water and put 30 drops in that, and watered in with the treated water every-other-watering. i only have 4 3-gallon pots so it took me a few waterings to work through it, but it's really helped.
it took me ~3 wks to really see a difference on the sticky traps when i started microbe lift. i made up a 5 gallon batch of tap water and put 30 drops in that, and watered in with the treated water every-other-watering. i only have 4 3-gallon pots so it took me a few waterings to work through it, but it's really helped.

I've had it since September & have used it every watering at one point. I probably had a lapse due to them going away for awhile & then coming back. Just have to make sure I keep at it for a whole month & not slack off.
I agree with answer # 1 just keep tossing a few chunks couple weeks. nothing is instant unless its poison.
I’ve been looking online for the last hour or so. Can I use the mosquito dunks in my reservoir? 30 gallon reservoir ebb and flow system
I used the Microbe Lift in my res for a month. I assume, once dissolved, the bits would work just the same.
I did notice it raises the pH quite a bit; something to keep an eye on.
Thank you so this will kill the gnat larvae and not affect or hurt my plants right?
I’ve been looking online for the last hour or so. Can I use the mosquito dunks in my reservoir? 30 gallon reservoir ebb and flow system
Yes Its a simple bacteria thats targets the gnats, mosquitoes nymphs so it may take a week or so to run the cycle so not a quick fix.